Negative sagittarius horoscope

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  1. Really Distinctive Traits of a Sagittarius
  2. The Dark Side of Sagittarius: Showoffy, Infantile, Obsessive, Preachy | Exemplore
  3. One Lone Sagittarian Can't Be Wrong
  4. The Dark Side of Sagittarius: Showoffy, Infantile, Obsessive, Preachy

On one side, they will compliment you generously and genuinely; but, on the other hand, they will speak the bitter truth, that can hurt you. But, the archer will be bewildered by your reaction and even wonder what annoys you on hearing the truth.

Really Distinctive Traits of a Sagittarius

Therefore, they are often tagged as being tactless. Although Sagittarians can be rude and sarcastic at times, they never deliberately mean to hurt or insult anyone. Remember, beneath their cool and casual exterior, is a childish and a lovely heart that is free from cruelty and deception. On the less brighter side, they are very impatient and restless , and do not like to keep themselves tied to a relationship or a demanding career.

Although, most of the career choices suit them, their qualities like dominance, boastfulness and direct speech can jeopardize their career and relationships. Sagittarians are good with money and finances, but, often fall on the extravagant side.

Secondly, ordering them to do anything usually falls on deaf ears and they will never ever do it. Although they have a far-sighted and intuitive nature, Sagittarians can lose it all, thanks to their procrastination.

When talking about their physical characteristics, note that these individuals are usually muscular and quite thick set. They are tall and have a pleasing disposition. Eyes of Sagittarius individuals are specifically peculiar as they are bright, lively and alert.

The Dark Side of Sagittarius: Showoffy, Infantile, Obsessive, Preachy | Exemplore

Natives of this sign are generally jovial, exuberant and energetic. Overall, their personality is quite charismatic. You may think that the Sagittarius woman lacks feminine charms. But, think again, for she is very friendly, outspoken, bright, and pleasant. She lives under no illusions, and is very optimistic and enthusiastic about life.

If you are close to her, you will see her emotional side and will always want to care for her. But, she is very outspoken and will refuse to lie for the sake of it.

She will never falsely compliment her partner or falsely say what he wants to hear. Her outspoken nature can sometimes cause problems in her relationship. But, if you let her be as she is and encourage her to pursue her dreams, she will be extremely loyal to you to the point of trusting you blindly.

Typical male representatives of this sign are very practical and broadly optimistic. They always have an eye for the big picture, rather than getting into the finer and minute details.

They have big dreams and goals that may or may not turn into reality every time. But, they seldom get disheartened, and have a rare ability to start again with the same vigor and enthusiasm.

Sagittarians are also blessed with luck that never seems to run out.


On the other hand, boredom makes them very miserable. Due to this attitude, these individuals tend to change careers or even partners when the excitement is over.

You should never doubt a Sagittarius male's integrity or be prepared to fact his temper. Remember, both, Sagittarian men and women have a nasty temper, albeit it does not last long. He is constantly putting me down and tells me that all women are stupid. I'm sure that this isn't always the case with sags , at least I hope not. I still agree with cubo.

He said it best! And I couldn't agree with him more. Once I get the courage to end the relationship before I decide to go out on a future date with someone new ill be sure to ask them when their birday is.

What you said is very practical n echoed some of my thoughts as well, infact i signed up for this site just to make this reply n thank you! Sweet no sounds better than the rude yes. And this article was nothing but a ruse yes to bring out our "dark side" which we call truth, blunt truth on the account of anything.

We don't only say things to dare the norms but we also dare to say it when everyone is running on circles. It could be awkward and nasty of what we are capable of but do we really commit in doing it? Or we just raise the level of awareness by storming and highlighting the situation?

Those who were born in storm to create typhoons do not fear the wind, or breezes. We neglect them for being too negligible and naive when it comes to what we have to do.

Some call is arrogance, some call it courage. It all depends what was the subject and what was the object, we are just the verb. You could have an object and Subject in a sentence but without the verb nothing makes sense or completes the notion.

If you even want to say something, you shouldn't use the part to judge the whole and regardless of signs, entertainers will always be entertainers. But i feel its your ignorance of this sign, because the sags are the most independent signs, we don't ask people to do things for us, we are not showoff that's why a sag will help you and expect nothing in return, also our sense of dressing is moderate, we don't seek attention but attention seeks us.

We are sinisters because we are the most forgiving signs and we do let go of things. The fact that we are childish is for those we are close to but otherwise we are very mature. Its because of our childish nature that we tend to see the bigger picture, to forgive like a child,trust like a child and see the good in everyone no matter their bahaviour.

It is also this childish nature that makes people to be themselves around us. So please stop hating, you could say negative traits of a sign without coming off as offensive. Kindly stop hating we sags. Finally, a page showing the darker side to the 'ever-friendly' nightmare known as Sagittarius.

You could write about Pisces, Taurus etc all day and perhaps find one or two people who are unhappy about any negative portrayals, but generally they will agree with SOME points For the most part, they simply cannot see all the negatives that others see in them.

For some reason, they are totally blind to how nasty they can often appear to others.

One Lone Sagittarian Can't Be Wrong

Many will even read this post and automatically assume theat I must have it all wrong Sag's will preach as usual about how wrong any negative portrayals are and get quite uppity about it.

Very often, they are deluded self-promoters and absolutely will not entertain the idea that they have flaws They are condesending, know-it-alls, who tend to have one specialist subject which they go on and on about. This gets really cringey and embarrassing in a social setting.

This weird attitude happens with a smug 'wise' look which suggests 'Poor, poor you They cannot keep secrets at all Once they find out your secrets, they blabber them to absolutely everyone asap, while laughing at your stupidity. They will then moan about how everyone tells them their problems Challenge them why they spread your secrets and they'll brush you off and tell you to 'get over it!

I hate my job Sag's are also hugely passive-aggressive. They often won't commit to a relationship, but dare their lover get bored with them and actually look for another partner who'll commit, then they get mega nasty. They will go to huge lengths to chip away at the new lover's character.

They will wedge themselves back into their old lovers life They don't necessarily want the lover back, they simply will NOT be beaten by a perceived competitor.

Again, Scorpio gets a bad rap for being jealous As the article suggests, Sag is often rotten from the inside-out bad breath is common too , this rot usually pollutes the people they're most jealous of.

They are the masters of 'death-by-a-thousand-cuts.

They will happily, secretly kill your reputation and love every moment of doing it. The best gifts these natives received from the Zodiac are their ability to laugh and accumulate friends actually, not real friends, but fair-weather aquaintances To end on a positive note though, over the years, I have met a few very 'evolved' Sag's they are rare, but they do exist.

They lose that maniacal, constant laughing and that weird 'I'm-ready-for-my-close-up' gameshow host expression. They have this wonderful air of 'anything is possible' and you feel like they can make all your dreams and wishes come true, like a fairy godmother or a wise deity.

We need more Sag's like that!

I was wondering, are there any Sags that have issues with Aries. I am an Aries and am genuinely terrified when I find out a new female friend is a Sag. It has always been Sag females never males.

The Dark Side of Sagittarius: Showoffy, Infantile, Obsessive, Preachy

I have never seen this mean girl type of behavior so consistently with any other sign. Also I don't see it towards any other sign so consistently. I guess what I'm asking is, Sag ladies, do you notice yourselves have strained relationships with Aries females??

My boyfriend is a Sagittarius.

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I'm cutting him out of my life soon, but during the time I knew him he went so far as to fake serious mental illness, abuse, and hallucinations so people would pay attention to him. I know he's lying, because all the stories he tells are way too far-fetched to be even remotely plausible. He's incredibly childish in the worst way.

I've been trying to figure him out forever- thank you for this!! OMG, this is my mother. I've have tried countless times to try and figure this woman out. This person cannot be a Sagittarius. We're not like look at me! The accuracy was that we are immature, or I am I don't want to grow up. I mean at one point you're gonna want to stop growing when you can't stop your wrinkled hands from shaking.

I expect to be treated like a quality person We sagittarians the normal ones I think and we have a very clear scope of life and vocalize it with the precision it was received. Sagittarians are HD people, we are a high def version of the world's variety.

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. I think that I have a dark side some time. I literally live in my head when I'm working trying to be entirely to be to logical with situation.

Some things said above are true for the Sagittarius born in the 1st week. I know for me I do like attention love shopping and looking good. Enjoy a lot of overly modern things for decoration. I also love very exotic food.

I can be a introvert at time. They're also quick to run away from unpleasant situations, obligations, or responsibilities and are known quit in the middle of what they are doing if something better or more fun comes along.

All of this leads some people to consider them undependable. Probably the most negative aspect of a Sagittarian's nature is that they are hot-headed and quick-tempered. Their temper can erupt over even the most trivial matters and when it does, they use words to attack and can come on so quick and strong they're frightening.

Then, just as quickly as they get mad, they're over it. A Sagittarian is seldom malicious, but not everyone can deal with their bombastic, careless, and mouthy nature. However, those who can are in for a treat because regardless of their negative qualities, a Sagittarian friend or lover can be the most fun and interesting person you'll have in your life.

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All Sagittarians have the potential for what's written above, but it's important to remember that in addition to the Sun , there is the Moon, the ascendant , numerous planets , and other points, as well as the 12 signs and 12 houses an individual's horoscope.

Any of these can magnify, mitigate, or even nullify the negative aspects of any Sun sign.