Libra weekly astrology forecast 9 january 2019 michele knight

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Skip to content horoscope. Award winning written and video horoscopes. Relax in our new members area. Monthly General Astrology Forecast January read more. Mercury finally moves out of Retrograde Shadow on December 24 giving all of us an opportunity to kick-start those […] read more.

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Not talking about sex? Things vanilla or even non-existent? Nobody can sustain the passion we feel at the start of a relationship over the long term despite what the media would like us to think. But we can deepen and reawaken it.

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This is your house of investment after all. Think of it this way. Another great taboo in our society is a reluctance to talk about long term relationships where sex is entirely absent although statistics tell us these are a lot more common than what we think.

The 8th house does not just rule sex — it rules the lack of it too. If you are in a relationship where this has become the norm and are both happy about it, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

However, if I have described your situation and you are not happy about it, Uranus will bring about a radical change in this situation one way or another. Jupiter will spend most of in your 3rd of communication, education and commerce.

Think back 12 years if you were 18 or over at that time.

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Especially if it relates to any of the following: What you are going to find is that if you were experiencing any of these themes 12 years ago they will be back now with a vengeance. And quite possibly better than it might have done the first time around.

Benefits may flow to you from your neighbours or your siblings or cousins if you have them. And while travel is highlighted with Jupiter in here, you may also find the world comes knocking on your door.

Want to be an Airbnb host? This is a great cycle for that. The people you encounter this year will broaden your horizons or expand your experience of the world. Travelling via books, ideas or studying is also favoured. News, messages and communications will dominate the year as this house is ruled by Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods.

Jupiter in here can also expand not just the way you get around — a better car, an interest-free loan on that season ticket for example, but also how you communicate.

This is your house of commerce and business. These are your two major transits for this year. But it all gets personal when the personal planets are involved of course. The year begins with a boost for all those Jupiter themes I just talked about with an added magic touch of romance thanks to your ruler Venus meeting him in your 3rd on Jan February could bring fated encounters or see you making career in-roads as Venus moves on into your 4th and will meet first Saturn and Pluto in here.

Fire up those ambitions and see yourself as a powerhouse of potential now. If they enter your life take it as a sign you belong with them. March and April bring is a rare event for you.

Michele Knight's Blog

You have two full Moons in your 1st — one a Supermoon across two consecutive months. Remember a full Moon reflects the light back into the opposite house to the one it appears in.

Libra December weekly 24th December 7th Jan 2019

This is your 7th of partnerships so this is all about you and another person and your feelings and emotions. You have an unusually long window between these Moons to work this all out. Also be on the lookout for a potential love interest who appears now.

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Especially as the second full Moon on April 19 appears the day before Venus enters her ruling 7th in your chart representing an unusually long cycle of attraction.

Venus will make a come-hither angle to Jupiter in. May before meeting Uranus later in the month. Visualise what you want and think about this creatively in vivid pictures.

By the time Venus meets Uranus on May 18 then let go of your images and be open to what responds to your call. June and July could just re-write your success story as Venus transits your 10th of career, recognition and rewards. Was someone once the music of your soul — or even your muse?

Chiron retrograde in your 7th from 11th July could see them return or you healing long standing wounds around love or partnership matters this also applies to business relationships too. August and September represent powerful links to your past and expect past themes or people from your past to make an appearance now.

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Yes, some of this is relevant if it appears in a fresh form or you have re-purposed your past from a fresh perspective. New beginnings will beckon in September when Venus and Mercury arrive in your 1st ahead of the Sun on the 23rd. You have an opportunity now to build on the achievements of the year and end it on a high note as Venus first transits her ruling money house and then will make one final meeting with Jupiter in your 3rd on Nov 24 — the day Mars and Uranus put you in a power position when it comes to financial rewards and negotiations.

This could well be the day when you put the past well and truly behind you. December sees Jupiter leave your 3rd and arrive in your 4th of home, family and security.

Understand that the successes of this year and your willingness to embrace change have been setting you up for this cycle to begin. While you need to remain flexible you now also need to plan in the long term. Invest any gains of this year into creating your foundation. Look to your home and where you are living and expect expansion.

Invest in your lifestyle or create your dream one. If you love where you are living, commit to it and improve or extend it in any way you can. If you are not satisfied — do something about it.

Jupiter in here may see many of you who have been unable to get on the property ladder take the first rung now.

December 15, 2018

But even if you are renting and want to move, Jupiter should deliver you a bigger, better property than you thought you could afford. This is your future.

Two full Moons in the same sign consecutively. Libra Is an air sign ruled by Venus the planet of love. You are kind and fair and hate disharmony and arguments. You love beautiful things and can always see the beauty in the people you meet. Your soul lesson is to not get caught in indecision but to express your voluptuous humanity!

Your best cycle for love and opportunity in 12 years arrives now as Jupiter enters your sign, Libra! Each sign has planets which help or hinder when it comes to attracting money into your lives.

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Discover the power of your money planets. You share your ruler Venus with Taurus but as you are an Air sign and Taurus is of course, an Earth sign, your Venus influences you in slightly different ways.

Yes, you are drawn to many of the same things as Taurus — you love the finer things of life, but the emphasis may be […]. Michele lets you in on the essential soul hacks for love success. Your North Node points the way to your Soul Mate. Want the inside track when it comes to knowing what turns your lover on?

Then check out our astro-seduction tips. Venus Uranus Transits Venus Conjunct Uranus Like a bolt from the blue this transit can give you a radical insight into your needs. Uranus always provides an awakening and also a release. Love may suddenly take a […].

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Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition. Skip to content your libra horoscope page. The week ahead for libra. View your written weekly astrology reading What sustains your soul? Fund your future Do it your way — with style Jingle bells — or is that cash registers, Libra?

View your written monthly astrology reading. View your written yearly astrology reading. All about libra Libra Is an air sign ruled by Venus the planet of love. Below you can find free daily, weekly monthly and annual readings for Libra. Please select your star sign For your personalised horoscope page full of free goodies Yes, you are drawn to many of the same things as Taurus — you love the finer things of life, but the emphasis may be […] read more.