Cancer weekly horoscope 9 january

Cancer Daily Horoscope
  1. Horoscopes: December 28-January 3
  2. Today's Cancer Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018
  3. Cancer Weekly Horoscope 17 - 23 December 2018
  4. Cancer Weekly Horoscope |

As the Moon slips into Leo, giftgiving and money matters will be on your mind. Mercury is back to speed, moving out of a retro phase on the 25th, when any work or health decisions will be easier to make. From the 28th to the 30th, romance and love relationships are highlighted together with entertainment. The weekend may also be the right time to crash and enjoy the comforts of home and family.

Mercury in your solar 6th house helps you to do well in any situation that involves application of analytical skills and processing of information raining from varied sources. Sun shifts into your solar 7th house on December 22nd suggesting the need to be more balanced and objective in your approach to all matters.

Avoid striking an overly independent stance regarding anything. Venus in your solar 5th house continues to rain good luck your way. The conditions around your career, business partnership and relationship scene is likely to be frustrating in the short-term, dear Crabs. To brighten things up, Venus dances out of her retro phase on the 18th.

Horoscopes: December 28-January 3

Jump on opportunities, deal with the public, make friends, show affection. Now you plunge to the heart of your mate, or persuade business associates to reveal their finances. A high-tech investment looks good. Gentle love, travel, intellectual pursuits.


This area will draw you, perhaps mightily; yet it also holds unexpected, and often seemingly inexplicable results. This holds especially true with finances and sex.

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Though the few weeks ahead emphasize this tri-part possibility, the entire 17 months ahead offer the same warning. BTW, the open, honest side of relationships remains very favourable. You feel in love. The world shines with beauty. A relationship either sparks with sudden attraction, or surprises in the other direction.

To work, chores await. Take care of your health. Your Monday efforts could yield praise, even promotion vibes. Relationships, relocation themes, fresh horizons even mentally — accept different ideas , opportunities and dealings with the public fill this interval. You could fall in love!

This is admiration of someone; if only lust speaks, be cautious. The other person might be more than ready. Only one possible glitch, early Thurs. But a superb few days! Avoid an argument Fri.

Do some research or detective work.

Today's Cancer Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018

Relationships, fresh horizons, opportunities, relocation themes, and dealings with the public are emphasized this week and the next few. For the next 17 months, be cautious with all these themes — but especially this January and particularly Jan. For 6 weeks ahead, higher-ups grow impatient, yet might promote you.

Hug the kids, bake, repair, relax, sink into nature, garden and other beauties.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope 17 - 23 December 2018

A career demand might draw you away — be calm. Passion, romance, self-expression, creative and risk-taking actions, beauty and pleasure fill this interval, and fill it fortunately.

Your heart could soar. But someone met Tues. To work — and improve your health vitamins, exercise, etc. Usually, this would be a good time to start a new link, but consider carefully before you commit.

Is filled with chores, as are the next two. Do what is necessary, no more. This is a smooth, easy week. Just plod ahead and get it done. Errands, trips, visits, calls, paperwork. One of these might bring you to a love, or a mentally-stimulating friend. Be home, hug the kids and spouse! But be wary Tues.

Cancer January 2019 - Amazing Predictions!

A friendship leads to laughter, wit — value this person! Sidestep a conflict Fri. And the next two emphasize creativity, risk, winning, happy, charming kids, beauty, pleasure, and deep romance. Some of this will be good, but much will subtly sabotage your progress.

In pleasure, default to social pleasure or group activities. Monday starts 6 weeks of intense sexual desire — and magnetism. Seek money and bargains.

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Pay bills and send invoices. This is a light, busy, upbeat time. Perform errands, visits, travel, communications, media or paperwork. Be curious, ask questions, read, note details. Relationships lean toward harmony, affection, esp. This is your area of great good luck in You might buy a property — splendid results!

So do beauty, immediate pleasure, creative and speculative urges, sports and games. A new love might begin. Mostly smooth, but avoid a conflict over sex or finances Friday. August 22 — September 21 No sign is more skilled at untangling problems, in your own life, in the circumstances of others and in the world around you.

September 22 — October 22 You could easily get caught in interesting but ultimately pointless debates about the world around you and lives of others.

That seemingly minor first step could turn out to be life-changing. What you may not have understood, however, is those developments could involve surprising changes.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope |

For now, explore everything. Intimating as this seems at the time, doing so will be a huge relief, if not thrilling. However, it also frees you to explore options you feared would cause upset.