Venus sign compatibility cancer

More From Thought Catalog
  1. Comparing Venus Zodiac Signs
  2. Love sign compatibility: Comparing Venus signs in Astrology
  3. Erotic Astrology: Venus Signs — The Hoodwitch
  4. Love Sign Compatibility: Astrology/Zodiac

Comparing Venus Zodiac Signs

Venus in Taurus can be a very vocal lover, as Taurus rules the throat. Kiss them on the neck, let them speak sweet or dirty nothings to you, and know that communication is deeply important to them.

Some Taurean Venus people have beautiful singing voices, like Ariana Grande. This Venus loves mind games.

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For her, witty banter is foreplay. She ensnares the object of her affection in what appears at first glance to be an innocent conversation -- most likely about art, politics, or the latest controversy -- then turns the tables just to see what their reaction will be.

In moon-ruled Cancer, the seductive and nurturing aspects of the goddess align for a Venus who is unabashedly aware of her feminine wiles and unafraid to use them. She fully embodies all aspects of her womanhood, from bashful maiden to powerful mother to wise elder, at times within one encounter.

Ruled by the Lady Luna, this Venus is also highly intuitive. Stevie Nicks is a shining example of this, channeling her sensitivity through her music and timeless, ethereal style. Other notable Venus in Cancer people include Angelina Jolie, celebrity matriarch extraordinaire.

Many have played actual courtesans Nicole Kidman or modern sex symbols Dita Von Teese and Pamela Anderson , so the bedroom is their stage. They want to be seen, worshipped, and adored as the goddesses that they are.

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Keep in mind that Elizabeth Bathory was the paragon of Venus in Leo gone wrong. Other notable Venus in Leo people include Whitney Houston, another singular talent. That is to say that she never, ever looks or vibes cheap. Indeed, Venus in her fall can signify an interest in kink.

This Venus shows affection through complete devotion to her lover. Practice does make perfect, but spontaneity in the bedroom is great too! She vibes old world aristocracy no matter how mundane the setting. That said, she does love to be served. Treat her like a queen for best results. Venus is also dominant in this sign, but her energy translates in a more elevated way here than it does Taurus.

Venus in Cancer Horoscope (All about Cancer Venus zodiac sign)

Both of them may be surprised by the suddenness with which it occurs. The key is tapping into this power and using it consciously. Your gaze is your secret weapon. Once again, Venus is in her detriment. Here, the deep waters of Scorpio by turns buoy and overwhelm Venus -- a description which may sound eerily similar to your experience of love.

Venus in Scorpio attractions are all-consuming, heady affairs with a sense of soul kinship and karmic debts to be paid. Make sure to keep your boundaries strong. Her free spirit and sense of daring embody the essence of Venus in Sagittarius.

Mars enters Aries

This is the person you want to invite to your party. You want to be invited to their party! Ruled by time planet Saturn, Venus in Capricorn natives tend to be late bloomers.

If you or your lover has any lingering insecurities, direct communication is the best approach with this no-nonsense placement. After all, the sign is symbolized by lusty goat god, Pan!

The paragon of Venus in Capricorn allure is Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde, dressed to the nines and going after her money at all costs. The attraction is strong between you.

You have a uniquely nurturing approach to love and partnership. Your memory with regards to loved ones is outstanding! You cherish your partner, showering him or her with your concern and caring gestures.

Over time, your very different approaches to love can surface as difficulties, with the bottom line a clash of values. Your partner is flirtatious with you, and his or her teasing is actually a true show of love. Until you recognize this, it can be difficult for you to feel nurtured and cared for.

Your partner believes that any problem can be solved by talking it through.

Love sign compatibility: Comparing Venus signs in Astrology

You show love through practical gestures as well as commitment, and may leave your partner wanting for fun and excitement. On the positive side, your partner will be able to lean on you for emotional support and will value your ability to make him or her feel safe. This is important because your partner can go through some very insecure and uncertain moments.

Your partner needs to consciously pay more attention to tenderness in his or her exchanges with you, as this can only serve to strengthen the bond between you.

Both of you are protective, caring lovers. Because you share the same Venusian sign, both of your strengths and your weaknesses in relationships are highlighted! Sentimentality will run high in your partnership. Others will find you the most caring, sweetest of couples.

Erotic Astrology: Venus Signs — The Hoodwitch

You are inclined to dote on one another, offering sympathy to your partner, and gathering sympathy from him or her as well. The problem can be too much of a good thing! All of that mothering each other probably needs a bit of structure and discipline or you could get carried away with emotions.

There is a tendency for both of you to be somewhat shy in love, and, as a result, this relationship may be a little difficult to initiate or get off the ground.

Your lover easily feels threatened when a relationship feels like it is settling down! You demonstrate your love in subtle ways, revealing sincere concern about how your partner is doing and tending to his or her basic emotional needs.

Your partner is, in reality, fiercely loyal, and flirtatiousness is actually fueled by the need for flattery as well as an infatuation with feeling attractive. Your subtle, and oftentimes indirect, approach in love can be confusing for your more frank and direct partner.

Note that Leo is ruled by the Sun and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. These are two very different signs and planets! The result is a distinct difference in approaches to love.

Do not despair, however! With a healthy dose of tolerance, this relationship can work very well. Being aware of the different personality traits and needs of each partner is the first step to greater understanding. In fact, there is likely to be an enormous attraction between the two of you.

More than most people, you both need plenty of reassurance and expressions of warmth in order to feel satisfied in a relationship…for you, to build a sense of safety and comfort, and for your partner, to build confidence.

What you need to understand is that your lover has his or her ego tied up in relationships—your partner lives for love and romance!

This pairing is one of the better combinations in practice! Care and nurture will be a strong theme in this relationship. The physical and sensual aspects of love are important and emphasized in your relationship with this loyal and nurturing partner.

Both of you, however, crave security and dependability in partnership, and you are both very capable of delivering these things to each other.

Love Sign Compatibility: Astrology/Zodiac

You may find your partner lacking in the communication department, however, simply because he or she places higher value on non-verbal expressions of love. You need to understand that your partner is very sensitive to criticism, and what you might consider constructive criticism might result in some feelings of rejection.

With understanding and tolerance, however, your partner can help you see the forest for the trees, and you, with your gentle ways, can stimulate your partner to open up a little more than comes naturally to him or her. More than likely, there is a lot of respect between the two of you, and a feeling of security that is enviable.

Initially, the fact that both of you are sensitive to each other and very accommodating might make it seem like this is a match made in heaven. On further inspection, however, there is a key difference between your styles of loving that could easily become a bone of contention over time.

You express your love in a distinctly personal manner, while your partner is definitely more intellectually inclined, and his or her manner can seem particularly impersonal in your eyes. Your partner will quickly feel you out and get to know that you are a more sensitive soul than most.

Both of you value harmony. The more your partner presses you partner for the feedback he or she thrives on, the more you may be inclined to withdraw. As charming as your partner is, he or she might be able to coax you out of your shell. However, you both should be committed to keeping game-playing to a minimum, as that is one of the biggest problems that can arise between your different temperaments.

Your greatest strengths together are sensitivity and balance, so concentrate on developing these things in aboveboard ways.

Your partner will find you extraordinarily caring and supportive, and you will be thrilled at how willing your lover is to accommodate you and to compromise! This is considered an easier pairing than most because both of your Venus signs are in Water. Both of you take commitment rather seriously, and neither of you is frivolous with your feelings and expressions.

Your warmth and caring nature will feel regenerating to your partner, and you sense an all-encompassing love in your lover that appeals to you. In fact, he or she lives for it!

The attraction between the two of you is magnetic, deeply felt, and has the potential to withstand the test of time if other factors in synastry support it. Both of you tend to be possessive in love, and your memory is powerful. Communication should be as open as possible, as both of you tend towards holding silent grudges at times.

Your reaction to hurts is often internalized, while your partner can grow cold and unresponsive when he or she feels slighted.

However, the empathy that runs between you can soften any hard angles in your relationship. This is a confusing combination, although it has the potential to be very stimulating if you are willing to accept each other for who you are, and learn from one another! While you are at your best in a relationship that feels safe and secure, your partner is unhappy when a relationship becomes too predictable or confining.

You show your love through your attention and caring, and this wonderful quality can sometimes feel lost on your more free-wheeling partner.

Relationships that support growth in all directions are what gets your partner high and happy. He or she needs to feel like you are headed somewhere, and that the journey will be a fulfilling one both physically and mentally.

Intimacy, for you, is intoxicating. Rejection is your worst fear! If this relationship is allowed the time and space to grow, you can have some great fun with your lover, and he or she can certainly benefit from your more tender, emotional touch. You are sure to find each other fascinating indeed.

The attraction will be powerful as you represent qualities that your partner lacks, and vice versa. However, over time, your different partnership needs can cause a few problems. Your approach to love is sensitive and intuitive, while your partner is more practically inclined.

He or she prefers to have tighter control in the emotional department. However, both of you are very mindful of the future.

You are both quite willing to commit, although somewhat unsure about it at the beginning. This slow and cautious approach to commitment likely stems from the fact that both of you know that you are responsible people and rushing into something might get you into something that can be difficult to break. You have much to learn from each other, and loads to offer one another.

This combination can be a challenging one, simply because your styles and needs in love tend to be at odds with one another.