Blood moon february 18 astrology

  1. Intuitive Astrology: Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January - Forever Conscious
  2. Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
  3. Next Week:
  4. Eclipse 2018: Will the Blood Moon total lunar eclipse affect your zodiac sign TOMORROW?

There is no need for fear. Stay firm in your beliefs and actions. You will reap the rewards soon. This moon phase is all about money for you, Aries. Advice from a trusted friend or a professional is long overdue, and it could make a difference for your future.

This is why this full moon and its change-focused energy will be a challenge for you. Even though you might experience feelings of resentment, this is the opportune moment for reinventing yourself. Your work is valuable to you, maybe too valuable. But, people know they can rely on your adaptability and flexibility when it comes to change.

  1. Dedicated to your stories and ideas.!
  2. Aries (March 21 – April 19).
  3. .
  4. Intuitive Astrology: Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January 2018?
  5. ;
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  7. february 18 relationship horoscope?

It is time to see who your real friends are, Cancer. You have proved yourself to be reliable many times. But, who can you turn to in times of need? During this time, be wary of who you call your friend. All work and no play is a reality for you. Success is important, but so is taking time off to decompress.

Intuitive Astrology: Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January - Forever Conscious

During this moon phase, you should learn how to let things go and stop pushing yourself to extreme lengths. However, this full moon might trick you. While, this is not necessarily a bad thing, it can be a hard habit to break. This moon phase might force you to go at it alone because as you will soon find out, people tend to disappoint.

You are powerful all on your own. As previously stated, this full moon is focusing on change, and for you, Scorpio, that change will be in your relationships. Even if you feel reluctant to do so, make sure that you at least try.

Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture

Just know that this Blood Moon has your back. You only need to keep holding on a little while longer.

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  • They are often an instigator for change and illuminate areas of our lives that need attention. The Moon represents our emotions and how we feel safe and secure as we move through the world.

    TOTAL Lunar ECLIPSE in Aquarius July 27 Astrology-Numerology Forecast: Longest Eclipse of Century

    During an Eclipse, our sense of security and comfort is often shaken in some way, and we are given the opportunity to really look within and discover our fears, hopes, dreams and the truth.

    Seeing as this Blood Blue Moon Eclipse falls in the fire sign of Leo, it is really going to be guiding us to take charge of our lives and to step into that role of being the King or Queen of our own jungle.

    Next Week:

    As this is Full Moon energy, most of the action we are going to have to take will include clearing things out, doing away with the past and letting things go.

    Even though the fiery Leo energy will want us to act, there is also a need to retreat and to clear things from within first. In fact, hidden truths and buried emotions are likely to stir around Eclipse time, and you may need to let things rise up before you know the best course of action.

    Eclipses are always emotionally supercharged, and this is even more so. Old wounds from the past may resurface, and you may find yourself digging through some muck in order to make sense of the things around you. If things get intense, or your sense of security is shaken up under the presence of this Eclipse, remember that this is just so you can make some positive changes in your life.

    You always have an inner power and inner strength, and tuning into lion or lioness energy and finding your pride is really going to help you. When you feel safe and secure from within it gives you the confidence to express your truth, be who you are and to go after your dreams.

    Eclipse 2018: Will the Blood Moon total lunar eclipse affect your zodiac sign TOMORROW?

    This Eclipse is going to be helping you find your way through this, and to find your inner strength so you can feel confident in who you are and what you are here to do. If you allow the energy of this Blood Blue Moon Eclipse to filter into your life and you embrace the changes and inspirations that it brings, you will really be given a huge push to create a new state of being for yourself.

    A state of being where you can feel confident, loved and supported by yourself and by the world around you. A state of being where you have the confidence to be yourself and live your truth. To achieve this state of being, you have to connect with your heart center and tune into that intuitive voice of wisdom. This Total Lunar Eclipse carries a strong feminine energy and will really help you to connect to that intuitive, softer heart-centered place we all have inside.

    In fact, the strong feminine energy around this Lunar Eclipse is likely to bring about global changes for women as well. Under the presence of this Eclipse, we may experience a rise up of feminine power and a focus on equal rights for women.