Libra horoscope 14 february

December 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Libra
  1. Daily Horoscope by Moon Sign
  2. Libra Monthly Horoscope
  3. Libra Daily Horoscope - Wednesday, 14th February, 2018
  4. Libra Horoscope 2019

But still it needs watching. Enhance the health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. The good news here is that health becomes a focus from the 10th onwards. Spiritual healing is especially powerful on the 18th and 19th.

You entered one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks on January 20, and this continues until the 19th. Time to enjoy your life and express your personal creativity Libra is very creative.

Children and children figures in your life are having a great social month. If they are of appropriate age and single there are romantic opportunities in store.

Daily Horoscope by Moon Sign

Venus enters your 4th house on the 3rd and stays there for the whole month, showing a focus on home and family this focus was even stronger last month. Unhappiness here will probe you to dig deeper at the fundamental cause. Perhaps you might look at ancestral karma and what you may perceive as a family curse.

What you fix within yourself in will be integral to your life-calling or career in 15 years time, so it is really, really important to make these foundations strong, deep and stable. This is your rock for many years to come.

The solar eclipse in your 4th house on Jan 6 will bring extra focus on your living arrangements and they could well change over the course of the next 6 months. Conversely, you might find a replacement parental figure in order to help heal a dysfunctional relationship with your biological parents.

Relationships you make at this time are highly likely to feel quite patriarchal. I mean this in the most positive sense, where you find a connection is both protective and supportive.

Pluto conjunct the South Node in your ancestral zone on Mar 28 is a good time to focus on your family roots and what behavior patterns…. Your Libra Horoscope continues in eBook. Your email address will not be published.

Libra Horoscope from 18th February 2013 HD

Skip to content Search for: Share on Facebook Share. Most of the recent slowdowns or confusing moments in your life can be put behind you this month, as December brings you a slow but steady forward pace.

Clarifications and advances related to finances, business, studies, communications, and transportation figure strongly now.

Libra Monthly Horoscope

These things improve, flow naturally, and pick up momentum as the month advances. Ideally, you've come into touch with what and who you value, and you're now ready to apply what you've learned. As a result, you're choosing your projects more mindfully. You're also likely to enjoy the fruits of your labor more fully! There are both challenges and rewards to your studies, communications, and connections now, and you can find yourself more communicative.

In the first week of the month, you may be waiting for information or a go-ahead, or mechanical errors may seem to delay your progress.

From the 6th, you can enjoy forward movement on your projects and initiatives and delays lifting. You feel more "in the loop" from this date on, and in a happier mental space particularly after the 12th. This can be a big idea month, and it's quite excellent for reaching out to others, although there can be times when you feel you have too much on your plate and you can be a little scattered as a result.

Dealing with errands and short trips may be more frequent, but can also lead to some nice opportunities. The and are some of the better dates for work and health endeavors. All month, however, you're feeling especially motivated to tackle projects that get you ahead in these areas.

Mars in your solar sixth house revs you up and motivates you to take care of business. You're challenging yourself to do better. You're bringing more muscle to your health and wellness or self-care programs, getting back into action or stepping up the pace.

Your desire to initiate, lead, and work independently can stir up competition or conflict with others at times, and this is more likely on the and when you may want to tone things down or prepare yourself for a battle, depending on which you prefer at the moment! Otherwise, you're motivated and self-starting, and this feels good.

It's a time for pushing yourself to improve your health and fitness while being mindful that you don't overdo it. Or, you can be feeling quite pumped about getting organized. Difficulties with workload or excessive demands on you can now be acknowledged. Avoid overstrain and enjoy yourself as you get your life back into shape.

The 21st brings the Sun into your sector of home and family where Saturn and Pluto are already long-term guests, and this stimulates your domestic side further. As exciting as your projects and interactions have been in the past weeks, you're beginning to crave more downtime and the comfort of familiar settings.

Seeking a balance is helpful now, and the Full Moon just a day later helps you do just that.

Libra Daily Horoscope - Wednesday, 14th February, 2018

This lunation pulls your attention to a career or public matter, or a responsibility for which you're accountable. It's an excellent time for attracting attention for positive efforts or a good deed.

Otherwise, this Full Moon can reveal to you how vital meeting your responsibilities and thriving in the work you do or performing at your peak is to the rest of your life. You need to feel good about your performance so that other projects and endeavors to thrive, as well as to feel more comfortable in your personal life.

The third week of the month is also strong for handling a relationship matter so that you can move forward. Back to Monthly Horoscopes Main. The Sun continues to highlight your solar third house--a time of the year in which you are most likely to be a "busy bee". Communications, short trips, errand-running, and general busy-ness feature now.

You could have a finger in many pies, so to speak, as your curiosity is piqued by a larger variety of things than usual. Used well, this could be a period in which you come up with solutions to a number of problems. From December 22nd forward: With the Sun spotlighting your house of family and home, these areas are your instinctive focus during this period.

Libra Horoscope 2019

Your family, home, property concerns, roots, and heritage come into focus and become a source of pride. You are likely quite preoccupied with feelings of security and your inner experiences.

This is a time when you send down roots and seek a feeling of belonging. You could be thrust into a position of leadership on the home front. Ego confrontations with family members are possible now, but the best way to handle this energy is to do your best to strengthen your relationship with your family and your home base.

This is a time to do what you can to build trust in your family life and a strong foundation within yourself so that regardless of what you meet in the outside world over the next months, you have a secure place to return to.

Besides spending more time tending to domestic affairs, the focus can be on cultivating and nourishing the inner foundations that support you and your growth. This is a time to collect yourself--to fill your well, so to speak. From December 2nd forward: As the natural ruler of the second house, Venus feels right "at home" here.

This is a rather content position for Venus, although there can be some restlessness when it comes to money and spending it—you are more inclined to want more things around you!

Financial security and enjoyment of the good things in life are important to you, although you also value simple pleasures. The ability to relate well with others might enhance your own personal finances during this period. You may find yourself in a position in which there is a blending of financial matters with social or public affairs.

This is a stable position for love matters and close relationships.

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You value those who make you feel comfortable, and familiarity is more important to you than someone new during this cycle. Mercury is retrograde until December 6th While Mercury is retrograde, it's better to review, revise, and refine rather than push things forward, particularly related to communications, contracts, and transportation.

Misunderstandings and delays are more likely.

Occurring in your solar second house this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to new financial initiatives.