Leo january 2019 vedic astrology

  1. 2019 Leo Horoscope Preview
  2. Leo 2019 yearly horoscope
  3. Leo Horoscope Preview
  4. Leo Horoscope 2019: Keep A Check On Your Expenses

Spending time with those you truly trust and enjoy should be no problem, however.

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  • Leo Horoscope 2019.
  • Leo Love Horoscope.

A strong need for harmony, affection, approval or belongingness colors your attitude and decisions now. Overall this is likely to bring ease and engender positive feelings in your interactions and personal relationships, but in a situation in which you need to move forcefully on your own behalf it could work against you.

In fact, your differences may be appealing. Some awkwardness when it comes to romantic expression; feeling misunderstood.

2019 Leo Horoscope Preview

Not an ideal time to make your move. At or through work, the gym, health food store or association, medical appointments. By expressing and emphasizing your dedication, practicality, work ethic. Sharing, or taking interest in, daily routines and activities, performing services or little chores for a lover.

You feel quite loving and warm, with a desire to give and receive affection and appreciation. Also, your desire for beauty stimulates your creativity. If you are artistic, your work will be particularly inspired now. Indulging in your desire for beauty or luxury is likely at this time. This is a very positive time in your marriage or closest one-to-one relationships.

Your need to be together and to share loving feelings is very strong. You want to give to your friends and loved ones and may spend generously in order to make them happy. You may also meet someone now who is very good for you. Could be through a consultation or meeting, however.

By expressing and emphasizing your diplomatic, tactful, compromising skills. Expressing a harmonious, cooperative, and pleasing manner. This is perhaps the most favorable time of the year to enhance an existing relationship.

Privately, a bank or financial institution, an intimate venue. By expressing and emphasizing your quiet appeal and magnetism, mysterious manner, intensity. Intense, all-consuming, emotionally-charged, deep, possibly stormy and characterized by possessiveness, obsession, or power games; passionate and erotic.

Deeper expressions of love and intimacy, non-superficial expressions of love although these do not have to be spoken , expressing psychological understanding.

While traveling or embarking on some kind of non-routine venture; institutions of higher learning, a study group. By expressing and emphasizing your adventurous, philosophical, optimistic, and brave side. Happy-go-lucky, meetings of the mind, non-possessive, exciting, adventurous.

Sharing and comparing your spiritual, religious, or philosophical interests with a friend or loved one may open up a whole new dimension of your relationship.

Your own values or way of expressing love and affection may differ from someone you encounter now, but because you are willing to please and smooth over differences, all is likely to turn out well.

Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or complicated situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Through your career, by word of mouth, business parties, mixing work with pleasure.

Expressing your more responsible and competent side. Sharing goals, structuring your relationship, doing things that make you feel secure, showing your more responsible side. Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period.

Leo 2019 yearly horoscope

You gain what you want through diplomacy or charm and by enlisting the support of your friends, rather than by being forthright and bold. You are willing to make concessions in order to maintain harmony in your environment. Through friendships, clubs, group meetings, organizations, parties. Friendly, helpful, tolerant, breezy manner.

Show your unique and progressive spirit. Sharing long-term goals, hopes, dreams and wishes; treating your partner as a friend as well as a lover; showing tolerance and acceptance. Privately, hospitals or service-oriented institutions, online, blind dates.

Quiet charm, helpful and compassionate nature, discreet. Unselfish love; showing affection and attention without expectation of reward; being supportive; private activities. At this time you come across in an appealing, charming, openly affectionate manner which is likely to win you new friends and admirers. You make an excellent first impression now.

This is a very favorable time for doing something to enhance your appearance such as getting a hair cut or purchasing new clothing. Your personal magnetism is strong and you attract appreciation, affection, and attention at this time. Feelings of love, a desire for beauty, and the urge to be creative are strong.

You beautify your surroundings and pay particular attention to your appearance. This is a good time to treat yourself or do something fun just for you. By expressing your initiative, natural charm, friendliness, enhancing your beautiful features and personal style, expressing self-confidence. Starts quickly and expectations are such that the relationship is exciting and maintains spontaneity.

Shopping, financial institutions, restaurants. By expressing your loyalty, dependability, good taste, sensuality, simplicity, and practicality. Enjoying the moment, sensual pleasures, stability, gift-giving, candles, massages, earthy pleasures. In your neighborhood, schools, running errands, social functions, by phone or email, through lighthearted conversations.

By expressing your sociability, talkativeness, friendliness, by listening and communicating in a pleasant, unaffected manner, emphasizing your intellect and lighthearted nature. Opening the lines of communication, taking short trips with each other, getting out and about, sending emails and otherwise making contact, taking a lighthearted and playful approach to love.

The dates above are useful although also broad and general. The following dates reveal days when your ruler, and the planets that rule the love sectors in your solar chart, interact via harmonious or challenging aspects. Some dates may overlap—these are dates when challenges can lead to greater understanding and opportunities.

Please note that the following list shows exact times, but the most relevant period of influence is from hours before the exact times. Super Love Days — Best days to attract or enhance a love relationship: Mar 27, , at Apr 23, , at May 18, , at May 26, , at Jul 28, , at Aug 26, , at Aug 29, , at Nov 23, , at Jan 20, , at May 20, , at May 31, , at Jul 23, , at Last year was a strong financial year and this trend continues for most of the year ahead.

This is a year of prosperity. Love and social activities have been important for many years now and this trend continues in This move will both spiritualise and stabilise your love life.

Leo Horoscope Preview

Last year, Saturn moved into your 12th House of Spirituality, showing a need to get this department of life in good order. Intuition and spiritual teachings need verification in experience. There needs to be a scientific and practical slant on these things. Spiritual phenomena must be made tangible and useful in your everyday life.

This trend is continuing this year. It will be there this year too and for years to come. Your personal creativity is being revamped and reformed, getting deepened. Your sense of what the joy of life is, an important subject for you, is also being transformed.

Your areas of greatest interest in the year ahead are finance, communication and intellectual interests until September 25th. After September 25th, children, creativity, love affairs and fun, love and romance, sex, death and rebirth, reincarnation, life after death, occultism and spirituality.

Your paths of greatest fulfilment in the year ahead are career and finance until September 25th, and communication and intellectual interests after September 25th. Want to know more? The love aspects began changing last year as the Love Planet flirted with the Sign of Pisces, sometimes moving forward into it and sometimes moving backwards to the past.

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This pretty much describes how you felt about love this past year. Should I launch out into the new? Should I say with what I know? Should I go with this new person? Should I stick with what I have? This year, the decision is made. You are launching out into the new. Love attitudes and needs are also changing dramatically.

For many years you craved mere excitement and change. Your love life was a giant soap opera with new episodes weekly. In truth, you liked it that way.

Definitely, love is becoming more spiritual. First off, you are looking for a more spiritual connection with your lover. Second, you are seeing romance as part of your spiritual path.

With the Love Planet in the 8th House, love is not just about a good time but is a way through which you and your lover are going to transform yourselves, re-invent yourselves into the people that you want to be. You are attracting lovers or partners who have these same interests. Transformation includes many areas. The poor person who wants to become wealthy must transform from within.

The overweight or addicted person who wants to overcome these things must transform from within. The person of low status who wants a higher status must transform from within. Usually it is difficult to achieve these things alone.

We need outside help. People who understand the process and know how to co-operate with it. These people are coming to you through your social life. They can appear as friends but more likely as lovers or partners.

Marriage itself is one of the great transforming experiences. Many Leos will marry in the years ahead. Marriage is more recommendable than it has been for many, many years.

The wandering is over. The experiments have all been performed. Time to settle down. Sex and physical intimacy is always an important part of any love relationship but for you it seems even more important, perhaps the most important part.

This will continue for many more years. The hot sexual chemistry will keep you and your beloved together as you make the exciting but explosive journey of transformation.

Both you and your lover seem very interested in finance but for different reasons. Your lover seems interested in moneymaking, a big priority, for many years to come.

LEO January 2019. LAST Eclipse in LEO, Closes the CIRCLE and Completes IMPORTANT Events. LOVE Easier

You are interested in that the more money your lover or spouse makes, the greater will be his or her generosity towards you.

Leos who are working towards a second marriage have a status-quo year. Marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single.

Leo Horoscope 2019: Keep A Check On Your Expenses

The same is true for those working towards a third marriage. Children of marriageable age have a status-quo year. Marriage might not be recommendable at this time, as there is much personal transformation going on with them. Grandchildren of marriageable age have wonderful marriage aspects.

They will either marry or enter into a significant relationship later on in the year. Your 2nd House of Finance is an important House of Power this year. There is great interest in this area of life and this of itself leads to prosperity but more importantly, you have Jupiter moving through your Money House for most of the year.

The prosperity that began last year continues further. Money that is earned happily and joyfully and that brings happiness. You are enjoying your existing wealth more. Spending freely though hopefully not too freely and enjoying yourself.

Speculations are favourable though you should only do this under intuition. Money comes to you as you pursue leisure activities or through your personal creativity.

What can be more fun than that? Professional artists or performers should have a banner year. Athletes will do well, too. Those of you in the business world will probably be more involved in entertaining clients or associates, showing them a good time and getting paid for it.

Professional investors should look at utilities, gold, energy companies, publishing and health care stocks. One important key is that you seem to take the stress and anxiety out of moneymaking.

You are relaxed about it and this, of itself, allows new financial ideas to come to you. On a generic level, Jupiter rules higher education.

Many of you will be investing in your education, which will lead to greater earnings later on.