Virgo most compatible sign love

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However, this is just a quick and easy way to compare, and it's going to have lots of exceptions on this broad level. That's because people are more than just their sun sign. There are other planets which also affect someone's personality.

Virgo Love Compatibility: Virgo Sign Compatibility Guide!

This creates billions of permutations making each Virgo slightly different. Generalizing too far based just on sun signs can therefore be misleading.

To fully understand someone or how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet positions from their date of birth and then compare them to your own. This unlocks the real power of astrology and gives much more useful and specific information, such as how they view you, how to turn them on, how to avoid arguments with them etc.

If you would like to explore this further please see the astrology compatibility readings page. Here you can share experiences and opinions on dating, marriage and affairs, whether you're a Virgo or have experience with one. You'll find that some of these forums are generally positive in tone, and some are generally negative. That doesn't guarantee that will be your experience, however you are very likely to recognize some common patterns which can be fascinating.

Some relationship combinations are much more common than others. Some sun signs are also much more chatty than others. Some are more likely to compliment or complain!

Each forum therefore tends to have a fairly consistent trend to the comments. No statistically significant results were found regarding who Virgo women are most or least likely to divorce. Virgo is a sign high on willpower and self-control, and Virgos tend to process life through the intellect rather than the emotions.

Pisces, by contrast, often lacks boundaries and experiences an intensity of feeling that may be difficult for the Virgo to deal with or even comprehend.

The Castille study also found the highest rates of marriage between Virgo women and Virgo men. However, Castille found that Virgo women in France are least likely to marry Aquarius men.

For Virgo women, Libra and Leo take the second and third spots, as they do with Virgo men, while signs that are considered to be highly incompatible with Virgo — Sagittarius and Aquarius — take the bottom two slots. Seeing Aquarius at the bottom of the list is unsurprising because there is great potential for conflict between the two signs.

Aquarius is one of the least practical signs of the zodiac. Although both Virgo and Aquarius have a strong intellectual streak, typical Aquarians are extroverted and they need to interact with groups of people on a regular basis. Virgos, by contrast, tend to be lone wolves with a desire to operate in private whenever possible.

Virgos value stability, consistency, and healthy routines; typical Aquarians have a low boredom threshold and require regular surprises or in some cases, even significant upheavals to keep them from growing restless.

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However, there is also some common ground in that both signs tend to be progressive and have a strong desire to help the world in some way. Therefore, if the rising or moon signs are more compatible, this can be an interesting and productive match. The relatively high positions of Libra and Leo on the list may be explained by the fact that the personal planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars stay close to the sun.

This means that many Leos and Libras will have personal planets in Virgo and many Virgos will have personal planets in Leo or Libra , which may enhance compatibility. The best match for Virgos of either gender appears to be another Virgo, whereas Aries appears to be the most problematic match for Virgo men, and Pisces or Aquarius for Virgo women.

However, Virgos who find themselves romantically entangled with one of the less compatible signs should not despair. Plenty of marriages between supposedly incompatible signs have lasted. For example, out of 6,, marriages encompassing all possible sign combinations in the Castille study, there were more marriages between Virgo men and Virgo women than would be expected if sun signs had no effect, whereas between Virgo men and Aries women, there were fewer marriages than would be expected if pairings were random.

However, there still were many marriages between the supposedly least compatible signs. Astrology is complex, and there is more to take into account than just sun signs. I have found no critiques of the Castille study thus far.

For more on Virgo, see the Virgo Personality Profile. To see personality and marriage profiles for all the sun signs, visit the main Astrology page. To get an astrology chart, see the Astrology Charts page. I have recetnly read a book Virgo Man Secrets by Anna Kovach and since then i understand much better my relationship with virgo. Thanks for this article.

I guess love has us blind sometimes. With my Ex Leo trying to help me thru it. My leo is just so selfish. Might be interesting dating one but two of me forever?

I married a virgo 40 yrs ago and im a female virgo. In the middle of a divorce. Virgo men and virgo women do not fit at all. I beg to differ. Me and my husband married 25 years ago.

We have 2 Beautiful girls and he is actually 5days older than I am. We Think speak and do the same things at the same time.

Who would think this happens. Proud grandparents and all. Virgo, currently pursuing a relationship with an Aquarius. Glad that incompatible signs are not always incompatible. Thanks for the info! Im in Love with a Aquarious Man tht I been seeing 5 years now and cant get him to settle down with.

By the way Iam a Virgo Woman. Its like I hve to chase after him and call him when he finally sees me its like weejs go by before I can see him again. In the beginning me and him couldnt stay away from eachother he said he loved me I found out he was living with a woman for past 12years!

Getting to Know Men by Zodiac Sign

Their not together nomore dont knw why he wont give me a try?? I am a Virgo woman and was in a relationship with an Aquarius man for a year and a half when he decided to walk out on our relationship just a week before he said he knew that he belong here with me. Best relationships I ever had was with Aquarius men but they need variaty in their life and tend to have a lot of relationships.

If I had a Virgo child I would do my best to dissuade them from involvement with Aquarius. Emotions are not really in their wheelhouse. Virgo with Aquarius man for nine years. Still very much in love. We get along very well. Was originally concerned when I looked into the horoscope predictions.

Best relationship i ever had was with a Virgo woman. I am definitely looking for a virgo woman to start a meaningful relationship with. Virgo with Aquarius man for 25 years and 3 wonderful children. He left us 5 years ago for someone else with 4 children and has had another 2 with her. He texted to remind me last month it would have been our 30th Anniversary!

Decided to stay away from Aquarians from now on. I am a Virgo woman and was married to a Sagittarius man for 32 yrs who walked out on me, left me broke when he found out I was very ill and could no longer be fun to be with.

He was very abusive, jealous and his friends always came first. I had a good friend exactly same, she was Virgo, ex was a Sag.

Broke up with him because the relationship started to become exactly his you just described when we moved in together.

He moved me into a trailer with no furniture and he never came home to see me. He also turned out to have 4 kids and a baby mother who was looking for him. HE also was using her car to take me around. They are selfish and are not loyal in my experience. I totally Agree with you on the Marriage of a Sagitarious.

I am virgo married to sagittaruis 20 years. Also walked out when I lost my job and had a stroke.

Love Advice for Women by Zodiac Sign

Always been a cheater, self absorbed and only ever took care of himself. I am a Taurus woman who is in love with a virgo man. Im a virgo woman in love with a pisces man.

We have a very strong respect for each other. Very caring to each others needs.

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We reach out and enjoy each others friends and share each others interests. Blending our worlds is how we live day to day. Conflict is no issue i think it means too much to us to let go of the little stuff. I certainly understand his past has been a challenge for him to prove himself, being deaf. I see hes already done that.

Hes achieved by sheer determination and strength of character. This as my partners foundation will carry us through any thing up ahead.

I needed to feel loved and appreciated, its all I was looking for.

Virgo Woman Love Advice

I found this and more, hes my hero in life and love I look up to him and give him my all. We are truely happy. I am a Virgo Woman ,who is in love with a Pisces Man,who has been for years,I meet him when I was very young,had a child by him,who is grown now,we stopped seeing each other when he was 1 year old. I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.

Im a virgo woman that has always been drawn to libra men my whole life. Currently with one right now been together for 2 years and just had a baby.

Best relationship ive ever had.. We share a lot of the same goals and likes he is earth I am air our baby girl is due October as well and we are ten years apart. I would love a baby girl in October as well! The universe has a funny way of stepping in at the least-expected moment.

Best of luck to you. I am a 62 year old Virgo man getting ready to start dating a 68 year old Pisces woman. I am not the typical Virgo because I have done a full chart on me. My ascendant is Scorpio.

I have been with most other signs and honestly it is the person and not the sign, however there are still generalities from their sun sign. Any advice on wooing her would be appreciated. I am a 59 year old Virgo man. Yes, I married an Aries woman 28 years ago. Interestingly, she has Moon in Virgo and I have in Aries.

Both have Jupiter in Scorpio. May be, these celestial configurations are the reason for our compatability. I am a Virgo man of 59 years married to an Aries woman 28 years ago.

I am a Virgo woman and have been married to a Leo man for The first 14 years were extremely hard and very volatile. We enjoy our time together and miss each other when we are apart. He keeps me laughing all the time.

And secondly find things to do together very often.

Virgo compatibility

Be a friend first then a wife but both equally important. AND THE BEDROOM virgos you have to let your sex demon out but be careful not to drive him crazy in there because you might catch an argument when you want your space or he might even bug you to the point of attachment or being to needy.

Just like a stubborn child but this is my stupid advice also experience so take it or leave it. Not everyone would have the same experience I did but loyalty and crazy love kept me going and the arguments is where we grew closer. I am a virgo man married a sagittarius weman. We been married two years. She has cheated on me four times, and keep on talking on messager to men.

She saids she wants to try working on our marriage but never dose, she never thinks about me or my feelings, we make love when we do, not very often, she only thinks about her needs. When she is done ,she is done even if I am not.

She is self center, selfish ,conceded. I am virgo man, married for 4 years to an Aries woman. At the begining of our relationship things were ok, then rapidly things went on fire, we argued about my jealousy often. We argue about everything now. I regret my existince now as I love her and in the same time I hate her.

We are at the edge of the marriage now and I feel its just not meant to be with an aries woman. I am a Virgo woman.

My father is a Virgo also and mother an Aries not a good match at all. Together for almost 10 years but now divorcing. Im a virgo boy and i love this according to one research that i read today Taurus is best for virgo so…. Once u get to really know your partner and who they really are determines a lot. Congrats Virgo Lady with your Gemini man I was married to a wonderful Gemini man for 12 years before he was murdered in Life will never be dull with your Gemini man and my husband and I also prayed together!

Even though we are complete opposite we compliment each other. Where I fall short he compensates. Dated a Virgo WOman and it was perfect just went our separate ways.

Virgo male, and I love aries women hahaha. Kinda funny turn of events…. I am Aries and with a Saggi he is abusive af…. I am aries and my partner is virgo. Ive been in love with a Scorpio man for 5 years. We are very close. We both share a Taurus moon Moon is how you emote and a Scorpio Venus Venus is how to love and relate. Its been rough but I stuck by him while he was struggling.

But even though a Virgo only criticizes because they care seriously! For these two to truly believe in each other, it will take more than a leap of faith.

But while Aquarius loves to provoke others with their hottest take on the daily controversy we get it, you read The New York Times cover to cover, Aquarius… , Virgo is no fan of arguments for the sake of arguments.

Virgos can be hypercritical, but only in service of a greater goal, not simply to show off how perceptive they are. Meanwhile the Aquarius is in it for the love of the game itself, genuinely enjoying a little verbal spar with their partner.

Usually, this match ends in a draw. Unfortunately the Virgo knows better—life's little messes always find a way. Gemini While these two signs are not elementally compatible Gemini's airy ways are too scattered and inconsistent for the practical, earthy Virgo , they both share the gift for gab picture these two bumping into objects on the street because they are so engrossed in their conversation.

Pisces The opposite sign of a Virgo, these two are ever-locked in attraction…and frustration. Virgo The witty banter between this two is fire , as Virgos have one of the greatest gifts for language in the zodiac.

Virgo Woman Love Advice | Articles at

Together, they are an unstoppable force especially when it comes to assembling IKEA furniture! Capricorn Capricorns and Virgos both appreciate competence, and these are two of the most capable signs in the zodiac. But it's not just work with these two. And like everything else they do, the results are excellent.

Taurus Virgos love to serve, and Tauruses love to be served. These two will cherish each other and never get sick of doing it aww. Cancer The nurturing Cancer can soothe the anxious Virgo like no other, and it's not all talk.

Kiki O'Keeffe is an astrology writer in Brooklyn. You can sign up for her newsletter, I don't believe in astrology , or follow her Twitter alexkiki.