Horoscope in urdu scorpio

  1. Scorpio 2019 yearly horoscope
  2. Daily and Monthly Horoscope in Urdu
  3. Horoscope in Urdu | Daily Monthly Horoscope in Urdu
  4. Scorpio Horoscope in Urdu Weekly

Also, there are chances that a close friend of yours may put you in an embarrassing situation. Try to keep your affair a secret and do not disclose it even to your closest friend. Let your love grow and when both of you feel confident about each other and want to take a serious step, only then reveal it to others.

In the middle of the month, your romantic life brightens, as you receive an exciting message from a loved one. This could be an invitation for a romantic date, too. Your romantic life is not all that great as one of you may not find enough time to spend on the other somewhere towards the month end. Clearing all misunderstandings with your beloved should be your sole aim.

To take initiatives in this direction, it will be better to sit together and develop mutual trust and understanding. If you are a teenager you may confuse infatuation with love and this could lead to disappointment. The beginning of this month will start wonderfully for many of you as overseas project that comes your way will prove to be beneficial; it will bring in more money and also boost your career.

If you are going to join a new job, think about all its pros and cons, before leaving the current job. This is also a month of learning new skills and strategies. There are chances that someone at your work place would share their expertise to motivate you. Try not to miss this opportunity and learn from it.

Those engaged in business should be careful while signing any legal document. You must develop your technical skills to see a growth in your career. Associating yourself with a professional institute imparting technical education will be a good decision. This is a good period for fashion designers and merchandisers, as you will get new projects that will benefit you immensely.

An important assignment with deadlines will test your sincerity and dedication, especially toward the month end. Using your latent talent to enhance your career prospects will prove beneficial for you. Improving your awareness and staying mentally and physically fit will help move your career ahead.

You will earn the respect of your colleagues and seniors with a little self-discipline and integrity. A new property investment is likely to bring you good gains in future. An increase in income is highly indicated. Those of you planning to invest in the share market without any prior experience need to be very careful.

Minor losses are indicated for you towards the end of the month. Make investments only after consulting someone more experienced than you. Gains are indicated as you make some sound financial decisions this month. You will not be too worried about how things are on the financial front right now.

Your investments bring you no losses. However, towards the monthend you need to be careful as some minor financial issues could trouble you. Some losses are indicated for you so avoid taking any risk without thinking about it in details first.

The stock market will not bring you any profit. Investments that you make this month may not be profitable for you. This shows that your personal creativity and your sense of self are accepted and approved of by those in authority over you, that your life urges are being supported by the powers that be, that you can be who you are and still achieve career success.

Last year was a strong career and social year. This trend will continue. The social expansion is in the area of friendships and seems very happy.

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Later in the year, after September 25th , spirituality will become much more important and happy. This will have important and subtle financial benefits as well.

More on this later on. Your most important areas of interest are finance, home and family, children, creativity, personal pleasure and love affairs, religion, philosophy, higher education, friendships, organisations and group activities until September 25th and spirituality after September 25th Your paths of greatest fulfilment in the year ahead are friendships, organisations and group activities until September 25th and spirituality after September 25th with love, romance and social activities.

Want to know more? You have great freedom to shape this area, as you will. Usually this shows a status-quo type of year. Singles will tend to remain single and marrieds will tend to remain married.

If you are married, work to bring more romance into the marriage. Singles should still seek serious relationships and improve their social skills.

The main social activity this year is in the realm of friendships. This looks happy and exciting. Your social circle will expand. New and significant friends are coming into your life. You benefit both socially and materially from joining organizations and clubs.

Your new friends bring both joy and financial opportunity. You are learning that wealth is not just money in the bank and a fat stock portfolio, wealth of friendships is also wealth. Those working towards a first marriage have a status-quo year.

Those working towards a second marriage are facing a crisis. If you are in your second marriage, the marriage is being tested, reordered, restructured, reorganised.

It may or may not survive the tests.

Scorpio 2019 yearly horoscope

Only true love and a shared purpose will survive. Those looking to marry for the second time need patience this year. Overcoming fear is the main problem but those working towards a third marriage have wonderful aspects. Wedding bells can definitely ring.

The person seems wealthy and educated and interested in supporting your financial goals. This is a person who could be involved already in your financial life in some way. Singles will have opportunity to meet a special someone from March 5th to May 20th Your social life is very active then but Venus, your Love Planet, will go retrograde from May 17th to June 29th.

Daily and Monthly Horoscope in Urdu

Can this budding affair survive? Scorpios who have children of marriageable age may hear wedding bells this year, too. It might not be a marriage in the legal sense but like a marriage for practical purposes.

These children have excellent social aspects in general. The major problem in love for them is their intense need for personal freedom. They need to understand that a relationship, by definition, means a limitation of personal freedom.

This will be a tough pill for them to swallow. Grandchildren of marriageable age have a status-quo year.

Scorpio personality in urdu /Hindi - Scorpio

Money and finance have been strong interests for many years and this trend continues in the year ahead. With Pluto, your Ruling Planet, firmly in your 2nd House, you are taking a personal interest in finance, taking personal charge, not delegating these things to others. Also, you correctly see that you yourself are the best investment.

You invest in yourself, in making yourself a better, more useful, more productive person and you command more in the marketplace. Personal appearance and overall demeanour play an unusually important role in earnings. Now, this is true for most people but for you it is especially so. When self-esteem is high, earnings are high.

When self-esteem falls, earnings tend to fall. The reverse is also true. When earnings fall, self-esteem is affected even if it was through no fault of your own. There is a need now to decouple these two issues in your mind. You are much, much more than your bank balance. The vagaries of the financial world, which tend to fluctuate by their nature, should never make you doubt that you are a worthwhile person, a child of the Most High.

Horoscope in Urdu | Daily Monthly Horoscope in Urdu

In general, earnings are going to be much stronger than they were last year, conforming whith the scorpio astrology forecast. Saturn, which was giving you some resistance, has moved away from its stressful aspect with you. Self-esteem is also much better this year for the same reason.

Your Financial Planet, Jupiter, is in Virgo for most of the year. Virgo is the Sign that rules health and work. You are earning your money this year. This is not the aspect for lottery winnings. Earnings come from productive work. You will be a very careful shopper these days and also a better saver and investor. Professional investors should look at the health field for profit opportunities in vitamin companies, pharmaceuticals, makers of health foods, herbal companies, makers of surgical or medical supplies, etc.

Jupiter rules your finances from the 11th House of Friends, Groups and Organisations.

Friends and there are many new ones this year are a big factor in earnings. Membership in organisations will also help your bank balance. There needs to be a team spirit here whether it is with people you work for or with the people involved in your finances. You need to assemble a strong financial team around you. Professional investors should look at science and high-tech companies for profit opportunities, as the 11th House rules all these things as well.

This is really going to change the financial picture for the better.

Scorpio Horoscope in Urdu Weekly

For now, intuition and spiritual guidance are going to be the main factors in wealth. In fact, they will be your short cut to wealth. It always is the short cut but this year you will see it very graphically. You must trust your intuition now even if you have a few failures. They only seem like failures.

You will see the logic behind them later on.

One moment of real intuition is worth many years of hard labour. With Jupiter in your 12th House you are going to become much more charitable and philanthropic. If you are charitable now, you will be even more so then.

You will be more idealistic about how you earn your money, making sure that it is in ways that are beneficial to the world at large. It will be a period during which you will expand your understanding of the spiritual laws of affluence and these are often at odds with standard economics.