The age of libra astrology

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It was Western society that pioneered the new Aquarian age ethos which then spreads out to the rest of the world like the wake of a boat. This is why Western society has become despondent while other societies are still experiencing the wake of the fading expansionary period. The new despondent wake will also hit Asia and the rest of the world in the future.

Western society started the modern expansionary economic paradigm with the Industrial Revolution feeding into the worldwide population explosion. This quiet naturally was associated with the Sagittarius sub-age and overflow which like a giant wave has swept through the world but spearheaded by mainly Western nations.

The majority of expansion and optimism was experienced in the second half of the wave Conversely, Western nations are unwittingly spearheading the drive towards contraction and minimalism but have not yet understood that this is actually happening and that this is not some temporary aberration but will continue for a long time.

The rest of the world is not taking over the reins from Western society, but just catching up, whereupon they will also start their own paths towards contraction, especially with their populations and economic growth.

Though the expansionary Sagittarius wave technically came to an end in , this is not how it works in practice. Basically the Sagittarius expansionary paradigm continues its momentum until it comes to a barrier. Secondly, near the end of this Sagittarius wave was a Sagittarius micro-age and overflow with the peak of this smaller wave aligned to the Baby Boomers.

The Baby Boomers are like the captain of the Titanic encouraging the sailors to increase speed as they plow towards the iceberg. The main sign that undermines Sagittarius is Gemini.

Gemini is currently developing as the new sign of our times. After the Sagittarius wave came the wave associated with the Scorpio sub-age and overflow This remains very strong in the world and is part of the reason so many people are feeling vulnerable, sarcastic and desultory — Scorpio has never been known as a cheerful sign … unless you call throwing flower petals on a coffin a pleasant experience.

However, following in the wake of the Scorpio wave is the relatively new Libra sub-age , and based on previous sub-ages, its main period of benefit will be in its overflow period commencing in whereupon it will bring in a mini Golden Age — provided there is anyone left around to enjoy it! The current Libra sub-age this is why a female is running for US president in has three sub-age decans, and the first sub-age decan within the Libra sub-age is the Gemini sub-age decan Naturally, Gemini will be far stronger in its almost 60 years overflow period commencing in Gemini is opposite Sagittarius, and it is this Gemini sub-age that is currently bringing a halt to economic expansionism and optimistic outlook mainly in the Western economies.

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Because Gemini is unlucky and pessimistic, it has a tendency to resort to cheating and thieving to gain advantage. This growing phenomenon is being played out by corporations around the world where each year they discover new means and methods to cheat their customers.

Whereupon a few years ago, airlines discovered they could extract more money from their passengers by supplying a relatively cheap basic service than charging often exorbitant amounts for add-ons, flight changes and so on, this is now spreading like an inferno. In the absence of a strongly expansionary market, businesses are trying to extract more and more from each customer using anyone of a number of devious and nefarious Gemini schemes.

This anti-Sagittarius new Gemini reality may be hypnotizing the world with handheld mobile devices, but it is also associated with a pessimistic outlook. If everything is not expanding crazily, things must be bad!

However, while Gemini may be a new and growing reality, it is not the most important player on the field. A massive revolution is underway associated with the Scorpio sub-age overflow leading to an incredibly strong Libra period.

This Libra period will greatly affect the world for over years commencing in — introducing the first mini golden age after almost 7, years of mainly war and violence. In the meantime in our cell phone modern world, it seems like a partnership with sour old Scorpio and pessimistic Gemini being the two key players of note.

Scorpio is bringing a smaller and more evolved world but change always grates because society and culture is always aligned to Taurus — the sign of stability. Scorpio is the opposite sign to Taurus, so all social cultural values have been under attack since , and picking up speed since Scorpio is introducing the most unstable of times and people not only dislike instability, they will even fight for their stable cultural-religious values as they dissolve in slow motion before their eyes.

But cultural values will continue to dissolve because Scorpio improves by first pruning the bush then producing new growth which is more appropriate to the times.

The world is mainly in the destructive side of a major metamorphosis. If you look carefully, there are huge areas of advancement, progress and social evolution in the world today but our minds are more attuned to the disasters and problems when we feel desultory and pessimistic. A steady and growing percentage of Western populations are acknowledging the key role of the environment over short sighted capitalistic practices.

Females continue to demand and get greater equality to the point that the most powerful political position in the world is soon to be most likely held by a woman. Gays are in the process of gaining the right to marry in a growing number of Western nations.

Some drugs demonized only a few decades ago are finding increasing support from mainstream society.

The Narmer Plate and the Twelve Ages of the Zodiac

However, socio-political-cultural revolutions are painful, and many reactionary elements will do their best to stop the tide from coming in. Donald Trump is tapping into this reactionary sentiment by many voters who nostalgically prefer the old over the new.

This is also why in the s and 70s so many nations, including Western nations, succumbed to military coups and dictators in place of democracy to prevent progressive change from upsetting their part of the world.

MOON SIGNS: Part 2 (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces)

It did not work then, and it will not work now or in the future but it will temporarily re-appear. The main change to the change occurring in the world is that it will progressively grow stronger and have wider effects and affect more of the world — change is accelerating.

Reactionary elements will also periodically get stronger and try and stop the tide coming in. So many people get despondent when they realize they will not be around for the mini Golden Age that will arrive mid next century.

There is no need to feel despondent as anyone can be mentally in the Golden Age now, and while the percentage of the population that may already be mentally in the Golden age is a small percentage, this percentage is constantly growing. More and more people do not want more of the same.

There are important steps along the way towards the mini Golden Age, but the next most important step does not arrive until — but a preview will appear next decade. What will happen around ? Finally, there is also very good news hidden behind the turmoil and angst of the modern world.

Of all the signs, Scorpio is the sign most aligned to inner reality or inner Truth. This means that one of the greatest opportunities in the world today under Scorpio is to find or discover the inner reality that underpins life, the universe and everything.

Scorpio indicates change and turmoil in the external world but actively promotes the benefits of the inner world and the Truth available from going inside.

Astrological age

If truth and ultimate reality are important to you, then you have hit the jackpot for the time you live in. Search for it because, among other considerations, the astrology is on your side for success in this endeavor.

It is also more fulfilling than complaining and watching the world seemingly go down the gurgler. There is an old concept associated with the lotus. While the lotus expresses beauty and enlightenment, it also usually grows in a smelly putrid swamp. At this point of history, we definitely get the swamp, but we can also have the lotus.

Many ancient and modern seers have stated that they were distracted from smelling the putrid swamp when dazzled by the lotus. Age of Aquarius for Dummies. Baby Boomers in the Age of Aquarius. Will New Agers Rule the World? In place of a military strike, the US has aligned itself with the Russian proposal to remove chemical weapons from Syria.

The US is supposed to behave like John Wane with his six-shooters blazing shooting himself to victory over those damn Indians, outlaws and misfits roaming the Wild West. There is some justification to this approach as nearly every empire since around BC has had to fight its way to the top, maintain its grip through strengthening its military, then collapsing when it is vanquished by a new superior military power.

We have had 5, years of the Law of the Jungle. This is not accidental as the Aries age began around five thousand years ago in BC — with the Aries age and overflow covering the period BC — AD. However the influence of the Aries age does not disappear in AD, it maintains a continuing momentum. Aries remains very strong in the world.

The most powerful time for Libra is its overflow period — but the world is in a serious lead-in period due to the Libra sub-age Libra, the archetypal sign for peace, is definitely one of the key emergent signs in the world today but anyone who thinks that in you can lay down your arms and give flowers to your enemies is living in a dream world.

Firstly, it will probably take most of the current Third Millennium to replace the desire for war with a desire for peace. Secondly, different parts of the world are at different stages of political-social evolution. For the majority of the world, the gun rules either absolutely or thinly disguised behind the scene.

Since the arrival of the Aquarian age in the 15 th century, Europe has behaved like invaders from outer space as they conquered the world, and exploited and enslaved most of its inhabitants one way or another.

Culture is always conservative, [iii] and the culture of violence has a long history and therefore a strong momentum. But violence is no longer the emergent archetypal energy. It is the archetype of the past, which like a bad smell, continues to hang around. While we cannot expect overnight that the world will turn peaceful, we can expect that peace and the desire for peace will slowly and steadily develop.

Is the lack of a military response against Syria a sign of weakness by the USA, or an incremental shift towards peace? To the hawks, any sign of peace is a sign of weakness. But all war mongers have the perspective of the past as their foundational philosophy despite the fact there are many justifications for the use of force against Syria.

If we are heading towards a peaceful world, one way of leading the world is to demonstrate that peaceful outcomes of disputes should be favoured over violent outcomes. So is it possible that Obama is demonstrating the leadership of peace?

If we drill down into the Aquarian age, not only is the world in the Libra sub-age , but also within this sub-age, is in the Cancer micro-age Furthermore, is at the business end of the Cancer micro-age specifically the Cancer micro-age decan Cancer is the sign of diplomacy and sensitivity, and is opposite the sign of Capricorn — the conservative leader.

Certainly Obama has chosen diplomacy over force suggesting that he is more in tune with the evolving reality in the world than the war mongering hawks. Secondly, a Cancer period is anti-leadership. This is one of the reasons a civil war is occurring in Syria as many of its population rejected Assad as their leader similar to a number of other dictatorial Islamic countries in recent years.

If Obama, or any other leader, takes an authoritarian position in the world, they will also be rejected — one way or another.

Another archetypal affinity of Cancer is introversion. The news media has been informing us that Obama was having trouble garnering support from the US Congress and other countries for his proposed attack upon Syria. The big problem for America is that Capricorn is very strong in its astrological signature, and so America does not historically fare well in a Cancer period.

America also has a tendency to turn on itself under Cancer, and the American Civil War occurred in the previous Cancer micro-age overflow exactly in line with the Gemini micro-age decan We should not expect another civil war in the USA as the American Civil War coincided with the peak of a massive Cancer sub-age decan and overflow Nevertheless, I do expect much greater internal tension in the USA in the coming Gemini micro-age decan What may be the source of such internal dissension?

On a purely speculative basis, significant sections of the gun lobby may raise up in arms to protect their version of democracy from the wider version of democracy i. From the astrological viewpoint, it will be more interesting to note what will occur to Rupert Murdoch who is playing the part of Capricorn.

This certainly seems to apply to Murdoch as in July Murdoch faced allegations that his extensive media companies had been regularly hacking the phones of celebrities, royalty and public citizens. He faced police and government investigations into bribery and corruption by various governments.

Considering that we are still in the lead-up period to the peak of Cancer that will not occur until , we can expect more fireworks from and against Murdoch. Capricorn is in the detrimental position in a Cancer period, so the gods may turn against Murdoch even more than they have in recent years.

Murdoch is an arch-conservative businessman that abuses his widespread media interests to further his war mongering and ultra-conservative agenda.

His media outlets such as Fox news undertake a modern fascist agenda and are therefore an excellent study on how extremist capitalists can have inordinate political influence in our so-called modern democratic world. In my article: One of the most noticeable aspects is a new concerted push to expand nuclear energy production.

Australia, the major supplier of uranium in the world, is moving towards increasing the number of mines and production and possibly even introducing nuclear reactors into Australia. If the last Scorpio hot spot is any guide, some nuclear calamity due to aggression or accident may be around the corner, especially between and The key nuclear issue to date associated with the current Scorpio hotspot is the Japanese disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant following the tsunami in March Until this accident, the current Scorpio hotspot had seen a sharp revival of interest in building more nuclear reactors around the world to a level not seen for decades since the previous Scorpio hotspot.

Currently 60 nuclear plants are under construction — with the majority in Asia and many existing plants are being upgraded. Japan naturally has put on hold plans to expand its nuclear energy. In my article I stated that the current Scorpio hotspot would see. Apart from some other similar nuclear accident, there is also the possibility of a dirty bomb or increased threats to use nuclear weapons by rogue states.

We are not out of the woods yet. With the increased fervour to build many more nuclear reactors, there will be the increased chance in the future that further accidents will occur for the same reason that no matter how safe new jet passenger airlines are constructed, some will still crash!

One key time for future nuclear accidents will be the next Scorpio hotspot due in to with the most potent time to Of course, the desire to produce electricity by nuclear power is driven by the needs of an energy hungry world trying to cut its addiction to carbon-based power stations and their attendant pollution.

The vested commercial interests, generally represented by the conservative political parties and therefore supported by an enormous number of the general public around the world, believe that the sustainable approach to ecology will have a disastrous effects upon the capitalistic world economy.

The sustainable ecological approach will be fiercely resisted until people are dropping due to the adverse effects of pollution. And even at this point there is no guarantee that the moneyed class and supporting political apparatus will effectively respond when people start dying from pollution.

China is giving us a preview of this now. By , it was estimated that air and water pollution was prematurely killing 2 million people a year in the world, with at least , of these in China and over , in India.

It reminds me of some graffiti I use to observe in Sydney in the last Scorpio hotspot ss. The strong Scorpio flavour at our part in the Aquarian age suggest that the world will continue on down its current path until it goes past the point of no return, and then try and rectify the situation when most of the calamity has occurred or the damage is mainly irreversible.

This dire forecast however is offset by another astrological reality that will commence to unfold in the world at an increased level from around onwards. Therefore there will be two opposing forces in the world for most of the 21 st century.

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On the one-hand, the expansionary overflow from the Sagittarius sub-age decan and overflow —— , that is linked to the Industrial Revolution and world-wide population explosion, will meet its opposite sign, Gemini at its peak power from onwards. In association with the frugal and contracting archetypal nature of the Scorpio sub-age overflow , the world should see the brakes consistently applied beginning The tensions between these expansionary and contracting archetypal energies will define most of the rest of this century.

One of the reasons why the world is so ineffective in taking a stance against the coming peril of climate change due to extreme pollution is that the first third of the Aquarian age is ruled by the Libran age-decan — , with Libra building in tempo as it approaches its highpoint in whereupon it should reign triumphant. Libra promotes ease and comfort — including all the modern labour-saving conveniences that are available since the Industrial Revolution.

Libra is also anti-war but lacks will and decisiveness. So it is easier to feed the world cheap consumer goods often from the heavily polluted factories rather than promote frugality, anti-consumption and sustainability.

So while the world remains in the current Scorpio hotspot until , and especially strong until , we must expect the strong possibility that either another nuclear incident will occur, or that the medium-term effect of the Fukushima nuclear plant incident will reverberate around the world truncating the rising demand for nuclear power.

This may be wishful thinking as commercial interests do not like being blocked from securing future profits. This part 2 blog on revisiting Scorpio, the Sign of the Times, is part of a series that will update that published article with a strong focus upon the prime concepts associated with Scorpio:.

In Part 1 of this series I concentrated upon tyrants and revolution. However the recent assassination of Osama bin Laden by American forces in Pakistan has corrected this situation. Assassinations and death will be explored later in this series. The next blog in this series will be part 3 on the Scorpio activities of taxes and debt — which has also recently risen significantly in stature as the US faces its many trillions of burgeoning debt.

Most historians and historical reference books indicate that the Modern World commenced in the 15 th century — or, at a minimum, the 15 th century was an extremely exalted time in the history of human society.

Apart from a plethora of other supporting facts, the 15 th century was the first century that humans i. Europeans at least could comprehend the whole world for the first time due to the maritime exploits of its sailors circumnavigating the world. The arrival of ages is marked by highly significant events! The arrival of the third subage within the Aquarian age, the Scorpio subage in basically demarks the end of the Early Modern Period according to many historians at around and the beginning of the Modern Period.

Within the Scorpio subage — , the most significant large scale political revolution that has ever been experienced in the world, took place. At the beginning of the Scorpio subage most countries in the world were ruled by monarchs or local aristocracy the USA was the black sheep of the time being already a rudimentary democracy.

By the end of the Scorpio subage in most of these monarchs had been overthrown and replaced with democratic governments, communism or military juntas. Only in some less politically developed regions, particularly in the Middle East, did the old monarchial way of life continued — mainly propped up in the 20 th century by Western and European nations to ensure a ready supply of fossil fuels.

The arrival of a new astrological period such as an age or subage does not affect the world uniformly. The arrival of a new period is like the bow of the boat — surging into previously uncharted waters and leaving its ever expanding wake as evidence of its passage.

This wake then slowly affects all other regions of the world. The wake from any age or sub-period of an age is even larger after the end of its own period as represented in figure 1. The primary focus of the initial Scorpio surge mainly affected western nations including all of the Americas , but by its close in , over half the world was deeply affected by its wake including an independent and democratic India on the one hand, and a communistic China on the other — but bereft of its former ruling class or aristocracy.

The transference from the Scorpio subage to Libra subage in actually marks an increase in tempo for Scorpio due to its ever widening wake.

Libra has arrived, but it is the new kid on the block, and the wake from its bow wave has relatively little impact in the world in comparison to Scorpio. Until near the end of the Libra subage in , Scorpio is the dominant sign in the world at the subage level.

The transition between the Scorpio subage and Scorpio subage overflow was marked by the revolutionary sentiment expressed in the late s and early 70s resulting in the almost choreographed student and youth demonstration and riots throughout much of the western world.

Other spectacular icons of this period are the hippy movement that sprang out of San Francisco, the music revolution first associated with the Beatles, the Woodstock festival in New York, the anti-war movement against the Viet Nam war, the French student uprising that nearly toppled the government and feminism at full bore and armed with the newly invented oral contraceptive associated with sex — another Scorpio archetype.

It must be remembered or recognized by the younger generations that western society in the s was extremely conservative, mono-cultural, with women knowing their place in society and much stronger fascist elements compared to western society of The arrival of the 60s and early 70s baby boomers with their long hair, drugs and free love temporarily created the normal fracas when any establishment or society meets a new evolutionary sociological phenomenon.

This is why students peacefully protesting the Viet Nam war were gunned down and killed in the USA, restrictive drug laws savagely enforced to persecute the new social movement and contentious objectors to compulsory military serviced were sent to jail.

By and large the formerly stodgy and arch-conservative west has moved on to a certain degree since those heady days of the 60s and 70s.

The formerly frowned upon music of the 60s and 70s now appears regularly in TV commercials, men can have hair whatever length they like but, except for some isolated pockets of enlightened thinking, the west maintains a witch hunt against recreational drug users, treats homosexuals as second class citizens and has not given full equality to women.

The west is in the ongoing and long term process of assimilating the new cultural paradigm that appeared in the 60s and 70s and it will probably take another or so years before some reasonable progress is made. With the arrival of the Scorpio subage overflow in , the bow wave of the Scorpio juggernaut continues to spread its influence.

However if you think that the revolutionary spirit has been a little subdued for the last few decades then you are quite right. This is because subages have smaller periods within them called micro-ages.

Micro-ages are almost 15 years in duration plus another 15 years overflow and until very recently, the micro-ages encountered at the beginning of the Scorpio subage overflow have been conservative micro-ages see figure 2. The conservative Virgo micro-age was in place from to , followed by the conservative Leo micro-age — with both periods promoting stability over change but also enforcing the status quo as much as possible.

It is only with the current Cancer micro-age — that we begin returning to the progressive but destabilizing signs.

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Not only is the world returning to progressive micro-ages, this process is still accelerating. The historical effects from any period associated with the astrological ages are always relatively sluggish to appear in a kind of delayed effect. So while the current Cancer micro-age rules from to , it is not until its overflow period — that it can fully express its Cancerian intentions.

However a significant shift in gears appeared at its halfway point of Cancer micro-age in in its climb up Mount Cancer — and the current revolutionary fervor in the Middle East is part of this Cancer play along with numerous floods around the world always associated with Cancer.

Why the Middle East? Each region and country is associated with an astrological signature. One key component of any astrological signature associated anywhere where Islam is strong is the sign Cancer. Islam shares the underlying commonality of Pisces with Christianity as both came into existence in the Pisces age along with Buddhism.

However Christianity formed near the peak expression of the Scorpio age-decan of the Pisces age 8 BC while Islam formed much closer to the peak of the Cancer age-decan in AD see figure 3.

This is why in Islam their view of paradise is closely associated with rivers ruled by Cancer , they follow a lunar calendar the Moon is the ruler of Cancer , and many female adherents either voluntarily or are forced to hide themselves away under burkas and veils Cancer rules shyness and places a focus upon women.

These are just a few of the major Cancerian associations to Islam. But this is not the end of the story. Within the Cancer micro-age — are three micro-age decans of Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer in chronological order with the Scorpio micro-age decan influential from to , and particularly in , and see figure 4. Nevertheless the kind of revolutions we can expect will not, as a rule of thumb, be focused upon violence but with a firm preference to peaceful methods.

This is because the world is in the early stages of the Libra subage — and Libra is a peaceful sign opposite violent and militaristic Aries. This does not mean that those expressing revolutionary sentiment will not use force, but their use of force will be in most cases be in response to the force unleashed against them by power-mad autocrats.

Lest you judge these Middle Eastern societies harshly for their despotic rulers, anti-democratic ways and highly visible levels of corruption, you do not need go very far back in history to find the same abominable behavior in western society.

For whatever reason, the Aquarian age has arrived relatively early for the west, but it still took about years to ensconce itself in Europe — Europe was a bloody nightmare for the first years of the Aquarian age. The only real difference is that when the west went through its democratic catharsis over the last years, no one was sitting on the sidelines criticizing or forcing them to be democratic with a gun held at their head as the USA did in Iraq.

At least with the current Middle Eastern unrest, it is the vision of the citizens that is demanding the change — not an outside entity. Revisited — Part 1 —Revolution and Tyrants. I have started a new blog: At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age.

The purpose of this new blog also remains focussed upon the Aquarian age specifically and the astrological ages in general — but with a major difference. This Demystifying the Aquarian Age is focussed upon addressing the numerous misconceptions about the Aquarian age and providing general information. The new blog is dedicated to the exact point we are within the Aquarian age.

Few people realise that every 15 months, the Age of Aquarius advances one notch, and this notch can be identified and even used for predictive purposes — but the main reason of addressing these minute notches is to ensure an accurate start date for the Aquarian age.

Typically this can be measured by watching how far each wave travels up the beach. On average each wave should venture further up the beach compared to the previous wave.

In practice this does not happen. Many waves will venture further up the beach compared to the previous wave, while many new waves will actually venture less than the previous wave. This is analogous to the arrival of the Aquarian age. Though we know the world will increasingly come under the influence of the arrival of the Aquarian age, and on average more historical developments will cumulatively align themselves to Aquarian archetypes compared to the past, there will be some temporary backtracking.

Aside from this backtracking, the Aquarian age is not homogenous. The Aquarian age has three age-decans chronologically in order Libra AD , Gemini and Aquarius — age-decans proceed in reverse direction as do their parent age.

Therefore in the last third of the Aquarian age when the world also experiences the Aquarian age-decan — the net influence from Aquarius should be stronger. This is why astrological ages are stronger at their ends compared to their beginnings. It is most likely that only people seriously interested in the astrological ages will be interested in this new blog as it delves into the technicalities of the astrological ages.

However it is certainly not restricted to astrologers — any intelligent person should be able to understand the material. If you would like to read the full posting from where the above two paragraphs were extracted from, then go to At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age.

Remember, the preview to the new book on the astrological ages is available at www. This is the approximate first half of the firsd definitive book on the astrological ages to date. Skip to content Home Libra Age-Decan. Capricorn sub-age — Sagittarius sub-age — Scorpio sub-age — The Capricorn Revolution A medieval scene of a cleric, soldier and worker What was life like in AD at the arrival of the Age of Aquarius?

There were many The prototypical bourgeois: The Scorpio Revolution The two signs strongly related to revolution are Aquarius and Scorpio, so any Scorpio sub-age within the Age of Aquarius is going to be highly revolutionary, and this sub-age lived up to its archetype.

At the beginning of this sub-age in , almost the whole of western society remained firmly under control of monarchs and the aristocracy with the c. Karl Marx , philosopher and German politician.

The Libra Revolution Each of the above revolutions arrived due to mass discontent of a significant part of western society against limitations and strictures placed upon them. Not only does the Libra sub-age begin in coinciding with the This is a poster for the musical Hair. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with Libra constellation.

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. August Learn how and when to remove this template message. Illustration of Libra in a Flemish manuscript from the early s. Retrieved from " https: Articles needing additional references from August All articles needing additional references.

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