19 january horoscope pisces

Compatibility of Sun Signs
  1. Capricorn Love and Sex
  2. Pisces Daily Horoscope
  3. Pisces Daily Horoscope

You're inclined to want to escape the routine perhaps through taking a small detour or enjoying a little extra variety. Seek activities that help you release stress for best results now. Through a special someone's feedback today, you may gain greater insight into your own wants and needs or possibly even a good idea for your next step. Openness to new ways of interacting can be rewarding now.

pisces january 2019 horoscope from astrology forecast

Today's Pisces Horoscope by Patrick Arundell Pisces 20 February - 20 March Thursday 27th December As your social activities are emphasized, opportunities for networking and socializing can be more plentiful. This can be the ideal time to reach out and forge lively new connections.

Capricorn Love and Sex

You may be smitten by someone though, who appeals to your sense of adventure and who has experienced things you too might like to try. Getting to know them could be a fresh start for you.

More Cafe Astrology horoscopes are below:. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more. Pisces December Monthly Horoscope Summary: The month ahead is strong for career and long-term projects, dear Pisces, although entirely new objectives and initiatives are best delayed until after the 12th.

Before then, work is still very much effective, but editing and refining current projects are preferred. A conversation or endeavor that appeared to get stuck during Mercury's retrograde period from November December 6 is likely to advance as blocks clear, slowly but surely, after the 6th. You're in a fabulous position for rethinking long-term goals or career and business moves.

Where November was bumpy, the path is clear in December. Especially after the New Moon on the 7th and even more so after the 12th, you're in a stellar position for taking charge of your work, managing others, taking the lead, and making great strides towards your broader goals.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

You're willing to put in the legwork and just the right amount of extra effort to shine--or even outshine--past performance.

From the , you might enjoy a positive turnaround, primarily related to travel, publishing, or results that you've been awaiting.

Mars is in your sign until the very last day of the month and the year ! There can be times when you clash with others, or circumstances seem to be resisting you, but overall, you're raring to go, readier to take action than usual.

Better days for pushing ahead are the , , and Lively energy is with you! The is especially powerful for a sense of mission or purpose.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

This Mars transit is energizing - you're ready to take on a challenge, and you're interested in innovating, being the first, and getting ahead. Venus in a compatible sign most of the month attracts rather than pursues, so you have both yin and yang energies going for you now. Mars is not only in your sign all month, but it also aligns with Neptune, your modern planetary ruler, boosting your conviction.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Previous months had there fair share of roadblocks, and December feels more energizing and supportive overall. Cancer Compatibility June 21 - July Virgo Compatibility August 23 - September Libra Compatibility September 23 - October Scorpio Compatibility October 23 - November Sagittarius Compatibility November 22 - December Capricorn Compatibility December 22 - January Latest from our blog.

The Truth of Sagittarius and Our Ninth House Specifics of the 9th house and the sign of Sagittarius help us understand where we are all to find the truth, and what our main direction in life should be. Protected by the Zodiac Jupiter and Saturn play the role of two protectors, two large deities to determine the course of fate and connect us to the Universe itself.

Miracles Within Transition of Mars to Pisces following its Aquarian battles for freedom, gives us a breath of magic and reminds us that we are here to create wonders. Known to effortlessly ride the waves, without causing agitation, the Pisces natives hate confrontations. Find here the free weekly astrology predictions as per your horoscope and zodiac signs for this week.

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