Horoscope of person born on 5 february

Sabian Symbol
  1. Mercury enters Capricorn
  2. February 5 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile
  3. Birthday Horoscope February 5th

Only being outgoing when you have to be is one thing a partner may have to understand as you are really a rather private individual. They must also be willing to let you have your space and not want to boss you around.

In a long term relationship you are loving and generous and highly likely to value the friendship and loyalty of your partner above anything else.

Although you are wary of personal relationship commitments and the loss of freedom they may entail, you yearn for a soul mate. You often share in the belief that we are all somehow destined to meet that someone special to love.

Health complaints experienced by those born on February 5th can be sometimes a result of a build up of stress. If you do not keep your body well fueled and rested it is inclined to show signs of fatigue and dehydration fairly quickly. This increases your anxiety levels and lowers your coping mechanisms and mood.

You require a well balanced diet and the avoidance of skipped meals to prevent symptoms. People born on this day should find that stressfulness is reduced if they eat properly and regularly. This along with good sleep and a reduction in caffeine are probably the best ways to maintain healthiness.

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  • Birthday Horoscope February 5th Aquarius, Persanal Horoscope for Birthdate February!
  • Planetary Row.

Your major strengths of character are in your spirited expressive articulation and well controlled independent conduct. These qualities give you strong focus, determination and direction enabling steady progress in all you decide to do.

Mercury enters Capricorn

They can give you a high optimism and confidence in your abilities and know of your limitations. Personality weaknesses for those born on February 5th include the tendencies to be unusually abrupt or to act hostile or superior at times.

These negative aspects to your temperament can become a lot more frequent if you neglect yourself and get too stressed out. Being born on the 5th of February often means that you dream about all the usual things other people wish for, like a nice home, good health, success, money or love.

These wishes and your preference to plan ahead if possible usually form the basis of any personal goals you set for yourself.

Having a current goal to work towards helps keep you focused, determined and feeling in some control of your destiny.

February 5 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile

One of your main aims could be to secure a career that will be satisfying enough. It must ideally accommodate your quickness of mind, curiosity and the low tolerance for boredom you have. As you were born on the fifth day of the month your date of birth has a Root number of Five. This birthday reference number has the keyword 'Inquiry' and it perfectly highlights your probing mind and fondness of facts.

The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 5th in the Major Arcana the Hierophant. This is thought to symbolize the self assured, insightful and alert side to your individuality. The lucky gemstone especially allocated for February the fifth birthdays is the Diamond, wearing it will bring luck and enhance and intensify your most favorable features.

As an Aquarius your personality is believed to be astrologically influenced primarily by the planet Uranus. However the actual day you were born, the fifth of February is cosmically ruled by the celestial body Mercury.

The combination of these 2 planets bestow you with your analytical persistence and agility, individualizing you from the others in your zodiac group. You generally have a confident optimistic perspective that drives you forward and you should regard this as one of your finest assets.


Looking after yourself will assist you to maintain this positivity and belief in oneself. Incredibly bright, these people express themselves with ease and are at their happiest when surrounded by equally witty and intelligent people. If they are starved of intellectual stimulation there is a danger of their alienating others with a lofty and intimidating manner.

Fortunately, between the ages of fifteen and forty-four their emotional sensitivity toward others becomes more emphasized; after the age of forty-four there comes a turning point which suggests they feel even greater empathy for others. People born on this day can be exceptional thinkers as well as speakers, and nothing thrills them more than philosophy, psychology, mystery, and intrigue.

Lucky color

With an ever-curious mind, if they are able to develop their unique ideas they have remarkable potential to excel in their chosen field.

They need to be careful, however, not to become too detached in the process. It is important for them sometimes to think a little less and feel a little more, as they have the tendency to over-analyze rather than acknowledge feelings.

February 5 Zodiac people work particularly well in a team or for a cause where their need for intellectual stimulation and flair for management can be fully utilized. When they learn to hold back less, trust a little more and allow others to catch up with their frenetic pace, the compelling charm of these smooth operators can take them all the way to the top.

People born on February 5 Zodiac have a strong desire to be needed, so they may often find themselves the caretaker of their family, friends and anyone else who strays into their territory. People born on this day tend to be generally healthy but if health problems do occur they may find these hard to talk about or admit to. The good news is, unlike other Aquarius people, you are not a Prima Donna.

As long as you have the right resources, you will deliver on time. The natives of this zodiac sign born on February 5 are great dreamers.

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  6. You insist on the belief that there is always a solution to a problem. This gives you a tremendous amount of optimism and confidence. You have many positive traits. However, if there is any one trait that would truly encapsulate all that is good about you, it would be your optimism. You never lose site of your resources, and what you have to work with.

    You always look at the glass as half full not because you prefer to look at things that way but you look at the amount of water inside as your necessary building block. The downside of February 5 Aquarius people is the fact they tend to attract people who are out to use them.

    These people are free loaders. They would join your work group and take part of the credit without doing any real work.

    Birthday Horoscope February 5th

    As annoying as this may be, this is actually more manageable and relatively benign compared to your lovelife. You tend to attract more than your fair share of users, abusers, and losers.

    Do yourself a favor and try to show these people your negative side from time to time. Try to show them that you can be a jerk or mean or unpleasant from time to time. This can go a long way in scaring people who would otherwise not hesitate to use and abuse you. Air is crucial for survival.

    Air is also all over the place. Put all these factors together and you have the boundless quality of air which is reflected in your tremendous imagination, optimism, and ability to work through problems. Also, imagination, and creativity, is an absolute necessity to any organization or any venture.

    You can definitely bring a lot of this to the table.