Leo january 25 horoscope 2019

  1. A Fresh Forecast Taking You From November 2018 to December 2019!
  2. Leo 2019 yearly horoscope
  3. Leo horoscope - Exciting news! | jakubzidek.cz

Should I go with this new person? Should I stick with what I have? This year, the decision is made.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Work, Health, Habits

You are launching out into the new. Love attitudes and needs are also changing dramatically. For many years you craved mere excitement and change.

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Your love life was a giant soap opera with new episodes weekly. In truth, you liked it that way. Definitely, love is becoming more spiritual. First off, you are looking for a more spiritual connection with your lover. Second, you are seeing romance as part of your spiritual path. With the Love Planet in the 8th House, love is not just about a good time but is a way through which you and your lover are going to transform yourselves, re-invent yourselves into the people that you want to be.

You are attracting lovers or partners who have these same interests.

LEO January 2019 - RECOGNITION - Inspiration & LOVE - Leo Horoscope Tarot

Transformation includes many areas. The poor person who wants to become wealthy must transform from within. The overweight or addicted person who wants to overcome these things must transform from within.

The person of low status who wants a higher status must transform from within. Usually it is difficult to achieve these things alone. We need outside help. People who understand the process and know how to co-operate with it.

These people are coming to you through your social life. They can appear as friends but more likely as lovers or partners. Marriage itself is one of the great transforming experiences. Many Leos will marry in the years ahead. Marriage is more recommendable than it has been for many, many years. The wandering is over.

A Fresh Forecast Taking You From November 2018 to December 2019!

The experiments have all been performed. Time to settle down. Sex and physical intimacy is always an important part of any love relationship but for you it seems even more important, perhaps the most important part.

This will continue for many more years. The hot sexual chemistry will keep you and your beloved together as you make the exciting but explosive journey of transformation. Both you and your lover seem very interested in finance but for different reasons.

Your lover seems interested in moneymaking, a big priority, for many years to come. You are interested in that the more money your lover or spouse makes, the greater will be his or her generosity towards you.

Leos who are working towards a second marriage have a status-quo year. Marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single. The same is true for those working towards a third marriage. Children of marriageable age have a status-quo year. Marriage might not be recommendable at this time, as there is much personal transformation going on with them.

Grandchildren of marriageable age have wonderful marriage aspects. They will either marry or enter into a significant relationship later on in the year. Your 2nd House of Finance is an important House of Power this year.

There is great interest in this area of life and this of itself leads to prosperity but more importantly, you have Jupiter moving through your Money House for most of the year. The prosperity that began last year continues further. Money that is earned happily and joyfully and that brings happiness.

You are enjoying your existing wealth more. Spending freely though hopefully not too freely and enjoying yourself. Speculations are favourable though you should only do this under intuition.

Money comes to you as you pursue leisure activities or through your personal creativity. What can be more fun than that? Professional artists or performers should have a banner year. Athletes will do well, too. Those of you in the business world will probably be more involved in entertaining clients or associates, showing them a good time and getting paid for it.

Professional investors should look at utilities, gold, energy companies, publishing and health care stocks. One important key is that you seem to take the stress and anxiety out of moneymaking.

You are relaxed about it and this, of itself, allows new financial ideas to come to you. On a generic level, Jupiter rules higher education.

Leo 2019 yearly horoscope

Many of you will be investing in your education, which will lead to greater earnings later on. Many Leos will be taking seminars and courses on finance this year and it seems the right thing to do.

Many more will be exploring the religious and metaphysical aspects of wealth. Jupiter will leave your Money House after September 25th. By then you will probably have attained your financial goals and will be ready to focus on other things like the pursuit of your intellectual interests. Many of you will be buying new cars after September 25th, and new communication equipment, top-notch stuff!

Children are prospering this year. Many Leos are investing in the children this year. This too is a good long-term investment.

Grandchildren have a status-quo financial year. One thing that could hamper earnings is getting into a moneymaking contest with your spouse, lover or partner. More thought needs to be given to a business partnership for it seems unstable. As mentioned, almost all of the long-term planets are either leaving you alone or in harmonious aspect to you.

So health is good. Now that Uranus has moved out of Aquarius permanently this year, health is much better than last year. Those who have had health problems recently should hear good news on that front. You have little interest in health issues because you have no need to be interested. Saturn is your Health Planet. On a general level, Saturn rules the spine, knees, teeth and skeletal alignment.

These areas should always be given more attention. Health problems, should they appear, are likely to begin there. Responsibilities in your daily life can weigh heavily — they appear magnified. Do be sure that you are tending to your responsibilities, and not letting them pile up.

Some of you might even experience some form of loss or scandal on the work front, or possibly some heavy-handed activity and power plays with co-workers. For those of you unhappy with your job or out of work, you are not likely to jump to grab just any position that comes along now.

You are looking for something mature, long-term, and reflective of your values. However, because you are more discriminating now, the pickings might seem to be slim. Try not to see flaws, complain, and leave it at that.

Take it upon yourself to make whatever adjustments you can that will improve your working conditions. This can be true of daily routines, not just working conditions.

Health matters might be a little more problematic than usual. Even so, these are likely to be minor problems that can be fixed with extra attention. Essentially, this transit gives you a kick in the pants to get your self-care programs into good shape!

While the work we do may sometimes feel too routine or boring, it can also give us a strong feeling of purpose. We want to be needed, we want to help and support others, and to do our share. In the end, you can, in fact, feel more joyful about the services you provide and the support you give, after taking a realistic look at these things and making the necessary adjustments.

Seek ways to balance your activities and responsibilities. This is also an excellent time for simplifying and structuring your life.

Because the energy of this theme is comfortable and understandable to you in these areas of life, you may very well welcome the structuring energy of this transit on your daily routines. The last time similar themes occurs was Disciplined efforts to grow and improve on both physical and spiritual levels can pay off. In March , you entered a lengthy cycle in which your belief systems and knowledge changed and developed, and this is active until March From May 15th to November 6th in , a new theme entered your life and will resume again in from March forward.

Until March 6th , you continue to experience a spiritual awakening of sorts. Travel opportunities may arise. Life experiences are unpredictable and exciting. You are embracing change and easily incorporate changes into your personality.

This may be a time when your life path takes an unexpected turn. Since this influence has been with you for many years, it may have already happened. The urge to get out and about is bound to grab hold of you. This can be a very romantic and creative period. From March 6th, , forward , your career, professional projects, reputation, and public image open up and change.

These areas of life can be unpredictable — the wildcard areas of life — but also highly stimulating and innovative. You can bring fresh insight to your work. This may be a time when you take an unexpected turn in your work.

Also, while you prefer to set your own pace in your work, try not to become a loner in your professional life. Your career, professional projects, reputation, and public image continue to speed up, stimulate, and open up this year. These areas of life can be unpredictable — the wild card area of life — but also highly stimulating and innovative.

You can bring fresh insight into your work. You can also learn to let go of limiting self-consciousness. This may be a time when you take an unexpected turn in your work or in your life path or direction.

More courage is with you this year for breaking into new paths. There can be gossip to deal with or challenges finding a balance between your studies and your responsibilities at times.

Leo horoscope - Exciting news! | jakubzidek.cz

Attitudes towards work, services you provide for others, daily routines, and health continue to transform this year, and they will for many years to come. Of course, there can be times when these alterations cause friction, and in , this is more likely to happen in April , when overdoing and overscheduling can be a real problem, eating into your quiet time.

Watch for excess and burning the candle at both ends, which is a real temptation. The North Node in your sector of endings, spirituality, and privacy all year points to a real need to connect to your inner world, as well as to help and support others, as these things can bring wonderful benefits and much joy to your life.

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