Scorpio horoscope 27 january

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  1. January 27 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality
  2. January 27 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality
  3. Scorpio Daily Horoscope

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Click for Yearly Forecast Specials. December Monthly Horoscope Summary: December brings Venus back into your sign, dear Scorpio, as well as forward movement to your finances or practical affairs.

Mars is working in harmony with your sign, too, and this can help clear obstacles.


Although Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio until the 6th, after this date you enjoy more clarity. It's true that you may be journeying along already-traveled ground until the middle of the month in some areas of your life, you nevertheless feel that you are getting a second chance to get things right, and this is comforting. People want to be around you with Venus in your sign virtually all month.

They like and seek out your company. From the 6th forward, Mercury is direct in your sign, reinforcing a sense that key areas of your life are no longer stuck or, at the very least, turning the corner. You're sure to feel freer, more outgoing and confident, and less confined. Recent dilemmas suddenly seem less complicated, and you're more interested in enjoying the moment than looking to the past for answers or for happiness.

This transit combined with Mercury retrograde in your sign until the 6th, however, can point to some misunderstandings, and there can be times when you come across as insensitive or self-centered.

Otherwise, you're expressing yourself confidently, and you're likely to crave special attention, fun and games, romance, or hobbies and recreation.

January 27 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

This is a fabulous time for pouring energies into a passion project or heartfelt pursuits, and a romance or getaway for some of you. Romantic relationships may be animated, or your feelings for someone fire up.

Especially around the 7th, you are inspired to create and share, perhaps as a result of these inflamed emotions. You enjoy more courage to chase your heart's desire.

Channeling excess energy into exercise, dance, music, and art that involves movement can be especially satisfying. Personal attraction and positive attention are on your side this month.

You look good, and you're framed in a good light. There are important connections to make with people who can help you to move your plans forward, particularly around the The Full Moon on the 22nd is strong for learning, publishing, and announcements, although you may want to wait a few days before acting on new information that emerges now.

Full Moons are about acknowledging and embracing your feelings, not always about acting upon them immediately. Waiting until you've processed your discoveries is wise now.

Self-empowerment is an important theme in December. Becoming less dependent on others, not only or necessarily financially but emotionally, is a focus, and it works well for you.

Avoid impulsive decisions in the first week of the month.

January 27 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

From the 6th, you'll be more decisive as new or previously delayed information emerges and blocks on your projects or endeavors lift. The final week of the year can feature the building up of your faith and a recognition of your need for spirit-refreshing experiences.

The is particularly strong for personal appeal, romance, and creative expression. The year ahead is in many ways a banner year for you, dear Scorpio. At times, you may be guarding what you communicate a little too closely to the point of self-censorship, but in moderation, this may very well work well for you now with two heavyweights, Saturn and Pluto, in your communications sector.

You may be working harder or smarter now, and have less time for idling, personal interests, and the like. You tend to have less time for acquaintances in and perhaps even for family at times. Small talk no longer seems to satisfy you, and you could feel quite a bit of pressure to make better and more efficient use of your time.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Jupiter continues to move through your sign until November, and this is about positive new beginnings, turning over a new leaf, and expressing yourself without apology. Be proud of who you are. You may be bringing more of your personality to your work or projects, and this is particularly rewarding and successful!

Those born under this sign feel best when surrounded by like minded people with whom they can exchange ideas. Honest and hard working, these people are full of candor and enthusiasm so it is very easy for everyone to like them. Aquarius people have a pleasing personality and a strong insight on life matters.

Those born under this sign are also dependable and trustworthy to those who win their appreciation and respect. They are also broad minded and investigative as they love to feel like they know everything. Easily distracted and even easier to irritate, these natives often find it difficult to keep their impulsive temper under control.

They are superstitious and boastful and often see signs when there aren't any. They are rarely pragmatic in their projects, especially those that begin on a whim.

They dwell in the past and this is a recurrent source of annoyance for them. Lovers born on January 27 are extremely attractive and charming. They always have their words, but imagine when this eloquence is combined with passion.

They are attracted to people who can accept their eccentricities and keep up with them. You can conquer the heart of Aquarius if you master the art of revealing who you are step by step so they never get bored.

When they are single they act just about the same as when they are in a relationship, they seem to have no restrictions and just live their life at its fullest. Elegant and sincere lovers, they are very attractive to the opposite sex. Naturally charming, they are used to consider the person near them the most special in the world, therefore they offer everything they have to their loved one and expect for the same.

For them, relationships and settling will probably be a complex matter but once they decide to have their own family they will turn out to be very protective and patient. They are most compatible with those born on 3th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 21th, 23th, 24th and 31st.

January 27 Zodiac people are very attracted to the other air signs: Gemini and Libra as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Aquarius is constantly seeking for someone who can understand their inquisitive and visionary nature and the most suitable to offer them this is actually another Aquarius.

Aquarius is thought to be least compatible with Scorpio. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Aquarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose. The visionary and original Aquarius can only be stimulated by a watery and non conventional mix of hues.

This watery color brings this native a great flow of energy and imagination. The sign stone for Aquarius is the enchanting Amethyst. This birthstone is thought to have a positive influence on opening the mind, clearing thoughts and can help Aquarius express their feelings and communicate their ideas better.

Other sign stones that are thought to bring luck for people born on January 27 are Amber and Garnet. In ancient Greek, this flower was thought to determine the gender of an unborn child. Orchid also symbolizes elegance and grace. Platinum suggests personal value and inner strength. Being one of the most rare metals on Earth, it is associated with exclusivity and prestige.

Those born on January 27 are amazing at observing and analyzing the world around, they want to be useful for the society they live in so all their activities have a humanitarian approach. Seeking for long term commitment might bring some headaches to these natives nowadays and a long road before they can truly settle.

Investigative and curious, they seem quick to come up with good ideas, sometimes too many and they don't always find the right people to work with. Their health is quite good but since Aquarius is thought to rule blood circulation and lower limbs, they are inclined towards suffering from ailments of these areas.

Which of the four do you consider people belonging to January 27 benefit of most? You can answer this poll and see what others think:. This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Uranus. This is representative for people who are altruistic and resourceful just like Aquarius and inquisitive just like Uranus.

This decan is said to be magnifying all characteristics of the Aquarius zodiac sign, both positive and negative.

Being born on the 27th day of the month suggests perseverance, independence, generosity and responsibility. The numerology for January 27 is 9. This number reveals change, progress and innovation.

In association with number nine Aquarius people turn out to be innovative and humanitarian idealists. January is the second winter month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the novelty of a New Year beginning.