Astrodream advisor mayan astrology

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  4. Find your Galactic Dreamspell (Mayan)

A person who embodies cosmic wisdom may be known as a sky-walker, sage or bodhisattva. When others see such light in human form, they feel the vibration of heaven.

This vibration may be embodied by you or experienced with a guru, master, an energy such as Red Skywalker, or in a 'chance' encounter with an extraordinary person.

An encounter with the energy of Red Skywalker can spark a deep yearning within you for reunion with the Source. Yet from this place of love and compassion, you also have a desire embodied in physical form to serve the light. This is the place in you that has the courage to fully express unconditional love, the depths of your being.

Red Skywalker asks you to live the new myth by bringing this heaven to Earth in your daily life. As this reality is lived, it touches and awakens the same truth in others: Here is the link again.

I can't seem to find anywhere on the page where it asks for your birth date. I seem to be a White Lunar Wizard cool I polarize in order to enchant Stabilizing receptivity I seal the output of timelessness With the lunar tone of challenge I am guided by the power of death This is the little poem that I found under this link found under the original op link after I entered my birthdate.

White Wizard is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming. White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the heart. Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception.

Allowing yourself to 'not know' opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe. White Wizard asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in magic. White Wizard invites you to step into self-empowerment. Empowerment comes from self-acceptance, integrity, and commitment to your evolution.

Self-empowerment is not to be found outside oneself. Anything outside that brings you empowerment also has a divine foundation within you. If you feel a need for the approval of others, look to self-empowerment. When you feel effectively engaged, doing what gives you joy, your energy naturally expands to inlcude more of who you are, and magic flows synchronistically into your life.

Claim your alignment with the highest wisdom. Call forth divine action in all that you do! Align your own will with divine will and your Essence Self. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it.

Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilties. White Wizard is a tool of the light, a conduit for the work of Spirit. A wise magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing magic to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A magician dances the dance of love through offering gifts of freedom to others.

This is real magic. Freed from the need to use power to manipulate or control, a magician uses wisdom to manifest liberation and love. Interesting and all, but it seems to be almost the opposite of me. I really don't know anything about this stuff however, so if anyone could provide some clarity on what this is actually supposed to mean it would be appreciated.

Finally found out where to put my D. Yellow Seed is the ordered pattern of growth. You and your life are the fertile soil, and the mystery blooms within you through the power of your intention or seed thoughts. Just as a seed contains the hologram of its completion, the process of manifestation follows a natural order.

In this gestation process, your intention is quickened by Spirit. The charged seed, your true desire or vision, becomes the focus for germination. What can you open that will support receptivity and assist the germination of your seed intentions?

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Envision the seed receiving the invitation to grow in the openness of your world. Viscerally feel the possibility of your heart's dream emerging. Your true desires and dreams contain an innate intelligence that can break through even the rigidity of fixed expectations.

Planting a new seed, even in the hard soil of old belief systems, can bring unexpected magic and growth. Be willing to break open the constraining shells of past patterns, the shackles of belief structures. Call forth your creative involvement with life. This involvement frees and awakens the powerful energy of the life force, shifting your perceptions and experience, catalyzing the manifestation of your dreams.

Participate spontaneously in your growth, unrestricted by the illusion of old structures that once provided safety. Move forward into the light of new possibilities. Offer your dream-seed to the universe. In the ordered patterning of the light, align with your heart's greater purpose.

In gratitude, surrender and release the seed to the benefit of your growth and its own pattern of perfection. The number for Yellow Seed is four, the vibration of measure.

This is the number of cycles and seasons. It represents the ordered patterning of the light wherein, as Jose Arguelles says, "form learns to generate its own seed.

Family, sexuality and mysterious awakenings are important in your life. You are very earthly, generally have good health and carry energy of abundance. According to the Mayans, people born on the Seed day will be rich and wise. Good luck will come to you if you focus on your life purpose.

If you direct your life force towards the business or art of your choice, you will become a master of it, be rich and live a life filled with wisdom. The Seed must learn to be calm, avoid making simple mistakes and walk without stepping on its own tail in this lifetime. Life is full of tests and obstacles for you but these difficulties encourage you to find solutions and become resourceful.

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If you become fully aware of this situation and not give up on finding solutions you can rid yourself from many traps. In time you can even be a good advisor to others facing similar challenges.

In one sense you are like the seed; you carry great potential but if you do not nurture it, growth will not occur. However, you may lack flexibility of the mind at times. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions. According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe.

They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

We all have many aspects to ourselves.

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Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity.

Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit. The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age.

After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you.

This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually. From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign.

In this way, you are given a new mission in your life.

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However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you.

The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

You like to start everyday with new hopes. Be aware of innovations and opportunities brought by each new dawn. You are a glimmer of hope for yourself and other people. You get along well with young people and children, and that makes you stay young forever. Home life and family is very important in your life.

You enjoy following the development in new technologies and you can be considered an expert in history. You like living on the edge; at times it may seem that there is no development in your life, but then suddenly everything happens. You tend to dominate situations. You choose to dress in a way that projects your inner strength.

Your energy and physical appearance makes you very attractive.

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  2. song number 26 birthday;
  3. Dreamspell Mayan Astrology Readings: What is your Galactic Signature?, page 1!
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  6. Your life purpose is to find the light in the darkness and share it with humanity. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties.

    You take action then think.

    For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity.

    In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy. Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension.

    According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often.

    It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side.

    Intro to Mayan Astrolgy Life Path Reading

    It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world.

    It also affects your career life. The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts.

    Find your Galactic Dreamspell (Mayan)

    The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts.

    If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation.

    It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power [ Your good mental skills provide you with tools to handle stress better than many people.

    You are interested in science and reading.