Horoscop astromax taur

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In the opening of the event, Cristina Irimie , editorial director of Romani in UK organisation and CEO of the recruitment and consultancy company Brit-Ro, who sponsored the event, thanked the guests and speakers for the support offered in making the seminar possible.

Delighted to directly meet the Romanian community in Harrow, to inform the community, to offer help and to invite the community to talk- this would be in short the message the council representatives sent in their speeches. Harrow Law Centre's director spoke to the audience about the services provided by a Law Centre free of charge which are of interest to European citizens, mentioning the rights Romanians have and might not be aware of.

Pamela Fitzpatrick explained to the Romanians present at the seminar the importance of having a good representation in cases in which their rights they are entitled to are refused and that the services offered by Harrow Law Centre are free of charge.

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As such the Romanians of Harrow found out information about rights to social benefits, EU Social Security Co-ordination Schemes, import and export of social benefits, education law, residence, community care, housing and Judicial reviews. Harrow Law Centre expressed its interest to continue to inform the Romanian community in Harrow through Romani in UK, repeating information sessions in the near future.

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Local councillor Barry Kendler wanted to address the Romanian community in Harrow because it is his belief that it is important for Romanians to learn and understand the role of local councillors and the help a local councillor can offer the residents in his ward.

Kendler represents Edgware ward, an area with a large number of Romanian residents.

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He knows many of the problems they face and wants to support them but cannot do so if he is not asked for help. The councillor talked about one of the biggest problems faced by Romanian workers: He described the legislation regulating rentals and the multiple occupancy license requirements.

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Knowing that most Romanians rent houses from private landlords, often at very high prices, the councillor knows that often people share accommodation. Kendler explained the dangerous risks to which people expose themselves if they live in houses which are overcrowded and are not fit for multiple occupancy and asked people to come forward and report such landlords as letting houses which are not fit for purpose and which do not meet the multiple occupancy licencing requirements is a criminal offence.

The councillor offered the participants his contact details and explained the ways in which he can be contacted. Parmjit Chahal , Head of Service Children and Family Services, Harrow Council spoke about social services, the importance of child protection and the way social services operate.

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HOROSCOP 2018 - TAUR - by Astrolog Alexandra Coman

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