11 january pisces horoscope

Thursday 27th December
  1. Today's Pisces Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018
  2. Pisces Daily Horoscope
  3. Sabian Symbol
  4. Pisces Daily Horoscope - Thursday, 11th January - 11 January Pisces Daily Horoscope
  5. Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Pisces

Astrology reveals the effect of planets on Pisces today. This is a very good time to implement the plans and promises that you made to yourself. New endeavours are likely to take off the ground very quickly now. However, the time is also favourable for relaxing and having some fun with friends. So, be sure to schedule social activities in the evening.

Avoid gossip and you can have a fun filled evening. You are pretty charged today. Divert the excess energy in keeping yourself fit and fine. Devise a strategy for proper exercise on a regular basis.

These horoscopes are most accurate when read for your ascendant, but if you have your Sun plus a stellium 2 or more planets in this sign then you will find that these horoscopes will ring true for your Sun also.

All mainstream horoscopes are written using solar houses, which, in others words, is writing for your ascendant. If you do not know your ascendant please use this free chart maker to find it.

Pisces Health & Wellness Horoscope

Once you have done that you can also read more about your rising decan and star too! It is the most personal point of your chart and the only one Along with your ruling planet that really describes you personally and your incarnation for this lifetime. A confident person with a good network.

To always feel the one can take a deeper step, to feel that one has to walk the less trodden trail. The ascendant gives the purest expression of the decans energy since no planets will colour its expression. The ascendant is also the relationship axis, so the influences above will play out mostly in how the subject relates to others.

With Pisces decan 1 the empathy will be most notable in relationships. In anaesthetizing themselves to the suffering there can be problems with alcohol or drug abuse. The fame promised can only fuel the temptation to substance abuse due to the nature of the industry and the people it attracts. A down-to-earth attitude elsewhere in the chart is needed to avoid becoming swallowed up by the glamour of stardom.

A person who can transcend their life circumstances and is able to see the potential in people or places. To have the ability to truly change or alter things via insights that go beyond the current problem.

With Pisces decan 2 the victim and saviour dynamic will be most notable in relationships. Some may have too much of a relationship with drugs to be able to form a meaningful sexual relationship with another. To be consistent in action and thought. You're in a fabulous position for rethinking long-term goals or career and business moves.

Where November was bumpy, the path is clear in December. Especially after the New Moon on the 7th and even more so after the 12th, you're in a stellar position for taking charge of your work, managing others, taking the lead, and making great strides towards your broader goals.

Today's Pisces Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018

You're willing to put in the legwork and just the right amount of extra effort to shine--or even outshine--past performance. From the , you might enjoy a positive turnaround, primarily related to travel, publishing, or results that you've been awaiting.

Mars is in your sign until the very last day of the month and the year ! There can be times when you clash with others, or circumstances seem to be resisting you, but overall, you're raring to go, readier to take action than usual. Better days for pushing ahead are the , , and Lively energy is with you! The is especially powerful for a sense of mission or purpose.

This Mars transit is energizing - you're ready to take on a challenge, and you're interested in innovating, being the first, and getting ahead. Venus in a compatible sign most of the month attracts rather than pursues, so you have both yin and yang energies going for you now.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Mars is not only in your sign all month, but it also aligns with Neptune, your modern planetary ruler, boosting your conviction. Previous months had there fair share of roadblocks, and December feels more energizing and supportive overall.

People tend to follow or respond positively to you as you seem to be where the action is! Support from friends, associates, groups, or even your community is likely, although you do prefer to go about your business independently and at your own pace just now. Venus moves in harmony with your sign from December 2nd forward, pointing to relative ease in your social life.

Since the month does require a little more from you than most months, it helps that love and friendship matters are generally status quo or quietly thriving. Indeed, you need to live and love more freely rather than spending too much time worrying about problems.

Publishing can be profitable. Travel or connections made with people from different cultures than your own can be enjoyable and beneficial.

Watch for overstrain on physical, emotional, and mental levels, but do gently push some of your usual limits. Mars can help you assert yourself and stimulate you to draw upon your natural courage, but self-control should always be exercised for best results.

Times to especially avoid overdoing things are the and when Mars forms challenging aspects. The Sun moves into your friendship sector on the 21st, and then a Full Moon occurs in your sector of joy on the 22nd, coloring the energies of the final week of the year with some social fireworks.

Sabian Symbol

This can be a romantic time, and this lunation may very well offer you a beautiful opportunity to understand your longings and needs more clearly, mainly related to creative and romantic matters. You're in the position to see your heart's desire, and it can be wonderful for creative vision.

The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar tenth house. Satisfaction and fulfillment during this cycle come from doing your professional best, shining as a responsible and capable person, and contributing to the world in practical ways.

Pisces Daily Horoscope - Thursday, 11th January - 11 January Pisces Daily Horoscope

You might have a chance to receive acknowledgement or praise for your work or good character now. Landing support from authority figures is easier at this time. Avoid the pitfalls of pride or arrogance standing in your way of success. From December 22nd forward: The Sun lights your solar eleventh house.

The Sun illuminates your sector of friends, groups, and dreams coming true this month. It's a sociable sector of your chart, and that's exactly how you are feeling--happy, light-hearted, cosmopolitan, and social. Group affiliations capture your attention. Connections can be made now and networking pays off, or at least satisfies.

Being part of a community or circle of friends and building your social network is important to you at this time. This is a rather happy, goal-oriented cycle. A lively agenda is promised, you're attracting quite a bit of interest, and your energy for making contact with others is high.

A stronger sense of community is with you during this cycle. Relationships take on a fun, if impersonal, tone now. Activities with children especially others' children may increase. You are more stimulated by all that is unconventional during this cycle, and your ideas are original and progressive now.

This is a time to follow your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed in the form of a wish for the future. From December 2nd forward: Venus graces your solar ninth house during this period.

A taste for the exotic takes hold during this cycle. Routine affairs simply don't seem to satisfy.

Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Pisces

You receive pleasure from anything that expands your horizons, both physically and mentally. Foreign people and places may particularly appeal now. You tend to be expansive and generous when it comes to love. A love interest who attracts you during this cycle may be somebody who you previously wouldn't consider attractive, or someone whose cultural background is very different than yours.

You have a taste for the exotic and the spirit to match. Public relations work, promotion, and other such endeavors are favored now. It is more about how you express yourself than the specifics of what you are saying that helps sway others to your position.