Debi prasad mishra astrologer

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  3. The Guaranteed Astrologer – Part 1
  4. is a fake seller — Fake Products

We have informed police cyber crime against this black mailer. This man has no receipt from our shop for his claim. I don't believe this. This man is spoiling the research and products of a great company.

Saptarishis Astrology Group Site

I have purchased Toad Stone and Cow Stone. They are good and powerful. So the people are so envious. They are all competitors. Sanjay Ghalot is fraud name in Internet disturbing the reputation of many companies. My cousin has contacted this person to ask future prediction.

He asked her he can not even talk anything first, he said to pay the amount first to his bank. He asked for My cousin deposited money in his account by nft. I check with my bank they said that money was transferred to his account same day. But this guy keep on saying money not received I was chasing this guy on phone, on what's app, on msg, u know this guy stop receiving my call n msg later he started giving excuses I m out, I m having lunch n all.

After 5 day he said money received that also I have to call this guy n ask him what about my payment.

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Mehta Saheb [5] stated that he did not know such a person and that we should not come to see him. Next day, he was once again asked for a reading; he subsequently asked who referred us, and this time we answered with another name, and he said we should go away and not bother him again.

Then, we called up X and updated him, at which point, X said it would be okay to mention his name. Evidently, X had known him for 20 years and had not wanted Mehta Saheb to do a free reading based on his friendship, which is why he had not wanted his name mentioned.

It seems X had been doing this often before, wherein he had not wanted his name mentioned in the referral.

Astro U P Mishra- 2 शनि की टेढ़ी मेढ़ी चाल 2020 तक

Mehta Saheb was at his desk with a lit cigarette, the smoke of it filling the stale air in the small room, and a young man in his late 20s was sitting in front of him. Mehta Saheb was shooting off rapid predictions to this young man, in a nasal tone and high pitched voice which was barely discernable.

In between, he would offer astrological explanations to the young man, who did not seem to understand astrology, but who wore a wide smile nonetheless. He seemed to be enjoying the stunning predictions, such as…. We realized that we were sitting in front of a master, who incidentally did not have any books, certificates, or photographs of saints or gods on display.

Mehta Saheb was constantly smoking and many times kept the cigarette lit for a long interval without even smoking it.

He scribbled the chart on a notepad, and our investigative eye noted that he had drawn the natal chart and next to it the same chart from the Moon Ascendant. The details of the chart of our friend are not given for privacy issues, but one must remember what Mehta Saheb said to us on the telephone, as his parting shot before he passed on: He was the only astrologer we had to stop after 45 minutes of predictions since it was too stunning and we wanted it on paper due to his indiscernible voice.

Also, he said that these predictions were just preliminary, and that after he would give us 30 predictions for the next 30 days, we were to give him feedback in writing, and only then he would rectify the birth time. And we had thought that already his predictions had been stunning enough! We sat in awe as we were in front of the finest astrologer so far, though others may have experienced better than we had.

Then we realized why X had sent us to him. Though he was very strict on this day feedback, he still gave us three dates that were for a particular month only, as to when the new job would be found.

He said that out of the three dates he would guarantee one date even though we had not gone through the process of chart rectification. This scribe was stunned since no astrologer had ever guaranteed his predictions since the 6 th century astrologer Varahamihira, who was ready to be hanged if his predictions did not become true, yet, this scribe cannot guarantee even one of his own predictions.

Now these dates for the upcoming job were nine months later than the dates given in most consultations, and we were dismayed since it was not exactly what we had wanted to hear.

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Most of us go with pre-conceived notions of what the astrologer must say to us. In fact, most astrologers in India might have given our friend a one-or-two-month period for new job gain, and Mehta Saheb was the only astrologer who gave us such an extended-wait- period prediction.

X immediately wondered aloud in great frustration if Mehta Saheb had lost his astrological ability. X seemed to feel, based on this one case, that his recommendation had been useless.

The Guaranteed Astrologer – Part 1

However, X had known Mehta Saheb for 20 years of close friendship, and in this time, had seen him predicting a minimum of 50 cases of job gain to the day, which is why this was a surprise to him.

In one future instance on the same chart Mehta Saheb failed dramatically, but by then he had moved to the holy city of Haridwar, India, due to his ill health.

He did not want to make this particular prediction, and scribe had to pester him several times for it, but in the end, his prediction failed anyway. He did not tell us that it was time for him to pass on… but he had told X three years earlier that a particular week three years later would be bad for him, and then three days before the event, he called up X and said its time to say goodbye to 20 years of friendship.

Some Of His Predictions. This is what X and some contacts in Delhi told me. What we have heard from X will always be totally true since we know X to be the most honest devotee [12] of astrology that we have ever met and known personally for a long time. Some of this might be factually erroneous since we heard it on the phone and there is a slight chance we could have heard the facts wrong.

These predictions are not so great, but this is what we have to offer now as to what we remember. The Man, The Machine. This is the most important section as per this scribe, and a learning for even the best of the lot. If some of the good points of Mehta Saheb are inspirational, then this write-up has served its purpose.

Mehta Saheb did not learn astrology from anyone or from books. He was an engineer, and when he started to learn astrology, he read two books by one popular author.

He read it and practiced it on some charts, only to realize that no clear predictions could ever be made via that knowledge, so he instantly discarded those books, and when we met him he showed us that in his house there are no books.

He never met an astrologer , never went to any conference , never advertised his consultation service, never wrote any articles and was light years away from Internet forums.

Rao , and on the last day just before ten minutes of our departing, we asked, pushing the MP3 recorder towards him, whether he heard of S. Mehta, and then K. Mehta did not have many possessions in life, and this is often the mark of a great astrologer, and he did not want many clients, and his fees were the same whether it was for others or the ex- Chief Minister of a State, to whom he had predicted that in 11 days on such and such date, he would become the Chief Minister of that State.

Twice he had given to-the-date predictions to this Chief Minister in front of X, as to when he would become Chief Minister. is a fake seller — Fake Products

It is not known if he distinguished between the common man and a Chief Minister , but it did not appear so, since Mehta Saheb came across in front of us as a very humble astrologer, and he would not be of the type to show partiality to people in power. Mehta Saheb was not a popular person since he did not write articles or attend conferences and he was not so well known in India, but only in those circles where he was recommended.

Some so-called holy astrologers had a problem with Mehta Saheb since he did not believe in God, [15] did not believe in remedies and he used to smoke and drink alcohol. The problem with India is, in spite of thousands of years of spirituality and all of us claiming that India is the most spiritual land, we have not been able to eradicate racism, dowry, poverty, or corruption.

The saints of Maharashtra and Indian yogis have shown this for hundreds of years, how they can smoke but also give great spiritual teachings, perform miracles and be the kindest of humans. Well one brief meeting and few calls is a very short period in which to get to know anyone, but after a certain age, one gets the experience of how to judge character.

Mehta had a huge memory and would remember charts well. He had some eight to ten students that he taught over a period, but unfortunately no writings or teachings have come out of them. X found him to be one of the few astrologers with whom he could discuss astrology without worrying about the politics of astrologers or hurting the ego of astrologers when asked some tough technical questions.

It has taken us three years to procure the two marvelous books written by the Guaranteed Astrologer:. The former maybe can be used by any Western or Indian astrologer student for marvelous predictions, and the latter gives a very technical form of timing periods in astrology Vimshottari.

Along with one of our volunteer writers, Mr. Venkat , we had tested some of the astounding principles given in New Rules of Hindu Astrology, but we found it working on a few charts stunningly and failing on a few, so apparently, we did not have the master key of S.

Yet in the next installment of this article, we would take up some of his rules and show how astoundingly it works on some charts and how it fails on some, giving a balanced view. That should also serve as a reminder to young students that the best kept secrets of true researchers and writers is that each technique can work on charts and an article can display all those charts, and similarly that same technique can be used to show how it is not working on another set of charts.

If you plan to buy his books, do not expect miracles coming out. Remember that one metre-in-height rule book of Mehta , and remember for a super computer like Mehta, it was never possible to put his knowledge out in book form.

It was only after the insistence of X and other admirers that something had to be published, and for this, we must be grateful.

The books of Mehta Saheb remind me of the books written by sages, where each aphorism can seem to be working on some charts and failing on some, yet it is our tradition that we do not criticize the sages so why should we criticize a modern author and create bad karma.

Over the years we have found that Observational Astrology is the greatest form of guru to oneself. But this has to be blended with the ability to accept that our knowledge is limited, and there are some rules which are not known to us, since if we believe that we know all the rules or we are the greatest researcher ever born, we would not be able to learn from Observational Astrology.

This may have been the strongest point of Mehta Saheb, as he re-wrote astrology for himself, starting from scratch.


When an astrologer decides that he does not want to be known in the literary circles of astrology, he may be at a great advantage and can excel far more than anyone. Often literary circles of astrology are distracting and consuming time and precious mental energy, apart from at times creating bad karma out of philosophical disagreements.

If I can find faults in myself and compare it with what I can learn from Mehta Saheb , it is, he did not bother to write articles, he did not have the desire to stand in front of crowds of young astrologers in conferences, he did not have to spend days to prepare his speeches like other conference speakers, he did not have to spend days writing an article and then spend years promoting that article at every instance, and he did not want to be surrounded by hundreds of students.

Even though we spoke few times, we spoke at length, and we never found him complaining about any astrologer. Mehta Saheb was better off not believing in God, it seems.

He died as the Unsung Hero of Astrology. For Westerners, this is an ancient text that has not survived in purity and we published it in English for the first time, and it can be found in previous issues of Saptarishis Astrology.