- Number 18, Eighteen in numerology | Numerology Meaning
- Number 18, Eighteen in numerology
- numerology.center
- Numerology – Number 18
Number 18, Eighteen in numerology | Numerology Meaning
You like to take care about people around you and to see that their life changes for the better. You are easy-going person and prefer travelling to all the other kinds of entertainment.
You like to see new places, to communicate with new people, to get new experience.
You adopt new living conditions without difficulties and accept changes easily as well. You always look calm and sedate. Not many people suspect that some disappointment is hidden inside you. It may come from your childhood or from some event which happened during life. Try to release your negative feelings.
Number 18, Eighteen in numerology
If you feel some discomfort in your soul make an effort to concentrate on it and understand its reason. If you find out that the reason is hurt, learn how to forgive and let it go. So it is up to you which direction of knowledge to choose. However, you should choose one sphere of interest and the second one should always be arts, in order to broaden your outlook and reveal your potential fully.
People born on the 18 th day of the month are often great artists.
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- Birthday Number 18.
You need to try yourself in various areas before choosing one to specialize in. You are a humanist, you know and understand feelings of people, their needs and struggles.
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You are emphatic, so you can help directly the needs of community and people there, and what is more important - you do care for them. The greatest pleasure that you can get through life will be a result of your actions to improve the living of others.
From the other side, you can be deeply disappointed and even broken down, if your efforts will be vain.
Emotional and sexual characteristics of people with Number 18 are mainly controlled by the Number 9. These people are very sexy, but it is not so easy for them to express their desires and dreams.
Expression of desire seems to them shameful, they often take it as a sign of weakness. That's how sometimes they inhibit themselves up to despondency.
But there is also the influence of the Number 8, representing the delicate and sensitive lover, who is also sexually powerful. The conflict is very rare, because the Number 8 does not hide from those he loves. All components - Numbers: Number 9 is quite dominating, as well as the Number 1, so the Number 18 tends to prevail in the affairs of heart, otherwise nothing will happen, and the partner should be soft and flexible.
In addition, he or she should play a leading role in sex because of the Number 9, because of which Number 18 can not explicitly express feelings and desires.
In friendship people of Number 18 are very faithful, although it is not easy to get along with them.
Numerology – Number 18
At the same time, the Number 8 is "softening" the dominant character of the Number 18 and does not let people of this Number to impose their decisions to the others by force.
Although Number of 18 is not so easy to get along with, these people are very interesting companions, being smart and positive. In short, a partner or friend of such person shall be pliable, and at the same time, be a leader in sex, he must know when it is a time to lead and when it is a time to follow.