Signes horoscope chinois

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  1. Horoscope Cancer 2018
  2. Horoscope chinois de la Chèvre | Feng shui | Pinterest | Horoscope, Zodiac and Zodiac society
  3. L'Impératrice

Snakes and Rams should beware of relationships. Rats and Rabbits would do well to stay in the background. This is an insecure, moderate year, with many political and social changes taking place around you.

Take it easy, relax, and keep your eyes open — you might learn something! Seek counsel before making major decisions in the Year of the Dog.

Take stock and make tough decisions based upon what you want to achieve.

There will be opposition from many sources. Take no unnecessary risks or drastic measures; be mighty careful.

Horoscope Cancer 2018

The Dog influence causes turbulence, unrest and insane activity. There is so much going on, so many choices, that your survival depends on your ability to take a back seat and wait out the craziness.

This is your year — enjoy! In the next two years you must decide how you plan to shape the next decade of your existence. Things will go smoothly this year to help you on your way. Others will come to your aid. You will be extra charming this year so take advantage of it — seduce and fall in love at least once.

You may spend beyond your means or be unable to save money. There is romance and new friendships on the horizon. Stay flexible through upheavals and changes coming your way in a year of conflicts and controversy. Take care with contracts or promises. Shift your viewpoint and accept change; you must regain confidence in yourself.

Examine propositions carefully, and then follow the cash flow. Take a sentimental journey at the end of the year. This will be an activity-packed year — shine, shout and make merry! Be enterprising — start a new business or job.

Take a trip; money should be plentiful. You may be publically recognized for a heroic act. You may find this a worrying or taxing time as it is difficult to please everybody. You may be forced to choose between opposing camps. Stay on course and things will work out; calm will return before the fall. Your home life may be disturbed by sad news or the departure of a member.

The Snake This is a year of small accidents and quirky twists of fate that try your patience.

Votre horoscope chinois 2018

You must compromise your beloved inactivity and join the mad race. You may be easily drawn into conflicts and find it is hard to please people at home or work. If you follow this course you will receive the help you seek and avoid major upheavals.

In effect, in the Chinese Horoscope, The Zodiac Signs are annual, that are represented by 12 animals. And each 12 years make a complet set of chinese zodiac cycle. According to your birthdate and birthplace, your personal portrait can be plotted.

Horoscope chinois de la Chèvre | Feng shui | Pinterest | Horoscope, Zodiac and Zodiac society

So we can decribe your life way, here the so called "Life Book". The entropologues attribute these signs to the animalism: Ranking Chinese zodiac animals How are ordained animals: It was once the Yellow Emperor selects 12 animals to be custodians of the palace. The cat says to the rat to register him as a candidate.

Unfortunately, the rat has forgotten, the cat has never been chosen, since then the cat and rat become enemies. Among the candidates there is the elephant.


With its small size, the rat has entered the trunk of the elephant, the elephant ran as soon. Among the remaining animals, they first chose the buffalo as their leader. The rat is very intelligent, he climbs on the back of the buffalo, the pig is also cons, then the rat was placed first, while the pig is the last.

The tiger and the dragon are not happy, for consolation, the tiger is named king of the mountains, and the dragon king of the sea, they are placed after the rat and buffalo.

The white rabbit does not accept this arrangement, he claims a race with the dragon. In the end result, he is plced before the dragon.