Pisces moon and pisces moon compatibility

Aries Moon
  1. Mars enters Aries
  2. Pisces Moon Compatibility: Dreams and Dilemmas ⋆ Astromatcha
  3. Pisces Moon Compatibility
  4. Mercury enters Capricorn

Careers, finances, purchases, family, and all other things take a back seat to the marriage. It may seem as if this couple is obsessed with each other. Well, yes, they probably are. If neither one want out at any time, this is fine.

Mars enters Aries

Other people may find either Scorpio Moon or Pisces Moon to be suffocating. Yet, at times when others would run for the hills, these two would run to each other.

They may be dependent on each other. They're usually quite dependent on each other. They don't want to live without each other, and they can't live without each other.

This is how they want it, even if it freaks other people out. So, imagine the sex that the media tries to tell you that you should be having. Imagine the sex you wish you were having, and now imagine the sex you think that everyone else is having when you're not having any, and then imagine the sex that you think goes on between the sexiest couples you can think of.

That's exactly what's going on in Scorpio Moon's and Pisces Moon's bedroom. Scorpio Moon goes down deep into the depths of sex. It doesn't care so much what it does so long as it feels that there are no boundaries between it and its lover.

Pisces Moon wants to feel as if it doesn't exist at all. Together, they bring each other to not just orgasmic delights, but to deep, soul-satisfying intimacy that makes them feel at one with each other and the universe. They have a bedroom that is probably very sexy, even if it is a bit over the top. There are satin sheets. There is a fireplace, or a sound machine that always plays the sound of ocean waves.

They may actually still have a waterbed, come to think of it. It may even rotate. It may have a canopy with chiffon draped over it.

Pisces Moon Compatibility: Dreams and Dilemmas ⋆ Astromatcha

There is a sense of magic to it though, because this is where the magic happens. Scorpio Moon seduces Pisces Moon, and sex can be quite an ongoing thing.

It usually starts hours before, even the day before, with just a look. Moon sign astrology shows that Pisces Moon and Cancer Moon are very compatible. You have many similarities that allow you to have a strong relationship. Together, you have a nurturing home. Cancer Moon is quite maternal, hence Pisces you can have someone who fulfills your need to be looked after.

Pisces need to be careful as Cancer Moon can feel neglected if they spend too much time looking after you. As your home is important to the both of you, you will create a harmonious setting to return to. You both have each other to rely on, but this also means that you will find it hard to escape an emotional roller coaster.

Importantly, Pisces you have to remember not to let Moon Cancer feel neglected, as you prefer to be looked after. Occasionally turning the tables will help strengthen this Pisces moon sign compatibility.

Pisces Moon Compatibility

You are both compatible Moon Signs. Pisces, you and Moon Leo feel that home and family are important, but that is the only similarity you both share. When you are with the Leo, Pisces you can feel that you are always compromising, creating an unbalanced partnership.

Loud and boisterous, Leo Moon can disrupt the calmness that Pisces you value. They can be melodramatic, leaving you feeling victimized as you are naturally sympathetic. Sometimes not feeling the balance makes you upset.

If you are able to have some direction, this Pisces moon relationship might improve. Together, Pisces you can learn a lot from Leo, while the lion can learn how to be less loud and dramatic. Any misunderstandings should be cleared up quickly to avoid you swimming in negative emotion. For this partnership to work, both sides need to compromise to find a balance.

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Pisces, you and Moon Virgo can have a strong working relationship but a potentially bad romance partnership. Moon Virgo is factual and organized, an efficient whiz in material affairs. Pisces, you are dreamy and disorganized when it comes to practical matters.

Mercury enters Capricorn

So having a Moon Virgo as your manager will work wonders, if they can tolerate your daydreaming habits. Moon Virgo can be a perfectionist and critical about everything. You are pacifist who will go along, but will feel hurt by criticism. Intellect rules Virgo Moon, while emotion rules your world. It may seem like Virgo has no care for your moods, but in reality you both will be moody and pessimistic.

You need to work harder to feel positive when you are together. You and Moon Virgo have a lot of learn from each other, making this a potential moon sign compatible partnership. Once you find a balance, things can run smoothly, despite your massive differences. Both Pisces, you and Moon Libra loves a harmonious and peaceful home atmosphere, you will avoid conflicts.

You also love romance, your household will be either problematic or too sweet that neither of you can tolerate it.


Moon Libra loves everything in balance, as the Scale sign, they want equality in a relationship. While Pisces, you prefer a partner that is either give or take.

You have a tendency to go into excess, as you lack self-limit. Moon Libra is less emotional, and more rational; while you thrive on emotional roller-coasters. You might drive Libra crazy with your emotional manipulation.

For a romantic Pisces moon compatibility to work, Moon Libra has to pay attention to things. While, you have to learn how to be more honest. Even if you both dislike conflict, there will bound to be some, as you are both different personalities. Pisces, you might have to learn how to give and take and have some boundaries, which are not bad traits to have.

You both share excellent Pisces moon compatibility. You Pisces and Moon Scorpio are both very intuitive and can form deep psychic bond, you have a special rapport with one another. Your sensitive sides allow you to create a harmonious home.

But there are some differences that may threaten peace. Pisces, you are tolerant and tend to forgive misgivings once wrongs are righted. Moon Scorpio does not forgive easily, and they will plot for revenge. You avoid conflict like a plague, but Scorpio thrives on confrontation that spikes intense emotions.

The Moon rules emotions , and Pisces is probably the gentlest, most sensitive and most spiritual of all of the signs — with this placing, you are a truly emotional being, with outstanding intuition. When Pisces Moon compatibility works well, your partner will be your rock — able to support you during your darker moments, and able to cherish and adore your lighter, more romantic moods.

Because you are so in tune with your emotions, you soak up the atmosphere around you like a sponge. You can be uplifted by happy people and dragged right down by negative ones. Nothing is ever just OK. You are an old fashioned romantic, full of fairy tale dreams and expectations. You might think that this makes it hard to find someone who can measure up to your Pisces Moon compatibility requirements — but actually, you fall in love fast, easily and often.

When you are in love, you put your partner on a pedestal so that he or she can do no wrong. This rose tinted glasses approach is lovely for your partner, and it works OK for you to during the good times.

When your partner lets you down or falls off their pedestal, however, you are at a total loss to understand what has happened, and you never, ever see it coming. Not surprisingly, with so much emotion swirling around, you sometimes find it hard to deal with the harsh realities of day to day life.

You like to escape, and often you do that by seeking the line of least resistance.

Moon in Pisces Horoscope (All about Pisces Moon zodiac sign)

This makes you vulnerable to an unscrupulous partner, and it also makes it hard for you to escape from an unhealthy relationship. For Pisces Moon compatibility to work in your favor, you should work on your self-reliance skills.

Ready to discover the real potential of your relationship?

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