Number 23 record on my birthday

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Meanwhile, check out your birthday, share your thoughts in the comments — and tell the Internet to do the same. Thanks, Cynthia Brewer, for your wonderful color guide. So my three-year-old daughter — who celebrates a birthday Sept.

It looked the most like a birthday cake, she said. Also, thanks to publicdomainpictures. I was unfortunate enough to have been told the actual day of my conception, and the chart says I should have been conceived just the day before.

Given all the variables in play, one day off is incredibly accurate.

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The data is still somewhat biased because of the irregular sample size. In order to have completely unbiased data you need to have a number of samples such that each day falls on a particular day of the week the same number of times as any other day.

By looking at the graph there are clear spikes on April 4, 11, and We know this is a cause of this bias because:. For example, the day April 11th, from , falls on: Monday 3 times , , Tuesday 3 times , , Wednesday 3 times , , Thursday 3 times , , Friday 3 times , , , Saturday 2 times , Sunday 3 times , , It has more occurrences on a Friday and less occurrences on a Saturday compared to the other days of the week.

Because of other studies showing that weekend birthdays are less common than weekday ones, we can conclude that the lowered frequency of weekend dates for the days April 4, 11, and 18 are causing a spike.

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In order to have unbiased data you need a sample size of a year span e. My birthday is the rarest by far. Interesting seeing the slump around Christmas. I wonder if Christmas babies were as rare in the past as they are now? Is that controlled for somewhere to normalize that date against the others?

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Far fewer people are born on February 29 than on any other date, so I presume some kind of statistical adjustment has been made. I always tell people that I almost never meet anyone who shares my birthday, November I should either 1 exclude it or 2 do a weighted average. Thanks for prompting me to check it out.

Weighted average gets my vote, excluding it seems a bit harsh for those people born on those days.

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I also notice the 13th of every month is low. I always thought your birthday was just whatever day it was but it seems there is way more control than I thought. Some women offered dates for planned c-section may be less likely to choose the 13th of the month, or Friday the 13th.

As for the increase in births starts in June July time. I wonder if there is a corresponding increase in prescriptions of antibiotics in the Autumn and start of Winter? It would be interesting to see the graphic split for planned c-sections, and another for all other births vaginal delivery, emergency c-section, any induction.

Something else that might be interesting to know — is there a time of year where it is more likely for IVF embryos to be transferred back and similar other fertility treatment to be carried out?

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Being under consultant care it is more likely babies will be born by c-section. I was born on April 1, but it was in , so if they could calculate the birthdays from , that would be great.

Yes, this is surprising, because with my friends group we hate november because 12 of them of 28 born on those dates. I have thought for some time that low birth rates for major holidays are due to lack of elective c sections. I think doctors and hospital staff would be difficult to arrange for Christmas day, Christmas eve, New year day, independence day.

  1. astrology by date of birth and time in kannada!
  2. Probability and the Birthday Paradox - Scientific American.
  3. How Common is Your Birthday? This Visualization Might Surprise You | The Daily Viz;
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  5. A (semi-retired) digital sketchpad for data stories, by Matt Stiles..

Is this really true? There are multiple reasons why this seems like a paradox. One is that when in a room with 22 other people, if a person compares his or her birthday with the birthdays of the other people it would make for only 22 comparisons—only 22 chances for people to share the same birthday.

But when all 23 birthdays are compared against each other, it makes for much more than 22 comparisons. Well, the first person has 22 comparisons to make, but the second person was already compared to the first person, so there are only 21 comparisons to make. The third person then has 20 comparisons, the fourth person has 19 and so on. Consequently, each group of 23 people involves comparisons, or chances for matching birthdays.


Ideally you should get 10 to 12 groups of 23 or more people so you have enough different groups to compare. You don't need the year for the birthdays, just the month and day.

Here are a few ways that you can find a number of randomly grouped people: Ask school teachers to pass a list around each of their classes to collect the birthdays for students in the class most schools have around 25 students in a class ; use the birthdays of players on major league baseball teams this information can easily be found on the Internet ; or use the birthdays of other random people using online sources.

Based on the birthday paradox, how many groups would you expect to find that have two people with the same birthday? Does the birthday paradox hold true? In this activity you used a group of 23 or more people, but you could try it using bigger groups.

If you use a group of people—the greatest number of days a year can have—the odds that two people have the same birthday are percent excluding February 29 leap year birthdays , but what do you think the odds are in a group of 60 or 75 people?

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Rolling dice is a great way to investigate probability. You could try rolling three sided dice and five six-sided dice times each and record the results of each roll. Calculate the mathematical probability of getting a sum higher than 18 for each combination of dice when rolling them times. This Web site can teach you how to calculate probability: Probability Central from Oracle ThinkQuest.