5 january eclipse astrology

Current & Upcoming Eclipses
  1. Mercury enters Capricorn
  2. How to deal with Eclipses by Susan Miller
  3. How to deal with Eclipses by Susan Miller | Agent Karma

They look for weak links in all circumstances and instantly and urgently bring information so that you can decide what you want to do. Eclipses work from the outside in. In that I mean that an outside event that has nothing to do with you, and over which you have no control, will often act in a way that affects your life in a powerful, direct, and lasting way.

The outside force can be a small, casual event or comment — it need not be a big — but yet it can have monumental influence on our life anyway. Eclipses bring news of big life events that you long remember.

You may sell a house or buy one, or start a new business or close one. You may get a major promotion or a new client, or be given enviable publicity, or be downsized. You may meet someone new to date, or get engaged.

Often at eclipse time, we are very aware of the passage of time, and that can make us a bit wistful even when the news is very happy. You may suddenly be expecting a baby or get news that the adoption you had hoped for is suddenly coming through.

You may come in to a lot of money, or lose an important source of income. You may sign a big business deal or walk away from one. You might have surgery or win a marathon and be on TV.

You may acquire a new pet, or sadly suffer the loss of one. Alas, as you see, not all news on eclipses is happy, but eclipses do mark major life events that make us value the good parts of life even more.

Eclipses often change the status of a situation. While an eclipse will always seek out the weak link in a situation to expose it to you, they are just as capable of helping you in a positive way, such as to help you find new love or be asked to interview for a big position. The luck you uncover can be the change in status you will receive.

Check your monthly report on Astrology Zone for how I see the eclipse affecting you. Keep your eye on your health at eclipse time, and doubly so if the eclipse is near your birthday, is in your birth sign, or is six months away from your sign i.

If you need to address a health or dental issue, get advice and help so that you can get back to feeling tip top again soon! You may feel like you are walking across a bridge to a new land at eclipse time. You are — with no ability to go back to the place you started. In that sense, after you start moving toward the new situation by enforced changes or by your own volition , the bridge will collapse — there will be no way back.

You are ready for more. The universe wants us to embrace all that is new, not go back to what is tried and true. The ancients always wrote that if you act under an eclipse, especially a full moon eclipse lunar , the plan would not work out quite the way you expected.

Instead, bide your time and act a few weeks later when there will be less cosmic dust in the air and things are more settled. Here is the rule: Try to allow some space of a week or more between the eclipse and the date you act. Sometimes it is not possible to put things off, so do your best.

It is OK to accept a new job, but might not be wise to quit one at eclipse time. When you act at eclipse time, you may be surprised at the outcome — things could backfire or create an effect that you had not anticipated. Still, admittedly, it may be really hard to put off saying something at a full moon eclipse. Truth tends to surface like a geyser at these times!

See how you feel! Eclipses will always play with our sense of time and change it by compressing it and speeding things up.

Mercury enters Capricorn

They bring events to bear today, ones that you assumed would happen months or years into the future. An eclipse comes by and one of the partners in the couple gets a big promotion and a chance to work in the London office.

Suddenly the couple decides to tear up their old blueprints and instead get married immediately so that they can start their life together in London right away. Indeed, timetables often change dramatically under eclipses.

Also, at eclipse time, if one of your planets will be touched by the eclipse, you may feel your life moving on fast forward, at greatly accelerated speed. Time moves so fast, you can almost see the hands on the clock spin around! Eclipses can help you do things you never thought you could do, overcome fears, and show yes, you CAN do it!

Consider this little metaphysical story I devised for you to illustrate this point. You are not an experienced rider, so you ask the horse trainer for a gentle horse.

He suggests the perfect one for you, a horse that is even-tempered and experienced. He also suggests an appropriate path for you. Before you set off on your trail, you were told by the trainer that you will need to jump a stone fence five miles down the road but that the horse is capable of doing the jump.

You start out on the path the trainer suggested. Distracted by the gorgeous scenery, you forget about the fence until it looms suddenly in front of you. You probably would have never taken this path if you knew how big it was. You cannot imagine going over that and surviving it! Yet, it symbolizes something you want to do but are terrified to do, so you feel conflicted fear vs.

Before you can pull on the reins, you find yourself flying through the air on his back and much to your horror and yet giddy amazement, you are flying over the fence. Much to your astonishment, you land perfectly. The horse is fine and so are you — but you feel shaky and count all your fingers to be sure you are all in one piece!

It all happened so quickly! Timetables are moved up at eclipse time. You had no time to think! Now, however, you feel quite accomplished — proud of what you did, and rightly so! It is a great moment!

Had you had time to think, you may not have had the courage to try. But you did react, and you succeeded. Welcome to the effects of an eclipse.

This is quite an insidious, gold-digging solar eclipse and one could get easily carried away by flattery. The ruthless side of Capricorn decan 2 will do anything to climb the pyramid. The positive side to this Solar Eclipse is that it is a great one if you are creating very elaborate architecture.

Capricorn loves to build and sculpture is also well starred. To be focused on humanitarian issues. Hight expectations; seeking a saviour. With eccentric artists, this may lead to a debauched life. Vega is said to pave the way to riches and fame. In connection with the Moon…a tendency for occult and mysticism may be given.

I have written a whole post on Vega so here are my keywords: Blood is thicker than water, family honor, loyalty, musical, theatrical, arty and crafty, waxes lyrical, charming the birds from the trees, pied piper, paying the piper, songbirds, lullaby, lair, aspiring, social climbers, class-conscious, divas, wannabes, fans, stalkers, admirers, high status, flash cars, impressive, political clout, gangsters, grasping, publicity hungry, media whores, ancestral talents, dynasties, forging, faking, plastic surgery, perfection, idealism, the pinnacle of success, snobbery, rags to riches, riches to rags, thieving, criminal activity, torture, punishment, law unto themselves.

When I studied Vega and Lyra in depth I found they were definitely associated with wealth and a tad of pretentiousness. It fits very well with the aspirational mountain-climbing goat. And because it carries a shaft poised on a drawn bow, it imparts strength to limb and keenness to the intellect, swiftness of movement, and an indefatigable spirit.

A solar eclipse is a turbocharged New Moon. Generally, New Moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. We are essentially working on the blank canvas of the dark moon where our ideas can gestate in the new moon soil. But with an Eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. Therefore the lunar interrupts the flow of energy and causes disruption.

It breaks our habitual behaviour and gives us a kind of cosmic reboot. This makes the unconscious, conscious, like when you become aware that you are dreaming. During an eclipse, like the lucid dream, we get that same sudden feeling of hyperawareness. We could do anything!! At best, the effect of a solar eclipse can amplify insights gained from a very balanced left and right brain.

The Solar eclipse is very good at showing up any imbalances you have. Eg, You are on one leg in tree pose and the Solar eclipse pokes you in the side. The amount of wobble shows how much centering you need to do.

A Solar Eclipse can bring an awakening or a shocking revelation that rocks you to the core. It aims to balance out left and right brain hemispheres and therefore consciousness so that you are not lopsided. If Cancer is in the second house, take charge of your life by taking the necessary steps to make yourself feel good and secure.

If Cancer is in the eighth house, you are learning about the comfort levels of others. If Cancer is in the ninth house, you will be learning to expand your horizons, either through contact with people from an entirely different background than yours, travel, or higher learning.

If Cancer is in the tenth house, you are called upon to pay more attention to your career and public life, and to take charge of this important part of your life. If Cancer is in the fifth, you will learn to let go of a fear of taking risks, and to develop the courage to strike out on your own individual and creative path without fear.

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  • Lunations: Eclipses – Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses ;
  • Solar Eclipse January 2019 Astrology!

If Cancer is in the eleventh, you will be learning about letting go of your attachment to the drama of romance and personal relationships, as well as your willfulness. If Cancer is in the sixth house, you are called upon to deal with the details and practicalities of everyday life, to become more organized, and to take charge of your routines.

If Cancer is in the twelfth house, over the next year you are called upon to rid yourself of guilt about under-performing, and to develop faith and trust in a larger more spiritual plan.

This Solar Eclipse clears the way for new beginnings, dear Aries. This can be a time for dreaming up new and improved ways of doing business, stumbling upon a fabulous find, or redesigning something to your satisfaction.

How to deal with Eclipses by Susan Miller

The Sun-Pluto opposition occurring now suggests that the need to start fresh in your personal life will be easier and go more smoothly if you aim to let go of some of the pressure to perform.

You may be putting in a lot of extra hours, and you deserve a break! This can be a good time for a resolution to take more downtime or to spend extra care and energy on making your domestic world run smoothly. This Solar Eclipse launches a favorable cycle in which to turn over a new leaf with your studies, communications, and connections, dear Taurus.

The weeks ahead are excellent for taking care of daily tasks with increased and renewed energy, although you could experience an initial feeling of being overwhelmed since eclipses can wipe us out before restoring energy.

Venus-Uranus is especially helpful for you, not only because Uranus is in your sign, but also because Venus is your planetary ruler. The inspiration to make changes can come from a budding romance or creative project that excites you. The Sun-Pluto opposition suggests that it may be difficult to let go of a particular line of thought.

Or, you might find that letting go of an ongoing argument or consuming project just for now helps clear your head for a brand new beginning.

This Solar Eclipse happens in your resources sector, dear Gemini, and you may be making important decisions in the coming weeks related to personal finances, business, and practical affairs.

With this in mind, brand new beginnings may not be ideal. Occurring at the time of — and imprinted into the energies of — this eclipse is a Venus-Uranus trine that favors creative problem-solving in your domestic life or related to your inner world.

Getting rid of clutter in your home or on an emotional level figuratively speaking can be especially helpful for improving your outlook, as you can feel lighter and freer. A Sun-Pluto opposition also ties in with the energies of the eclipse, suggesting some struggle a partner or gaining the support you feel you need.

While relationships or financial matters may feel loaded or intense now, this is a time for releasing yourself from problems or burdens or making a plan to do so going forward. You might be able to increase your income or pour more energy and confidence into your talents and projects.

The Solar Eclipse occurring today is in your sign, dear Cancer, and it helps pave the way towards significant individual changes in the coming weeks and even months.

A Venus-Uranus aspect occurs at the same time as the eclipse, acting as an imprint and effectively extending its influence for weeks and even months ahead. A Sun-Pluto opposition influence is also tied to the eclipse as well and suggests some struggles with a partner or with others which ultimately motivate you to begin anew. This is a time for building your confidence and independence.

This will help clear the decks from brand new beginnings. This Solar Eclipse launches a period of review, letting go, and recharging your spiritual or emotional batteries, dear Leo. A Venus-Uranus aspect occurring at the same time imprints its energies on the eclipse and is thus longer-lasting than usual.

You have the ability to take a look at what needs to be improved or changed and to make adjustments with fewer regrets. Willingness to take a new feeling, method, idea, or interest related to money, business, or work for a spin can benefit you greatly.

Work on your fear of missing out so that you can take more time to recuperate and refresh yourself both physically and mentally. This Solar Eclipse places a strong focus on making contacts and reaching out to others, dear Virgo, in both a social and professional sense, over the coming weeks and even months.

A Venus-Uranus aspect occurring around the time of the eclipse colors the energies of this entire period. Fortunately for you, Venus is in your sign, and this is fresh and progressive energy. People enjoy your company even more than usual and they admire your original ideas.

Also imprinted onto the eclipse is a Sun-Pluto opposition suggests that you may be wrestling with overseeing or over-managing one area of life that often keeps you away from enjoying yourself in other areas.

For some of you, this may be about letting others help you if you are overwhelmed. This Solar Eclipse brings heightened awareness and sensitivity to your standing in society and your professional goals, dear Libra, as it happens in the professional or public sector of your solar chart.

Mars is retrograde, however, making it wise to focus more on works in progress than it is for brand-new ventures. A Venus-Uranus-Saturn configuration occurs around the same time as the eclipse and colors the energies of this period.

This suggests that behind-the-scenes support or work can be rewarding now, boosting your career efforts. Feeling more confident in yourself from the inside out and in your home and personal life allows you more freedom to explore and develop your career or put more effort towards achieving your goals. There may be treasures to be found in the past now.

A Venus-Uranus-Saturn configuration occurs around the time of the eclipse and colors its energies. This is a wonderful time for connecting with people who inspire you or who you inspire. Teaming up can bring rewards.

New interactions can be exciting or new life can be breathed into current connections. A Sun-Pluto opposition also ties into the energies of the eclipse and presents a challenge, perhaps pitting your desire for new experiences against your attachment to your routines.

In truth, you may have a lot on your plate, but you need a break from time to time so that you can refresh yourself and your mind. Consider that you may be limiting your growth by sticking too closely to your habits, methods, neighborhood, or home. Do what you can to make room for spirit-boosting activities in your life, even if it means pulling yourself away from current projects and routines once in a while.

With a Solar Eclipse bringing powerful energy to your intimacy sector, the period ahead is one of empowerment and discovery, dear Sagittarius. This is, in fact, a powerful time to get in deeper touch with yourself, inner desires, fears, addictions, and vulnerabilities. Issues related to money or power dynamics in a relationship may be in focus now.

Aim to purge, release, and let go so that you can grow along with this eclipse energy and begin anew. You may need to let others in or get some outside support so that you can rest easy. This is a time for letting others in! Helping you along is a Venus-Uranus-Saturn configuration that suggests openings with career, work, or money can help you along.

Working on creating a stable, smooth-running, or consistent routine or income can help free you for opportunities to expand and connect now. A Sun-Pluto opposition ties into the energy of this eclipse because it occurs around the same time. Try to treat this as a time for coming to a better understanding of yourself and avoid counting on someone to do exactly as you want or expect.

More importantly, try your best not to mastermind a situation having to do with people and emotions. Nip fear in the bud, especially if it finds you frequently tense in the presence of a partner.

If you aim to stay very open and flexible, which can be challenging to do right now but not impossible, then you get yourself into an empowered position.

This puts you in the best possible position for enjoying the benefits of the eclipse, allowing you to start anew in a relationship. You have a taste for something different, particularly when it comes to self-expression, personal enjoyment and entertainment, pleasures, and learning.

Opening up adds to the fun, and creativity can blossom. This Solar Eclipse can prompt a refresh or new chapter in your life related to work, health, habits, and routines, dear Aquarius. Brand new ventures may not pick up steam, but putting your energies into editing and refining works in progress can be useful and rewarding now.

It will be easier to wipe the slate clean and start anew if you deal with psychological issues that have been holding you back. A Sun-Pluto opposition ties into the energies of the eclipse, and suggests that dealing with insecurities that undermine your productivity or emotional blocks that keep you from taking better care of yourself is essential and can be rewarding now.

Helping you along is a Venus-Uranus trine, also occurring at the time of the eclipse and imprinting its energies into it. This can inspire you to let go of negative thinking or old relating patterns.

This can serve to open your mind to new routines and habits. A relationship may also be a strong motivator for you to pick up your socks, so to speak! This Solar Eclipse occurs in your sector of romance, creative self-expression, recreation, children, and hobbies, dear Pisces.

You are likely to attract positive attention from others, especially romantically or creatively speaking.

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You may be starting a new hobby or stepping up a current one. Tied into the energies of this eclipse is a Sun-Pluto opposition, suggesting a struggle. You may be finding new ways to communicate and enjoy yourself, and these can take you away from certain friends, networks, or groups. Do your best to prioritize your enjoyment and sense of play now.

Helping out is another energy that imprints its energies on this eclipse, and it opens up opportunities related to your relationships.

This is not the time to fall back on old habits in your writing, speech, and interactions. There can be pleasant surprises in your conversations or your news feed that help open up opportunities to you.

As noted above, a Lunar eclipse is an especially potent lunation, in this case, a potent Full Moon. Lunar eclipses are relationship-oriented. But it can also bring two people together with a sudden awareness of a great need for each other. Although Lunar eclipses are more relationship-oriented than Solar eclipses, they are not always about relationships between two people.

They can trigger awareness of need in other areas of our lives, such as our relationship to work, to our health and bodies, and so forth. This is a time when matters come to light—things that have been brewing under the surface. When a Full Moon occurs, we can suddenly burst forth with proclamations and outpours that seem fresh and new, simply because they are not yet rationalized.

A Lunar eclipse is a more potent Full Moon, and its effects tend to last longer. The effects of a Lunar eclipse last approximately six months. Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. With the Leo-Aquarius axis involved, this Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at our needs, lacks, and wants in our lives.

The Leo-Aquarius polarity deals with the balance between all that is personal Leo and all that is impersonal Aquarius. The energy of Leo is creative self-expression and the boost to the individual ego that we receive through pleasure and romance, while Aquarius rules the group, more impersonal friendships, and objectivity.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between romance and friendship, and between expressing ourselves in personal and impersonal ways.

The Leo Sun is proud and intensely individual—not content with simply being just one of the team. The Aquarius Moon, while individualistic as well, values the team. The Full Moon illuminates this conflict. Some sort of crisis which can be a crisis of consciousness or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the eclipse occurs in our natal charts.

Relationships may be challenged, broken, or strengthened dramatically at this time. Our discovery is emotionally charged and dramatic. Epiphanies are likely at this time as we become acutely aware of our lack.

This understanding can propel us into affirmative action. Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses bring issues in our lives to fulfillment. Our emotions are heightened, and there is often some sort of drama involved with the house, sign, and any contacted planets activated by the Full Moon.

This Lunar Eclipse gives us a cosmic push to make needed changes in our lives. The areas of life activated by the eclipse may see dramatic turns, after which the path is clear to move forward. Note that whatever happens at this time is nothing truly new. The issues have been brewing inside of us, and emotions have been building.

Something comes to light at the time of the Lunar Eclipse, and if we get in touch with our emotions, we can get a better idea of what needs to change, or what needs to go. The Aquarius Moon is detached, impersonal, humanitarian, progressive, and intellectual. Even so, decisions made now are emotionally-driven. Others will be moved to make declarations or share revelations.

However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is new and not particularly rational as yet. Through the events or the tensions of this time, we can ultimately get to a better understanding of ourselves, and particularly of our desires.

This is a time to clear up past patterns that have been holding us back from personal fulfillment. The greater awareness of problems and especially lacks or flaws in our relationships that have been stimulated with recent eclipses can motivate us to take action.

On July 27, ; July It might be helpful to think back to issues in your life that were in effect around this time in order to get an idea of how this Lunar Eclipse affects you. These are also periods of your past, if applicable, that may have had similar themes to this current eclipse set.

If this Lunar eclipse forms a conjunction aligns with a planet in your chart, you may feel its intensity more than others. The desire —or necessity— to turn over a new leaf is strong. A significant other or the public can play a large role in the events of your life now.

In major aspect to the Moon , a Lunar Eclipse can trigger major changes in your living situation and personal life, including personal relationships. Circumstances that significantly change your daily routine and domestic world can arise.

A Lunar Eclipse in the first house , it may be time to change your image or redefine your personality in some manner. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what this eclipse is about for you. Your emotions are on your sleeve right now. It is a good time to put your needs first, but doing so with respect for others will take you further.

There may be some drama involving a significant other. A Lunar Eclipse in the second house , you may get a cosmic push to make necessary financial changes in your life. Your comfort zones matter, and now is the time to take care of your own needs without eclipsing the needs of others.

A financial settlement, the beginning or end of a particular debt, and other such scenarios can be part of the picture now.

A Lunar Eclipse in the third house , there may be some sort of drama surrounding communication, modes of transportation, schooling, mobility, neighbors, or siblings.

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  • Table of Eclipse Dates from 1994 to 2030.

Daily routines can change dramatically. There may be a major event in the life of a sibling. There could be a publishing offer or you might be in a position to promote yourself. Travel or education plans may come to fruition. You might gain an entirely different perspective on a matter.

A Lunar Eclipse in the fourth house , domestic conditions are illuminated. House repairs, family dramas, and other such issues need serious attention.

The demands of your personal life are now paramount. Striking a balance between energy spent on work and energy spent on domestic matters is essential now. Balanced attention to your public and personal lives is what you need to focus on. A major career project can come to fruition or completion.

A Lunar Eclipse in the fifth house , a romantic affair may be tested. The demands of your larger goals in life may have been eclipsing your pleasure-seeking activities.

Some might have a child. A new creative project might begin now. A Lunar Eclipse in the sixth , there could be changes necessary in your job or health routines. You can use this surge of emotional energy to make positive changes to your routines. Do something to improve your work conditions if they are annoying you. Get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you know you have to do in order to feel more balanced.

A work project or a job itself can begin or end now. A physical or mental health issue might come to light. A Lunar Eclipse in the seventh house , partnerships may be tested, but there is nothing to fear if the relationship is strong. The seventh house represents an important one-to-one relationship—a marriage partner, significant other, business partner, or an adversary.

You might suddenly find yourself with more social opportunities, or you might acquire many new clients. It may be time to settle some of your debts, financial or otherwise.

There can be new money coming into your life. A Lunar Eclipse in the ninth house , your personal beliefs may be tested.

Your hunger for adventure or learning may come into focus. You want to take a leap of faith now. There may be an important beginning or culmination in education. If you are in business, a writer, or the like, you might reach a wider audience. A Lunar Eclipse in the tenth house , you may need to review and change your career goals. Career matters come to a head, but as the seventh house from the fourth, so might a personal, domestic, family, or house and home matter.

A Lunar Eclipse in the eleventh house , friendships may be tested, or your relationship to groups or organizations. There can be a major event involving a child or a romantic partner, or a culmination of a creative project can occur at this time. A Lunar Eclipse in the twelfth house , you may recognize an overwhelming need for rest and spiritual renewal.

There can be exposure of a private or even clandestine matter in some cases. Secrets can emerge at this time, or there can be a desire to do something private, secret, or risky.

A work project can come to fruition. The following interpretations come from the Day Watch report. See our interpretations of the New Moon in houses here. In a volatile situation, you will need to have your wits about you as you will have a particularly high profile.

New Moon in 2nd House For a day or so you may be under pressure to underwrite new projects or finance situations that require sinking money into them. Wise investments made at this time can bring good returns in the next couple of weeks, but ill-conceived spending could drain you in the same time period.

Strike when the iron is hot or pass the opportunity on to another. New Moon in 3rd House A flurry of activity for several days can have the phone ringing off the hook as new ideas and propositions that require either your opinion or your decision come your way.

Your challenge will be sorting the wheat from the chaff on the fly, and sorting out the confusion that always abounds at New Moon, especially this one. This is a great time for currying new acquaintances as the air of intensity makes for strong personal connections and breaks through the barriers of unfamiliarity.

New Moon in 4th House This may mark a day or so of raised tensions at home as biological tides run high and elbow room seems harder to come by.

Solar Eclipse January 2019 ~ Solar Flare by Darkstar Astrology

Letting out your deeper expressions of feeling to another can make things especially intimate right now, but make sure you express yourself clearly and are not misunderstood. New Moon in 5th House Find a party to go to, give one, or just party down where you stand—the astral weather is perfect for it.

In fact, anything you do for enjoyment will seem twice as good right now. Play with your children, or just break out the inner child, as you can more easily part with self-consciousness and spontaneity breaks out, well, spontaneously! There can be a fine line between joyous adventure and risky behavior, however, so try to stay on the safe side of the line.

A good time to engage, but not be, a designated driver both literally and figuratively, so that you can be safely irresponsible for a while.

It can be easy to get worried about health matters now, but moderation is the right response.

How to deal with Eclipses by Susan Miller | Agent Karma

The temptation to throw yourself into a new regimen may run high, but choose your new path well before you embark or it will be a flash in the pan. The same goes for cleaning house in the workplace and starting off on a fresh footing. A good program is determined by whether you can keep it going on an off day.

New Moon in 7th House: This is a particularly ripe couple of days for finding a new partner or turning over a new leaf with an old partner.