Vakra guru horoscope

  1. Retrograde Jupiter - Effects of Retrograde Jupiter
  2. Retrograde Planets Section
  3. Remedies for Retrograde Jupiter
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For example, the presence of benefic retrograde Jupiter in the sixth house of a horoscope in the sign of Leo can make the native interested in politics and accordingly the native may plan for a career in politics, though such placement alone may not be sufficient on its own to produce significant results related to this field.

However, if benefic Sun is also present in the sixth house of the same horoscope, the combined effect of such benefic retrograde Jupiter and benefic Sun in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo can make the native become an active politician.

The native under the combined effect of these two benefic planets may achieve good amount of success through politics, like he may become a well recognized politician of his city, provided his overall horoscope allows it.

The presence of benefic Mercury in the sixth house of the same horoscope can further enhance the results and accordingly the native under the combined effect of these three benefic planets may achieve even more success through politics.

Such native may not only become a successful politician on a city level, but he may also become a leader on the state level and he may achieve good amount of success also, as a state leader. The combined effect of such benefic retrograde Jupiter, benefic Sun and benefic Mercury in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo can also bless the native with an election ticket from a well established political party, where such ticket may belong to an election on state level which is the state assembly.

Retrograde Jupiter - Effects of Retrograde Jupiter

However, the combined influence of such benefic planets alone may not be sufficient when it comes to win such election and represent an area of a state in the assembly of that state, and the native may need more benefic influences in his horoscope to achieve this goal.

Talking about these influences, the presence of benefic Moon, benefic Mars, benefic Venus or benefic Rahu in the fourth house of this horoscope in the sign of Gemini can bless the native with win in one or more than one such election. Accordingly, the native under the combined effect of benefic retrograde Jupiter, Sun and Mercury in the sixth house of his horoscope and one of the above mentioned benefic planets say Rahu in the fourth house of his horoscope may win such elections more than once.

Planet retrograde By MuruguBalamurugan

Such native may not only become a member of legislative assembly of a state more than once, but the combined effect of these benefic influences can also bless him with a ministry in the state government.

If benefic Moon or benefic Mars is present in the tenth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius, the combined effect of all these planets in various houses of the horoscope can bless this native with important ministries in a state government more than once in his life.

As more and more variables keep adding to the equation, such native may achieve more or less amount of success in his political career. On the other hand, retrograde Jupiter can prove to be one of the worst placements of this planet in a horoscope, if it turns negative when placed in sixth house of a horoscope. Accordingly many natives under the bad influence of such malefic retrograde Jupiter in the sixth house of their horoscopes may suffer on different fronts of their lives where the problems faced by such natives and the intensity of these problems depend on the type and strength of this malefic influence as well as on the overall tone of the horoscopes of these natives.

Malefic retrograde Jupiter in sixth house of a horoscope can cause problems related to professional and financial sphere of the native under its influence and accordingly some natives suffering from this bad influence may have to face many problems related to their profession and overall financial situation.

For example, the presence of malefic retrograde Jupiter in the sixth house of a horoscope in the sing of Leo can make the native struggle a lot on his professional front and accordingly the native under this malefic influence may have to put in much effort and he may also have to wait till late or very late in his life in order to witness even reasonably good professional results.

This is the beauty of astrology how the same retrograde Jupiter placed in sixth house of a horoscope in the sign of Leo can bless the native with top class success in profession when it is working positively in the horoscope whereas the same placement of retrograde Jupiter in the same house and same sign can cause many problems for the native, related to his professional sphere, when it is working negatively in the horoscope.

Retrograde Planets Section

The presence of malefic Rahu, malefic Ketu or malefic Saturn in the sixth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Leo can further deteriorate this equation and accordingly the native suffering from such malefic combination of malefic retrograde Jupiter and one more malefic planet say Ketu in the sixth house of his horoscope may have to suffer a lot, in relation to his professional sphere.

The native under the combined influence of these two malefic planets may have to keep struggling for professional success, till late in his life or he may not be able to establish himself professionally, throughout his life if there are some other malefic influences present in his horoscope, which impact his profession in a negative way.

For instance, if malefic Saturn is placed in the tenth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius, the native under the combined effect of these malefic planets in sixth and tenth house of his horoscope may have to work for low or very low paying jobs and he may not even be able to earn enough to live a decent life.

The combined effect of such malefic influences can also cause serious problems related to the financial aspect of the native and the native may have to face serious financial problems many times in his life or throughout his life if there are no other good combinations in his horoscope which promote financial growth.

It should be noted that professional aspect and overall financial aspect of a native are two different things and they should not be understood as one.

The professional aspect of a native relates to the level of success as well as money earned through his profession whereas the overall financial aspect includes his overall finances which include his professional income, gifts, lotteries, financial support from relatives and friends, and some other types of financial incomes.

Hence a native may not earn much from his profession but he may still have a very good financial equation by virtue of belonging to a rich family, by virtue of support from his relatives or friends, or by virtue of some other means which can keep providing him with money from time to time.

Remedies for Retrograde Jupiter

Coming back to the point, the combined effect of such malefic retrograde Jupiter and malefic Ketu in the sixth house of a horoscope in the sign of Leo and malefic Saturn in the tenth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius can trouble the native on the front of overall financial equation also.

Such native may have to face financial crisis and he may have to avail financial loans many times in his life due to the combined effect of these malefic planets. If there are some other malefic influences in the horoscope of the native, he may have to face legal actions also, due to non-payment of one or more than one such financial loan.

For example, the presence of malefic Sun in the second house of the same horoscope in the sign of Aries can intensify the problems faced by this native. When working positively in a horoscope, retrograde Jupiter placed in fifth house of a horoscope can render good results to the native related to the spheres of education, marriage, children, profession, finances, health, longevity, wisdom, spiritual growth and many other spheres of his life.

Accordingly many natives benefitting from this positive influence may experience good results in many spheres of their lives depending on the type and strength of this placement as well as depending on the overall tone of the horoscopes of these natives.

Such benefic influence in the fifth house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good education and accordingly some natives may witness good or very good results related to the field of their education, right from their early childhood till their higher education.

Such benefic influence can bless the native with good memory, good or very good level of intelligence and a good sense of understanding different situations and topics due to which the natives under such benefic influence may perform very well at their studies by virtue of these abilities, compared to other students in the same classes or courses.

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For example, the presence of benefic retrograde Jupiter in the fifth house of a horoscope in the sign of Gemini can bless the native with very good performance at studies and accordingly such native may achieve very good grades during most of his study period. If benefic Venus, benefic Mars, benefic Sun, benefic Mercury or benefic Rahu is also placed in the fifth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Gemini, the native under the combined effect of these two benefic planets may perform even better at his studies and he may also receive very good level of higher education on academic level.

If benefic retrograde Jupiter is present in the fifth house of a horoscope in the sign of Gemini along with benefic Mercury, and benefic Venus or benefic Rahu is placed in the fourth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Taurus, the native under the combined effect of such benefic influences may achieve a degree of specialization in some specific professional sphere like a degree of mass communication, journalism, business administration, engineering of some type or some other professional degree relevant to the overall theme of his horoscope.

However, if benefic Rahu is present in the ninth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Libra, the native under the combined effect of such positive influence may go to the highest level of academic studies in some particular field and he may achieve a degree of doctorate on some subject or some other degree parallel to the degree of doctorate.

It means that such native may obtain a degree of the highest possible order in some subject of general education or in some subject of specific application.

Such native may not only achieve such degree of the highest order in some field, but he may also achieve very good amount of professional success by virtue of such highest class education.

Speaking about profession, benefic retrograde Jupiter placed in the fifth house of a horoscope can bless the native with professional success related to various professional fields and accordingly different natives under this benefic influence may witness success in different professions depending on the type and strength of this placement, as well as depending on their overall horoscopes.

For example, the presence of benefic retrograde Jupiter in the fifth house of a horoscope in the sign of Scorpio can motivate the native to pursue higher studies related to the field of medicals and accordingly the native may take much interest in such field, though this placement alone may not be sufficient when it comes to make the native a professional doctor.

Continuing with this benefic placement, if benefic Sun, benefic Mars or benefic Venus is placed in the sixth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius when benefic retrograde Jupiter is placed in the fifth house of this horoscope, the native under the combined effect of these benefic influences may obtain a degree of high level in medical field and he may start practicing as a professional doctor.

Such native may specialize in some specific field of medical depending on the overall tone of his horoscope and he may also achieve good, very good or great amount of professional success, depending on his overall horoscope. For example, the presence of benefic Sun or benefic Mars in the sixth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius can make the native become a specialist surgeon or consultant physician whereas the presence of benefic Rahu in the sixth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius can make the native become a specialist neurologist, cardiologist, physiotherapist or psychologist.

Retrograde Jupiter Effects

The placement of benefic retrograde Jupiter in fifth house of a horoscope in the sign of Pisces can bless the native with certain special abilities related to the fields of spiritualism, paranormal and other such fields, apart from blessing the native with good amount of formal education.

Accordingly some natives blessed by this benefic influence may specialize in one of these fields and they may start practicing as professionals in such fields.

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If benefic Rahu or benefic Venus is placed in the first house of this horoscope in the sign of Scorpio, the native under the combined effect of these benefic planets may become a successful astrologer or he may start providing spiritual guidance to the people in need of it, after gaining good amount of knowledge and experience in the subject.

If benefic Saturn is placed in the eighth house of the same horoscope when benefic retrograde Jupiter is placed in the fifth house and benefic Rahu or benefic Venus is present in the first house of the horoscope, the native under the combined effect of these benefic influences may witness very god amount of professional success as an astrologer or he may start his own organization which teaches people the way of meditation and healing techniques which can be mastered through mediation.

Such native may specialize in some specific techniques of meditation or yoga and he may achieve good amount of success and recognition by teaching these techniques to many people, as a good number of people suffering from various physical as well as mental problems may see improvements after trying such techniques.

If benefic Moon is present in ninth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Cancer, the amount of success and recognition obtained by this native may increase further. Taking a look at another combination in the same case, if benefic retrograde Jupiter is present in the fifth house of a horoscope in the sign of Pisces and benefic Moon is present in the twelfth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Libra, the native under the combined effect of these benefic influences may become more interested in direct spiritual studies and practices, instead of being interested in other faiths like astrology or other such healing techniques.

Such native may conduct studies and researches on various spiritual techniques and faiths, and he may start teaching them independently or through some organization of the same kind, after reaching a good level of spiritual progress.

If benefic Venus is present in the ninth house of the same horoscope in the sing of Cancer, the results and progress achieved by the native under the combined influence of such benefic planets may see very good rise and accordingly the native may witness more success in this sphere. Such native may get a post of authority in some spiritual organization and he may also be given the charge of a complete branch of a spiritual organization with the passage of time, under the influence of such benefic retrograde Jupiter and other benefic planets mentioned in this example.