Leo february 17 astrology

Balance: Your Key To Well Being
  1. Compatibility of Sun Signs
  2. Signs Compatibility
  3. February 17th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
  4. Leo: Your Month Ahead

Compatibility of Sun Signs

Just like it is impossible to view all people through twelve drawers of the twelve basic Sun signs, it is also not possible to view their relationships based on the same primal division. Although it will only show a glimpse of light on character, the Sun is still the largest body in the Solar system.

It gives us life and makes everything else turn around it, and will stand for nature one is most likely to lean towards over the years. It is our inner beam of light and our personal gravitational pull, defining us in time even if it manifests through our boss, father, authority, or anyone else in its symbolism.

We all do everything we can to reach the power from our personal Sun and it helps us sense the power of will in other people too. Our Sun sign will teach us about personal boundaries, respect towards ourselves and everyone else, and speak of the instinctive approach we have towards different individuals that come into our lives.

Signs Compatibility

Specifics of the 9th house and the sign of Sagittarius help us understand where we are all to find the truth, and what our main direction in life should be. Jupiter and Saturn play the role of two protectors, two large deities to determine the course of fate and connect us to the Universe itself.

Transition of Mars to Pisces following its Aquarian battles for freedom, gives us a breath of magic and reminds us that we are here to create wonders. Signs Compatibility Select your Sign to see all compatibility matches. When men and women born on February 17 have a forum for their true personality, they can impress people with their charm and good manners.

They do well in any work that allows them to serve as a public spokesperson or work with the public.

Leo January, February and March 2019

If these folks are blessed with considerable financial resources, they exhibit great generosity to others. While they do like to spend money on luxury items, they also like to invest in art, antiques, and other objects with the potential to increase in value.

Lucky color

February 17 men and women want to succeed even as they play by the rules. These straight-arrow individuals often start laying career plans in childhood.

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While financial security and career success are high on their list of goals, they are even more concerned with maintaining the meaning and integrity of their personal relationships.

Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. Feel the change from air to water, from electricity to "see in the dark" intuition. Pisces always activates your introspective eighth house, where you focus on deep inner reflection, personal renewal, and spiritual investigations.

Ground your focus on yourself in something to serve others, as the Sun and Saturn will bless practical efforts. That can feel exciting for a while, yet it can leave us drained, too.

Also, you already may feel a bit depleted: Aquarius time comes after the Capricorn time of year, a sober period when we feel conscientious and work very hard. We began January with four planets in heavy duty Capricorn, and by mid-month we had two more for a total of six. You can plan your life with astrology by building in time to pause.

Each month, the planets bring regular times that favor slowing down and reflecting:. This month brings several key dates to watch as you plan your month. Mark your calendar and take action or rest as recommended on the dates listed here, as your efforts can bring impressive progress now.

February 17th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

Make time for your spiritual life: The "cross quarter day" called Groundhog Day, Imbolc, or Candlemas. Get out and meet new people. Greenwich time , lovely Venus moves into Pisces, a sign she adores visiting.

Go to a dance recital, concert, or art museum or pull out your art supplies to create a dream-inspired masterpiece.

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Meditate on the meaning of love, connect with your muse, or meet with someone in the arts. Venus graces this place for a full month, so fill your social, cultural, and artistic calendar for the coming weeks.

February 11 — The balsamic Moon arrives at Greenwich time on February 11 and lasts until the new Moon on February 15 at 3: February 13 and The Sun in a helpful angle with Uranus can inspire partnerships through international connections and bring contact with brilliant minds at a university event.

New Moon in Aquarius at 3: Greenwich time —with solar eclipse a few minutes before that—plus planetary harmony involving Mercury and Uranus as well as Venus and Saturn. The next week and a half favors new beginnings in everything related to your seventh house of alliances, marriage, partnership, and agreements as well as dealings with your public.

Leo: Your Month Ahead

The Sun meets Mercury, just before the messenger planet moves into Pisces at Greenwich time on the 18th. The Sun moves into Pisces at Pause around that time and see if you can feel the shift from airy, intellectual Aquarius to watery, sensitive Pisces.

Venus meets with Neptune in Pisces, a heavenly pairing of human and spiritual love. Be a force for loving kindness with everyone you meet. Mercury meets Neptune, so let your mind wander a bit today and pay attention to dreams or connect with your muse.

Also, the Sun links with Saturn in Capricorn: