Leo january 2019 psychic horoscope

Taurus Love & Relationship Horoscope 2019:
  1. Love And Relationship Horoscope 2019
  2. Horoscope for Leo for January
  3. Aries 21 March - 20 April

So for the first time in twelve years, this transit can give you increased opportunities around relationships of all kinds. However, with Jupiter we have to put the work in, so the more you can interact with others the better your chances are to improve harmony, personal understanding or even finding a truly wonderful relationship.

Leo January 2019 - Amazing Predictions!

More settled ties could though be influenced by Uranus's arrival in your 12th Solar House, in March. Any little issues which had been bubbling in the background could come more to the fore. Financially, an excellent Solar Eclipse early in July, along with the North Node's reversal through Cancer, can see you enjoy a slice of good fortune in the second half of the year.

But your resources will require careful stewardship all through , and that old maxim of the harder we work the luckier we get, could play out significantly for you. It may seem like the record is stuck, but just like the last few years, relationships really are going to be at the heart of your possibilities for , but perhaps this year in a slightly different way.

It may be that whilst there can be rich rewards from building closer co-operation with people, the key relationship that's going to change this year is set to be with yourself, and your understanding can deepen at how you interact with others.

However, I think it is true to say, that with the revolutionary influence of Uranus shaking up your sector of friendships and group involvements, and your own personal philosophy, and the North Node's passage through your sign all year, you are much less likely to accept second best when it comes to an intimate relationship.

This is a year when you can find yourself in the mood to be highly productive. Your physical vitality can increase, and the Cardinal quality of your zodiac sign can be manifested from the time of your birthday much more powerfully.

In other words, you can be keen to take a firmer grip on your life direction and be more assertive. All this will be boosted by Mars' location at the start of this year, in your 10th Solar House, which can prime your go-getting credentials superbly well.

The North Node, the point of Destiny, is said to represent an almost mini Jupiterian energy. This year, this could see you turning a little more inward, or at least becoming more open to spiritual strands, personal development, healing and recuperation. Ironically, a marvellous location of Jupiter itself, for much of , can urge you to demonstrate your more playful and creative urges.

This is enhanced further still by Mercury's sensational angle to Uranus at the turn of the year, which can push you to be open to innovation, higher education and travel. With Mars, the power planet, also back in its home zone of Aries as January begins, you will likely want to push the boundaries of your existence and take a more devil may care attitude.

But the arrival of Uranus back into the sign of Taurus after a five-month hiatus, suggests that it can be your role in life that needs to be transformed most of all. Changes at work are particularly possible, as you seek new stimuli and meaning. The North Node is going to be activated furthermore by the Cancer Solar Eclipse of 2nd July, so however much this year's journey can see you looking outwards and also making changes in your external affairs, it's going to be the ones which evolve within you that have the greatest impact.

Whatever talents you have, and whatever personal hopes and wishes you would like to manifest in your love life or creatively, some kind of change is probably inevitable this year Virgo.

Because you can be a sacrificing person, often involved in jobs which require precision, providing services, support and practical assistance, it's also going to be important in to toggle with this, and understand that new frontiers await, and what might have served you well for many Moons, is in a state of transition.

Principally, this is going to be down to the journeys of both Saturn and Pluto to your 5th Solar House of Capricorn, but also the role of Uranus in your sector of expansion from 6th March. Too much giving to others and not enough embracing of your own individual needs, is going to see you feel compromised this year, and potentially also resentful.

Identifying what you want to move forwards with yourself is the crux, and it's possible that something that was once very important is losing its lustre. But the North Node and the solar Eclipse of 2nd July, give you cause for optimism. This may see you interacting with others on a wider basis, and perhaps learning to relax a little bit more, and strange as it seems, being rather less virtuous.

We only live this life once, and the planets are asking you to enjoy every single minute, even if some kind of change is occurring, but most of all make the most of your individual gifts. Transformations in your home environment can continue this year, but I also feel that whatever you have been developing in recent times, can also become more bedded down and established, or conversely, you may move altogether if your circumstances are not ideal.

Love And Relationship Horoscope 2019

It's true that Uranus can continue to provide an unsettling influence around your relationships, but especially those of a more intimate variety. As the year begins, Mars in its home sign of Aries is also going to give you a lot more oomph and desire to engage with people on your own terms, but that is seriously no bad thing.

The 6th of January , also sees a lunation in Capricorn, suggesting that when it comes to tuning into what's right as far as security of all kinds is concerned, this shouldn't compromise your personal instincts. The combination of Neptune in Pisces, and in the last year the North Node, the Point of Destiny in Leo, has made you especially aware of the needs of others.

However, this is a year when your ambitions, goals and desires are going to come more sharply into focus, and your ideas and communicational skills will be a major part of raising your profile. Venus may have gone through a retrograde in your sign in October last year Scorpio, which saw you thinking very carefully about what you wanted from your relationships.

But as dawns, she angles brilliantly to your modern ruler of Pluto, suggesting that you can be particularly passionate and persuasive when it comes to the things you believe in or a close relationship. With Jupiter, the planet of growth, emphasizing your resources, and the North Node pushing you to be more expansive and open to new ideas, even though Saturn and Pluto continue in a strident area, they will serve to help you to distil the ideas and thoughts that are really meaningful.

This can also be a year when you find yourself wanting to break through any barriers and restrictions. Travel, higher education or professional development can all be things that grip you.

But with Uranus moving into your sector of relationships, where he will stay until , if there is any tie which has lost its sparkle, you may find yourself looking for a new, more engaging alternative.

The wonderful news Sagittarius, is that your guide planet Jupiter returns to your sign for the first time in twelve years. He is also set to be with you for just over a year, and this can be a time of many new beginnings and bright possibilities. Jupiter bestows upon you your curious nature, love of new challenges and dislike of settling for the status quo.

Yet the continued emphasis on your sector of resources has taught you, over the last year particularly, that you must balance your optimism with maintaining a stable, especially financial, foundation for your existence. But you are given the added bonus of Mars the planet of drive, being located in your sister fire sign of Aries, as the year begins.

This is going to boost your creativity considerably, and with Mercury in your sign at the turn of the year linking with Uranus the planet of innovation, don't underestimate what you can achieve by following your hunches and taking the less trodden path.

Just balance this with a careful marshalling of your resources. The location of July 2nd's Solar Eclipse, and the Nodal Axis and its link to stern Saturn, gives you a great opportunity to balance your enterprising qualities with achieving tangible and material results.

Venus is urging you at the start of this year, to embrace the concept of collaboration. There will be times this year when you don't get everything you want, and it may feel other people are not being very cooperative.

But actually, the subtle influences unfolding are asking you to just achieve the right equation between doing what's good for you, but also making others feel part of things. For with Saturn sitting on your Sun at the turn of the year, along with a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 6th combining with Saturn in your zodiac sign, and Mercury hidden away in your 12th Solar House, rather unwittingly, you may give the impression of being somewhat aloof, withdrawn, preoccupied or even austere.

It goes retrograde between late April and early October, then ends the year direct. Rebuilding from the ground up is the focus of this transit, giving you the belief that if you want it badly and try hard enough, anything is possible.

Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are driven by excitement, and there's no shortage of that this year. With expansive Jupiter in outgoing Sagittarius until early December, you enjoy a mix of fun and adventure. Travel and learn from other cultures as much as possible. Love goddess Venus doesn't enter any retrograde periods, and the mood is passionate and aggressive when she spends time in the fire signs Aries in late April, Leo in late July, and Sagittarius in early November.

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  • Leo January 2019 Horoscope: Solar Eclipse.
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There won't be any shortage of excitement in your love life! Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn use logic more than other signs, so you're happy about Saturn's placement in earthy, practical Capricorn.

Horoscope for Leo for January

This is a grounded energy you can connect with especially when it comes to tending to the details. Saturn retrograde from late April until mid-September perpetuates slowdowns, though, temporarily impeding your progress. Expansive Jupiter also enters factual Capricorn in early December, increasing your desire to learn.

Exploring educational pursuits, studying, and reading will help you advance to the next level. Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius experience slow-moving Uranus who rules Aquarius making the transition from fiery Aries into slower-moving Taurus in early March.

This mismatched energy Uranus likes to experiment, while Taurus takes the traditional route can impede progress, slowing down your hard work. Money-focused Venus moves into air sign Gemini in early June, presenting some prime moneymaking opportunities. Be practical, don't waver, and keep your eye on the prize.

Aries 21 March - 20 April

When your plans hit a snag, use your intuition to detangle them. Ethereal Neptune is retrograde in Pisces between late June and late November, so daydreams might be temporarily interrupted. If you've been living in denial, this could be a very rude awakening.

Once you welcome the voice of reason, however, your year should get more successful.