Astrology february 9 leo or leo

  1. Signs Compatibility
  2. Relationships in Astrology
  3. February 5th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

As if the date to circle a whole while there isn't a whole to shape, this is somewhat a strange time in February when all meaning seems to be somewhere ahead of the road, and information can be spread to infinity.

This entire date is marked by communication and movement, quick and personal, with no intent to slow down or take too much responsibility along the way. As with all combinations of Mercury with the Moon, this is a day that speaks of a subtle connection of mind and heart. On their search for intellectual dominance, the Universal thought, and the field of ideas, Aquarius representatives born on the 5th of February will discover that everything they need to know already hides in their heart.

Information will be lost and found, and their memories their most useful tool for self-discovery. It is important that they communicate intimately and without boundaries with people around them, so they can build a safe environment, listen and be heard.

The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 5th of a leap year and two years preceding it:. The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 5th of a year following a leap year:.

Sabian symbols for February 5th speak of possessions one has in the material world. Although protection given by a watchdog can be applied to a number of things in lives of these individuals, in combination with the first symbol it will often speak of one's need to protect their job and their livelihood.

These symbols put a powerful focus on the material world and their animalistic need to protect their integrity and everything they have. Liberation of such individuals comes only when they find powerful grounding and become aware of their human, instinctive needs.

Signs Compatibility

Besides the need to find oneness and resolve the opposition they carry within, people born on the 5th of February really have a task to unveil the mysteries of Aquarius and find things to enlighten them, stress them out, and make them question everything they were ever thinking. Their purpose is to do the same for others, and they will often turn to Astrology or Numerology in the attempt to discover the language of symbolism they can relate to.

As soon as they find enough compassion and tenderness in their heart, they absorb the strangest knowledge and information from the "upper spheres" and serve the rest of us as guidance towards enlightenment.

The story of February 5th isn't necessarily a love story in its primal manifestation. Usually these individuals think about emotions too much to just sink in, guided by common sense and their brilliant minds.

When they are stressed about relationships in their lives and have some difficult role models in their parents, they can be quite distant from the idea of love with another human being, and turn to idealism of one divine love for everyone, to support their humanitarian inner strivings.

As time goes by and they slowly start to live the nature of a true Aquarius, they will open their hearts for the world bit by bit. In many cases, they meet someone when they get older or when they have already made vast changes in their lives that separate them from the family tree and the past they have been tied by.

Still, their greatest inspiration seems to be bound in the sense of freedom, and they need a partner to give them just that.

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A typical Aquarius representative, each person born on the 5th of February has a brain to support them in whatever they choose to do. They will excel as scientists, researchers, astrologers, pilots and engineers, and express well through spoken and written word. Learning through life and with the flow of it, they don't need much education to find use in everything they stumble upon.

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It is their wit and fast, curious mind that guides the way. As many consider Tuesdays as the most clean day of the week, it identifies with the logical nature of Aquarius and the fact this day is ruled by Mars only strengthens this connection.

People born on February 9 are oriented towards the humanitarian part of life and also have an introspective and creative approach to life. While they might not be all artists, these natives know how to combine the beautiful part of life with the every day practicalities.

They appear as charming and attractive to most people they meet and they often manage to involve those around them in their endeavors. They avoid routine but can work with it trough a bit of effort.

Original and oriented towards novelty, these natives seek for creative and humanitarian projects. They are convivial but also dignified and display a dignified look.

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They make captivating companions but are also fairly straight forward and often say exactly what they think. They have forceful conventional principles in some regards that they try to abide by in life. Rebellious and distracted, these natives seem to follow their own inner order of things and sometimes this brings them to decisions that often lack pragmatism and are hasty.

They have rigid ideas at times while in other occasions they are rapid to embrace what they are being told or what they see at a first glance, without too much consideration.

They are sometimes boastful and try to display what they know in quite an overly assured manner that drives people into believing they are audacious. Lovers born on February 9 are extremely attractive and versatile. They like to discover new persons and they seem to center all their life on a person but then suddenly they get bored and slip away.

They are attracted to lively and imaginative persons who can keep up with their lifestyle. You can conquer the heart of Aquarius if you know how to reveal your personality step by step so you always keep them guessing and wanting more. You also need to come to an understanding with their love of freedom and eccentricities.

Their love life is rather hectic and unpredictable because they tend to be in and out of love quite easy and for no particular reason. They find it hard to connect to a deeper level with one person. For them, relationships and settling will probably be a complex matter but once they decide to have their own family they will turn out to be very protective and patient.

They are most compatible with those born on the 3th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 21th, 23th, 24th and 31st. February 9 Zodiac people are most attached to the other two air signs: Gemini and Libra as they tend to share the same vision of life.

Leo Health & Wellness Horoscope

In love, Aquarius is in a constant search for someone who can understand their inquisitive and adventurous nature and the best to offer them this is actually another Aquarius. The least compatible with people born on February 9 are those born under Scorpio.

As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Aquarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose. Blue-green symbolizes loneliness, activity, security and maturity.

This zodiac color is advised to be used in accessories and items of clothing. People who have blue-green as sign color are balanced, confident and attractive at most times. Blue-green or aqua is favored by cool, composed and of conservative practicality personalities that prefer rather to conform for their peace of mind than start an argument.

Relationships in Astrology

The seductive Amethyst is the birthstone defined for February 9 and in general for Aquarians. This is a precious stone that symbolizes sobriety and wisdom. This zodiac birthstone should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently. This is said to help the wearer find inner strength and balance.

Brazil is the main place where the most valuable Amethyst stones can be found nowadays. Another gemstone considered influential for Aquarius natives is Amber. It suggests reaction and bravery.

Orchid is a plant that symbolizes sensibility and refinery. This zodiac flower should be used in decorations and other accessories. The orchid was thought to relate to fertility, curiosity and spirit of innovation.

This flower can be found during spring time. Platinum is known to represent power and wealth. This zodiac metal is advised to be used in pendants and earrings. This is one of the rarest metals on Earth and so it associated with an exclusive and prestigious status.

February 5th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

Being resistant to tarnish and wear platinum is frequently used in medical equipments. Those born on February 9 can be characterized as presentable but also shy, reassuring and supportive.

They can also prove a fierce sense of independence whey they feel they are not respected enough. When it comes to love and family, loyalty stands above many other things so they tend to be more permissive then others as longs as devotion stands up. They honor the efforts of those around proudly and this makes them great coworkers and even more empathic leaders.

Health is an important aspect for them and tend to guard it but they are also prone to nervous system issues and problems with their bones in general.

At which of the four do you consider those belonging to February 9 are most successful? Answer the following poll and see what other's think:.