January 9 relationship horoscope

Mercury enters Capricorn
  1. January 9 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality
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  3. Here is your horoscope for January 9, - Buzztop News
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The sooner you do it, the faster you will be able to move on and grow. On January 9 , romantic Venus aligns with shadowy Pluto, giving you an air of mystery.

Mercury will sit in Capricorn from January 11 until January Lots of cosmic energy on January First, Saturn and Mercury align in Capricorn in the house of emotions. Practice restraint and thought before telling someone how you feel about them.

Couples could have a serious talk about the future they want to create. Second cosmic movement is Venus squaring Uranus which can bring about hurt feelings from the insensitive behavior of this significant other.

Hold on before reacting passive-aggressively and stirring up some drama. On January 16 , the Capricorn new moon residing on your fourth house of family, assists you in beginning a new emotional chapter — to open up and be vulnerable.

Is there room for a partner in emotional abode? From January 17 until February 10 , Venus will be in Aquarius. This transit will shine light in your romantic life for the next 3 weeks. On January 26 until March 17 , Mars will be in Sagittarius. Energetic Mars trumps into your area of communication for two months and gets you talking more directly about your needs and wants.

Mercury will be in Aquarius on January 31 until February On January 6 , fiery Mars aligns with risk taking Jupiter making it impossible not to vocalize your desires. Revel in the present if you are drawn to this special someone instead of projecting into the future.

On January 9 , Venus aligns with Pluto, intensifying conversations especially those spoken with honesty. When these planets align, what ensues can be life changing. Wait and see what I mean.

From January 17 - February 10 Venus is in Aquarius. The planet of love enters the emotional and security seeking fourth house, waking up your more nostalgic and sentimental side.

Longtime couples could be happy spending time at home with friends and family. Mars will be in Sagittarius from January 26 until March Showing that you value yourself will filter out the users in your life.

With Mars in the security-seeking sector, you may be bothered about an on-off relationship. Be cautious not to exert too much pressure on this relationship. On January 31 until February 17 , Mercury will be in Aquarius. The Cancer full moon on January 1 in your eighth house of intimacy shines light on a special relationship you want to kick off and develop this year.

For the single Sagittarius, make a goal of being more emotionally vulnerable this year instead of trying to prove how capable you are.

Everyone knows that already, archer. On January 9 , Venus and Pluto meet up in the house of self-worth.

Old fears and self-limiting beliefs on love may resurface. There may be deep soul-baring talks on the agenda. On January 17 until February 10 , Venus will be in Aquarius in your house of communication. What a perfect time for sweet talk and socializing.

January 9 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality

Single fellas should aim their arrows not too far from home, as chances of finding love locally are higher. Couples will have more fun socializing together. Time for new beginnings! Confidence and charisma will be your allies in this transit. Get ready to turn heads, heartbreaker! On January 1 , the full moon is in Cancer on your house of relationships.

On January 6 , Mercury trines with Uranus, bringing a directness and honesty in the air. Get ready for impromptu confessions as you or a special someone may suddenly blurt out their feelings. Self-care is important in this transit as well as caring for those who have opened their hearts to you.

Go with your gut! On January 17 until February 10 , Venus resides in Aquarius. For the single Capricorn, you could meet someone through a work event or through mutual friends. Interested in a blind date? On January 26 until March 17 , Mars will be in Sagittarius in your house of endings and healing.

Check out what the stars say your day will be like today.

Fiery Mars pushes you to seek new healthy ways to help you process heavy emotional stuff. Find what fits you — exercise, therapy, a support group, the library. To each his own healing.

On January 31 , the full moon will be in Leo a rare blue moon , also happens to be a supermoon and lunar eclipse.

Here is your horoscope for January 9, - Buzztop News

This luminary shed the spotlight on your house of intimacy. Stronger emotions may be expressed as well as an attraction turning into a love affair.

Couples may be willing to take things to the next level! On January 6 , Mars and Jupiter align on your house of community and vision. Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 11 and stays there until January 31 in your house of dreams. There is no limit to what your imagination can whip up at this time.

Personality Traits and Romantic Compatibility of Sun Signs

Got a partner who is down with that? From there you can have an understanding of strengths and weaknesses in a partnership. For example, if you are a fire sign and you like or are in love with a water sign, you might read on another blog that the water will douse your fire!

But in real life it IS possible for these seemingly different creatures to get on very well. But it certainly helps to read my compatibility guides so that you know what to expect and if necessary how to modify both of your beahviours slightly, to make your love life or relationship easier and flow more smoothly.

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Also you might find out a new way of attracting a partner that you would not think of because of how your mind works differently, due to being a different star sign or even so called opposite elements such as fire and water. Check your daily, weekly and monthly love horoscopes and that of your lover or crush.

You can also select normal horoscopes and career based ones. It is also interesting to say that people born on January 9 are very unpredictable. Even when they are in a serious relationship, they can easily make it over. But, when they are in a marriage, then they will do anything to protect their families.

Now when you have seen love compatibility of people born on January 9, we will tell you something about their career and purpose in life. People born on January 9 have a lot of qualities.

When they have to choose a career, it is not always easy, because they may be successful in many different fields. Thanks to your sociability, you may have a great career in teaching, business and also in promotions.

If you are interested in finance or science, you can also make success in these fields. However, there are many people born on January 9 who are successful in music.

Relationship Compatibility

For example, we can mention Dave Matthews, but there are also many other musicians who have made great careers. People born on January 9 are also very creative and many of them are successful philosophers and psychologists. There are many life coaches who are born on January 9.

Later in this text you will have the opportunity to find out something more about famous people born on January 9 and their careers. It can help you decide which career may be best for you. Also, you should have in mind that it is not very important which career you will choose, because you will be successful in anything you do.

We have already said that people born on January 9 are able to make great success and to make people admire you. A lucky day for people born on January 9 is Saturday. Actually, this day is lucky for all people born under Capricorn zodiac sign. A color that is lucky for January 9 zodiac sign is a brown color, which is a symbol of something traditional and stabile.

If you are a Capricorn born on January 9, you should have many things in your house that are in brown color. It is believed that people whose lucky color is brown are very determined and stability is their other name.

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There are also other colors that may be lucky for Capricorns born on January 9 and these colors are usually dark green and some earth tones. There is also a birthstone that is typical for Capricorns born on this day and it is the Garnet. This stone is a symbol of loyalty and truthfullness.

It is also believed that these people are aware and responsible. If you are interested in the origin of this powerful stone, it can be found in India, Sri Lanka and also in Africa. Garnet is usually black, green or red. There is also another stone that could bring luck in the life of a Capricorn born on January 9.

This stone is Sapphire and it usually symbolizes sincerity and reliability.

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According to astrology, golden obsidian is also a lucky stone for all people born on January 9. This stone is a symbol of enlightenment and it helps people increase self control. When it comes to flowers that are lucky for Capricorns, we can mention carnations and dandelions. Metal that is typical for these people is silver. If you are looking for a gift that could be perfect for someone born on January 9, then we recommend you to choose a plant that has healing properties or maybe a suitable gemstone.