Sun and moon together in astrology

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Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive and emotional make-up. Your Moon Sign and house reveals those things that you do instinctively, how you are likely to react emotionally, and what you will feel in various situations.

In many ways, your Moon Sign will describe what you do naturally, and your Sun Sign will point to what you will develop, as well as who you must become. Your Ascendant or Rising Sign reveals the ways in which you present yourself to others, and how you immediately respond to the world. As such, it describes the ways in which you project yourself out into the environment, and the kinds of experiences you need to have in order to make your life meaningful.

You can think of your Ascendant as symbolizing the qualities you project in different situations, or the mask that you wear as you encounter something new. To find your correct Ascendant, you will need to know the time and place that you were born.

Let Damian Rocks explain how your chart can describe your life journey and the potential you hold within! Please enable the breadcrumb option to use this shortcode! Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs. Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature. Your Rising Sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.

Use the menu at the top of the page to discover your own unique astrological portrait. When Saturn—Venus people finally do discover love, they taste it with a richness that can be truly profound.

I sometimes call this pairing the "ugly duckling" aspect, because of how it affects a person's experience of their own beauty over time. Venus has much to do with personal charm: How refined and ingratiating are you when dealing with others? How alluring do you appear to the world? The answers to these questions hinge to a great degree on the condition of your Venus.

When Saturn is involved with Venus, it can therefore make people with this pairing feel gawky or insecure about their attractiveness early on, even to the point of feeling ugly or coarse especially in the case of the hard aspects. Though they sometimes present an aloof front to the world, inwardly they may be feeling like an outcast, someone who has been "left out.

But as these individuals mature and learn to break out from their shell, they become far more comfortable in their own skin, and others start seeing them differently, too.

Think here of Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady and the work that went into making her a "proper" lady. Or consider the real-life case of Princess Diana, who had a trine between these planets and ripened from a skinny, shy girl into a symbol of glamour in her final years.

Having a late-bloomer chart doesn't necessarily guarantee longevity, by the way! It's always proportional to the life you do live, whether that be to age 9 or When it comes to money, the late-bloomer side of Saturn—Venus can manifest as the "rags to riches" syndrome, where a person goes from relative scarcity to considerable affluence later in life.

Look at some of the economic heavy-hitters with a strong pairing of Saturn and Venus: Bill Gates conjunction , Jeff Bezos of Amazon.

When a square or opposition is involved, it can lead to major ups and downs in someone's financial fortunes, of course, but it doesn't necessarily deny the fortune itself. Venus also plays a part in creativity, so when paired with Saturn this sometimes makes for a slow-unfolding dynamic in someone's artistic development.

Famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright had a tight opposition between Saturn and Venus, and in addition to his notoriously checkered Saturn, love life, by many accounts he experienced the most fruitful phase of his career between the ages of 70 and Other individuals with Saturn—Venus connections: Simply put, this is the struggle for courage.

Some of us remember the ads from our childhood comic books about the pound weakling who gets sand kicked in his face by the bully at the beach, but goes on to become a body-building marvel who can stand up to anybody.

Conjunction of Sun with other planets – Naadi Astrology

That's not a bad depiction of the Saturn—Mars dynamic. As a result of feeling insecure about their assertiveness or physical strength, these individuals often wind up working that much harder to develop their muscles, figuratively or literally, and can become surprisingly powerful in the process.

One of my male clients with a conjunction between these planets was tormented as a child by a neighborhood bully, who constantly called him "wimp. A similar dynamic is portrayed in the film Rocky , where Sylvester Stallone's character manages, through sheer grit and determination, to climb his way from underdog status up through the prizefighting ranks toward respect and prestige.

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Bruce Lee, who was born with an opposition between Mars and Saturn, worked his way back from a crippling injury to become arguably the most famous martial artist of the 20th century. Another real-life example of this pattern is writer Ernest Hemingway, who had Saturn square Mars. As a child, he was surrounded primarily by women, and his mother even sometimes dressed him up in frilly girl's clothing.

One doesn't have to be a psychologist to realize there may have been compensation behind Ernest's macho posturing as an adult, including his well-known penchant for boxing and big-game hunting. Yet, for all of that, those who knew him well attested that he was a genuinely courageous figure who showed no fear in the face of danger an attitude that may have stemmed partly from an out-of-body experience he had on the battlefield during World War I.

Rightly or wrongly, for many of his generation, Hemingway became a living symbol of courage and virility — quite a contrast to the girlish "mama's boy" this sensitive Cancer seemed just as likely to become early on.

Others with Saturn—Mars connections: We can label this one the struggle for meaning. Here, the slow-developing dynamic of Saturn tends to express itself in spiritual or ideological ways.

Consider the example of my friend who was raised in an ultra-religious environment, which had the unintended result of causing her to disavow religion entirely and become a "borderline atheist" in her 20s. But like a prodigal child returning to the fold, she slowly rediscovered religion and eventually became an ordained pastor herself.

When friends from her 20s meet her now, she says, they can't believe she's the same person they knew back in the old days. It's worth mentioning that some believe that both Buddha and Jesus had this conjunction in their horoscopes; if so, that would fit this dynamic well, since both broke free from their received religions in order to form their own spiritual traditions.

In a more general way, Jupiter governs one's opinions and beliefs, as well as the urge to express these to the world. The combination of Jupiter and Saturn is therefore one of the chief indicators of a spiritual teacher or professor. Beatle John Lennon had the conjunction between these planets; he not only underwent major shifts in his attitude toward religion think back to his falling out with the Maharishi, for one , but also wound up experiencing enormous backlash for his public comments on religion.

When he said in that the Beatles are "more popular than Jesus," it led to protests around the world from religious followers and leaders, who misinterpreted the comment completely. In some ways, Lennon is now remembered almost as much for his political and spiritual views as for his musical output.

Individuals born with this combination can be forced at times to take a stand regarding their ideological principles, in ways that might entail sacrifice or setbacks. Yet, ultimately, such challenges often have the effect of strengthening their moral resolve, or can even lead to greater things later on.

Early in his career, African-American actor Sidney Poitier with the square was offered an acting role that he felt was demeaning to blacks, so he refused it — despite the fact that he and his wife desperately needed money. But as difficult as this choice was, he knew it was the right thing to do and later described it as a turning point in his moral growth, while also pointing out how it paved the way to better acting roles.

Sun with Moon in the Horoscope. Born on a New Moon!

Jupiter also governs institutions of higher learning. One client of mine with Saturn—Jupiter square described being sidetracked from obtaining a degree during her college years, then eventually going back to school in her early sixties to finally obtain that much-sought diploma.

As is often the case, the Saturn influence didn't so much deny a dream as delay it — and in her case, that delay gave a deeper appreciation for the real meaning of education and knowledge than most younger students probably ever experience.

A variation on this theme is visible in the life of psychedelic guru Timothy Leary, born with a conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter. Fired from a teaching position at Harvard, he eventually wound up spreading his ideas to a far larger audience than the school ever provided — which included ironically going on lecture tours to college campuses across the country.

The dicey chemistry between Saturn and Jupiter can also be seen in Leary's lifelong battles with the law and judges, which culminated in various arrests and his serving time in prison. Others with Saturn—Jupiter combinations: This pairing might be called the struggle for personal freedom.

Uranus governs one's sense of individuality, so when Saturn couples with this planet, there can be a battle between conformity and rebelliousness, between the urge to fit in and the urge to be free.

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These people can experience repeated problems trying to forge their own idiosyncratic path, in the effort to "do their own thing.

Yet, over time, those same developmental tensions can spur them to develop an even stronger sense of who they are, and such individuals may even become a force for change in the arts, science, or politics.

There's an important lesson here about the value of Saturn, in terms of how the roadblocks it creates force us to become stronger or at least clarify our perspective. And without those restrictive structures to butt up against, we wouldn't develop nearly as clear a sense of our own values or boundaries in that area.

As they say, the ringed planet is a hard taskmaster sometimes, but it's a great teacher. Rock-and-roller Sting has a square between these planets, with Uranus being the focal point of a t-square.

In his memoir, Broken Music , he describes the frustrations of working in a regimented classroom job teaching at a girl's school, but then throwing caution to the wind by relocating with his family and joining the rock band The Police.

But even that began to feel restrictive for him, prompting him to again break free and chart his own course as a solo act. It's been a path of increasing individualism and personal freedom, and it probably wouldn't have happened if Saturn hadn't provided the limitations that prompted Sting to crystallize his personalized vision.

Bob Dylan was born with a conjunction between Saturn and Uranus. Early in his career, he ignited controversy in the musical world by breaking loose from the folk community so he could head off into more personal directions, climaxing in a literally electrified performance at the Newport Folk Festival in In a still broader way, though, his entire life has been a struggle with the whole issue of freedom, since finding his own personal space in the midst of massive public scrutiny has taken on growing importance.

With his natal Moon sandwiched between Uranus and Saturn a planetary trifecta that can make relationships especially challenging , it's easy to imagine the frustrations he's experienced dealing with the pressures of countless people wanting a piece of his time.

Both Dylan's and Sting's careers illustrate another way the Saturn— Uranus combination can manifest over time — namely, the struggle to reconcile old and new. One may feel torn between the limitations of tradition and innovation and can even teeter-totter at times between these extremes. Yet, sometimes that late-bloomer dynamic can result in an effort to synthesize these opposing forces into an original fusion, reflecting the influences of both old and new simultaneously.

In Dylan's case, he didn't abandon traditional musical forms so much as incorporate them into his newer experiments. Likewise, though Sting has worked largely within the rock-and-roll genre, he's managed to introduce progressive and jazz influences into his music along the way, while occasionally dabbling in more traditional musical forms as well, as with his album, Songs from the Labyrinth and his Broadway musical The Last Ship.

Others with Saturn—Uranus aspects: This combination might be described as the struggle to transcend. Sometimes referred to as symbolizing "the mystic urge," Neptune fuels the desire to escape the shackles of ordinary life in order to pursue loftier ideals or experience more ethereal feelings.

The coupling of Saturn with Neptune can therefore bring about disappointments or disillusions as one grows older and discovers that certain closely held dreams and desires are actually illusions — or simply unobtainable. Yet, that same suffering and disillusionment can bring about a profound sensitizing of the soul, which can then be channeled through creative, spiritual, or social avenues.

Consider the case of Swedish director Ingmar Bergman, born with Neptune widely conjunct Saturn; he took the innate pain and heaviness of this aspect and funneled it into brilliant films about life's weightier matters, such as The Seventh Seal and Scenes from a Marriage.

In a way that's similar to Saturn—Moon combinations, the innate pain of hard Neptune—Saturn aspects may further serve to fuel creative activities because of the need to find constructive outlets for bottled-up emotions. The career of another filmmaker, Kathryn Bigelow, illustrates how this planetary combination can sometimes produce a slow ripening of aesthetic impulses, not unlike Saturn—Venus.

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A member of the early s generation that had Neptune and Saturn conjunct in their charts, she reached her greatest success at the ripe young age of 58, when she became the first female ever to win an Oscar for Best Director at the Academy Awards — she's a cinematic late-bloomer, you could say. Saturn rules discipline, so when it is linked with Neptune, there can be extraordinary discipline directed toward other Neptunian arts, too.

Fred Astaire had a tight opposition between Saturn and Neptune, and the long years of hard work he devoted to mastering his footwork Neptune led to extraordinary success as one of the premier dancers in the world. For the more sociopolitical side of Saturn—Neptune, we can always look to the case of Abraham Lincoln.

Born with a conjunction of these planets, it's clear from his biographies that he experienced considerable suffering early in life, due to assorted professional failures as well as serious relationship issues and bouts of depression.

Yet, that same suffering probably fueled the spiritual side of his personality along with the political decisions he'd eventually make. His attitude toward slavery changed considerably over the years, shifting from being ambivalent about it to advocating emancipation.

It's not hard to imagine that his growing sympathies on this issue stemmed at least in part from the suffering he himself experienced throughout life. Neptune also rules drugs, so it's interesting to see how the late bloomer dynamic of Saturn—Neptune sometimes manifests with clients in terms of their relationship with drugs or alcohol.

At least two of my clients with tight Saturn—Neptune aspects went from being heavy drug users in their younger years to becoming drug counselors, and both are now clean and sober.

Others with Saturn—Neptune connections: DeMille conjunction ; J. One might well call this aspect the struggle to overcome. Pluto is similar to Mars — both are concerned with sexuality, raw power, and matters of control — but with a subtle difference: Pluto's power is more covert and subterranean in expression, so whereas Mars might be likened to a stick of dynamite, Pluto is more like a coiled-up serpent.

That compressed quality gives Pluto even more power than Mars — for either good or ill. Add Saturn to that mix, and it's like clamping down on that Plutonian serpent, tightening that already compressed energy — making the potentials for constructive or destructive manifestations that much stronger.

For these individuals, the presence of Pluto—Saturn in their lives can often feel as though they're being forced to contend with titanic challenges. But with that struggle can emerge a degree of willpower that seems almost superhuman at times. These people can move mountains, if they put their mind to it.

Sun venus ketu conjunction in 6th house

Consider the example of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born with a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto. It's well known that Schwarzenegger faced obstacles in his youth that would have stymied most mere mortals, including an impossibly long and guttural name, a thick accent, freakishly angular features, and questionable acting skills, at best.

Yet, he prevailed over those challenges to succeed in various careers as a body builder, real estate developer, and box-office megastar — marrying into a prominent family the Kennedys and, last but not least, getting elected to a high office in the United States. With each hurdle, his psychological muscles seemed to become stronger and more durable.

In fact, there's some affinity here with his signature movie character, The Terminator: Both share that indomitable drive so common to Saturn—Pluto that keeps them coming back time and again, no matter what gets thrown at them.

We also see this pattern in Ernest Hemingway's horoscope, as part of a t-square involving the Saturn—Mars aspect mentioned earlier. Hemingway rebounded from various tragedies and brushes with death, and his Nobel Prize—winning novel, The Old Man and the Sea , embodied the Saturn—Pluto dynamic to a "T.

The story has sometimes been compared to Moby Dick , by the way, which tells its own tale of someone doing battle against a huge creature — and not too surprisingly, Herman Melville had Saturn and Pluto aligned as well conjunct.

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There's no escaping it: Pluto involves sexuality, too. So, when Saturn joins hands with it, the dynamics of passion become complicated at times, maybe even explosive. Famed lothario Warren Beatty was born with these planets trine, and his first major "breakout" role was in the Elia Kazan classic, Splendor in the Grass , playing a sexually repressed young man.