Horoscope of person born on 29 january

Love Compatibility
  1. January 29 Birthday Astrology
  2. January 29 Birthday Horoscope
  3. January 29th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

January 29 Birthday Astrology

And when they learn this they can fulfill their role as the mystic warrior: There is a tendency for people born on January 29 Zodiac to hold back or withdraw from confrontations in a relationship; this will have a negative impact both on themselves and on their partner.

Once in a secure relationship they are generous and giving, and they need to make sure they are in a relationship where they are able to take as well as give. Although relationships can be intense when they are young, they tend to find true love later in life when their sense of self-worth has been allowed to flower to its full potential.

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People born on this day are sensitive not just to others but to the environment they are in. As a result they may be prone to unexplained mood swings, fatigue, headaches, or allergies or food sensitivities.

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They need to be extremely careful about their diet, because digestive troubles may occur; they thrive best on a wholesome, down-to-earth diet rich in natural produce and low in meat, dairy, and refined, sweet foods. Regular exercise will benefit their circulatory system as they may be prone to stiff muscles and joints, particularly in the lower body.

Time spent catching up with friends or stimulating their mind with a good book will bring them much pleasure. Regular cups of cinnamon herbal tea may help their circulation and their digestion, and reading, meditating or surrounding themselves with shades of blue may help calm their mood.

January 29 Birthday Horoscope

The compassionate, sensitive nature that marks out these people leads many to politics, law, and humanitarian and social reform; since they are intellectual and artistic as well, this could lead them to a career in the media or entertainment world, or to lecturing, teaching, or writing.

When inspired, these people also make excellent campaigners and negotiators, and their strong people skills could also attract them to people-related careers, such as sales, marketing, personal relations, or advertising.

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to trust their gut instincts and to believe in themselves. Once they are able to do this, their inner voice will guide them toward the important things they are destined to do with their life.

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January 29 - Birthday Horoscope Personality

Friends, of whom January 29 people have many, help define their lives. They have a talent for inspiring and influencing others. They suffer their share of romantic heartaches and are often afraid of commitment because it represents loss of independence.

They are capable of profound, spiritual love yet can't get past the need to hold back something of themselves.

January 29th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

Whatever the drawbacks of their upbringing, January 29 men and women can find strength by transcending the challenges life sends their way. They have all the best traits for parenthood: They take this role seriously, perhaps more than any other in their lives. Once men and women born on January 29 understand the value of fitness, they are likely to be lifelong converts.

Like many Aquarians, they generally keep up a hectic pace yet may be unwilling to commit to anything more than the occasional trot around the block. There are no better teachers than the men and women born on January They love learning and have an affinity for inspiring others to love it. They may change career plans several times.