1 february 2019 chinese astrology

Coming Chinese New Year Days
  1. Chinese Horoscope 2019 – Year of the Pig
  2. The Year of the Pig Chinese Horoscope | Predictions Book eBook
  3. Baby Born in 2019 Year of Pig

When too cold, Water won't help plants to grow. Cold water can be destructive, offensive and encroaching. Therefore, Pig has dual personalities. Sometimes, Pig has dark-side thinking for itself. It might have some negative minds when encountering the troubles.

It will become impatient, irritable and stubborn. When things go wrong, then it will regret its decision. Therefore, Pig people need more outdoor activities to receive the bath of the sunshine.

Pig people don't care too much about wealth when they are young. They will find the solution when they need money.

Chinese Horoscope 2019 – Year of the Pig

They earn money hard way. But they can live well in the late age. Pig and Tiger have attraction relationship in Chinese Horoscopes. Tiger can have peaceful love relationship with pig. Rabbit can live in harmony with Pig. Sheep can become be a great companion for Pig. Horse and Pig have double hidden attraction relationships, which imply secretly love relationship.

The Year of the Pig Chinese Horoscope | Predictions Book eBook

Snake and Pig have fighting relationship in Chinese Horoscopes. Snake will have constant conflicts with Pig. The next incompatible Zodiac symbols are Monkey and Pig.

Lucky Things for People Born in a Year of the Pig

Pig will constantly create pressure and conflicts with Monkey. That's depending on Pig's personality. If zodiac Pig with strong personality likes to pursue an ideal career, then the career choices are civil engineering, mining, farming, raising livestock, real estate construction or sales, building material, interior design, exterior design, landscaping, nursery, gardening, porcelain, glass making and selling, demolition, warehousing, sports like track racing and rock climbing, funeral services, recycle, etc.

If zodiac Pig with strong personality likes to pursue wealth, then the career choices are electric engineering, electronic, computer, semi-conductor, laser, fuel, gas company, firearm, firework, cigarette, welding, porcelain, glass making, cooking, restaurant, food processing, lighting, photography, movie production, etc.

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If zodiac Pig has weak personality, then mechanic engineering, electric engineering, computer hardware, machinery, manufacture, transportation equipment, health care equipment, surgeon, technicians, appliances, military, security, internet network, financial industry, banks, stock trading, trust, investment, exchange, music instruments, TV, video games, etc.

Female Earth is connected to wet soild, farmland or flatland. Pig is in the Water group. The Zodiac Pig will be strategic, analytical and smart.

  • The Year of the Pig , Chinese Zodiac Pig Personality and Fortune;
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The Pig child is likely to grow up in a well protected and well provided environment. Click to show more. Daily Chinese Horoscope of February December 27, Solar Date: Zodiac [Pig] , Direction [East]. December 28, Solar Date: Zodiac [Rat] , Direction [North].

December 29, Solar Date: Zodiac [Ox] , Direction [West]. December 30, Solar Date: Zodiac [Tiger] , Direction [South]. January 1, Solar Date: Zodiac [Rabbit] , Direction [East]. January 2, Solar Date: Zodiac [Dragon] , Direction [North].

January 3, Solar Date: Zodiac [Snake] , Direction [West]. January 4, Solar Date: Zodiac [Horse] , Direction [South]. January 5, Solar Date: Zodiac [Sheep] , Direction [East]. The Yellow King's inauguration was held in the spring of B. But the calendar of Yellow King used the winter solstice day as the first day of the year. The winter solstice was on around December 23rd, B.

Today's January 1st means nothing to Yellow King. If we count that extra eight days in B. However, Chinese civilization is up to years.

Baby Born in 2019 Year of Pig

The Dadiwan relics show the civilization of houses, palaces, cooking tools, color pottery, weapons, artifacts and agriculture. Archaeologists doubt the I-Ching was invested there. Ji-Hai is the Chinese zodiac name of Stem-Branch calendar for Each zodiac is labeled with a name of Yin-Yang Five Elements.

Ji is Yin Earth. Therefore, the name of is called Yin Earth Pig. Yin is female and Yang is male. The color of Earth is Brown. The first Stem-Branch name is found in the document around B.

The original stems and branches only use for counting the days.

  1. Pig Chinese Zodiac 2019 Predictions: Characteristics and Traits!
  2. leo daily horoscope january 1 2019.
  3. january 3 baby horoscope.
  4. When is the Chinese New Year 2019?!
  5. february 1 2019 horoscope sign!
  6. Using the season changing information, Chinese Yin Yang Five Element scholars converted all zodiac signs into five elements. The theory of Five Elements becomes the foundation of Chinese fortunetelling. Yin Earth is wet soil, garden soil or farmland. Yin Earth is female and can grow flowers, plants and crops.

    Yin Earth is the 6th element of 10 Heavenly Stems. Yin Earth is the flatland, plains or the ground. It can tolerate when people jump and trample it.

    That implies friendly attitude and love of Mother Earth. The characteristics of Yin Earth are steady, mild, polite, calm and emotional. The other traits of Yin Earth are defiant, suspicious, jealous, stubborn, and dishonest.

    The flatland is too low. Yin Earth cannot see objects far away. Yin Earth is lack of foresight. The color of Yin Earth is brown. The location of Yin Earth is in the center. Pig is the last animal sign of 12 Earthly Branches. Pig is in the Water group according to Chinese Five Element theory. Water is related to wisdom.

    Pig is connected to river or running water. Pig has wisdom, initiative and energy. Pig is not lazy. Pig Month is November, the first month of the winter.

    So Pig is the cold water in the winter. In Chinese I-Ching, Water is connected to the danger. When river water is overflowing, it might cause flooding.