February 7 eclipse 2019 astrology

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In fact, an eclipse is like a new or full moon on steroids! They shake us up so that we can move from one level of maturity to another, very rapidly. They will provide whatever we need to get moving — a competitor, a rival or critic, a benefactor, funding, or some other force — that get us to think, decide, or change.

An eclipse will always give you precisely what you need to advance and evolve. They look for weak links in all circumstances and instantly and urgently bring information so that you can decide what you want to do. Eclipses work from the outside in. In that I mean that an outside event that has nothing to do with you, and over which you have no control, will often act in a way that affects your life in a powerful, direct, and lasting way.

The outside force can be a small, casual event or comment — it need not be a big — but yet it can have monumental influence on our life anyway.

Eclipses bring news of big life events that you long remember. You may sell a house or buy one, or start a new business or close one.

You may get a major promotion or a new client, or be given enviable publicity, or be downsized. You may meet someone new to date, or get engaged. Often at eclipse time, we are very aware of the passage of time, and that can make us a bit wistful even when the news is very happy. You may suddenly be expecting a baby or get news that the adoption you had hoped for is suddenly coming through.

You may come in to a lot of money, or lose an important source of income. You may sign a big business deal or walk away from one. You might have surgery or win a marathon and be on TV. You may acquire a new pet, or sadly suffer the loss of one.

Alas, as you see, not all news on eclipses is happy, but eclipses do mark major life events that make us value the good parts of life even more. Eclipses often change the status of a situation. While an eclipse will always seek out the weak link in a situation to expose it to you, they are just as capable of helping you in a positive way, such as to help you find new love or be asked to interview for a big position.

The luck you uncover can be the change in status you will receive. Check your monthly report on Astrology Zone for how I see the eclipse affecting you. Keep your eye on your health at eclipse time, and doubly so if the eclipse is near your birthday, is in your birth sign, or is six months away from your sign i. If you need to address a health or dental issue, get advice and help so that you can get back to feeling tip top again soon!

You may feel like you are walking across a bridge to a new land at eclipse time. You are — with no ability to go back to the place you started. In that sense, after you start moving toward the new situation by enforced changes or by your own volition , the bridge will collapse — there will be no way back.

You are ready for more. The universe wants us to embrace all that is new, not go back to what is tried and true. The ancients always wrote that if you act under an eclipse, especially a full moon eclipse lunar , the plan would not work out quite the way you expected.

Instead, bide your time and act a few weeks later when there will be less cosmic dust in the air and things are more settled. Here is the rule: Try to allow some space of a week or more between the eclipse and the date you act. Sometimes it is not possible to put things off, so do your best. It is OK to accept a new job, but might not be wise to quit one at eclipse time.

When you act at eclipse time, you may be surprised at the outcome — things could backfire or create an effect that you had not anticipated. Still, admittedly, it may be really hard to put off saying something at a full moon eclipse. Truth tends to surface like a geyser at these times!

See how you feel! Eclipses will always play with our sense of time and change it by compressing it and speeding things up. They bring events to bear today, ones that you assumed would happen months or years into the future. An eclipse comes by and one of the partners in the couple gets a big promotion and a chance to work in the London office.

Suddenly the couple decides to tear up their old blueprints and instead get married immediately so that they can start their life together in London right away. Indeed, timetables often change dramatically under eclipses.

Also, at eclipse time, if one of your planets will be touched by the eclipse, you may feel your life moving on fast forward, at greatly accelerated speed.

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Time moves so fast, you can almost see the hands on the clock spin around! Eclipses can help you do things you never thought you could do, overcome fears, and show yes, you CAN do it!

Consider this little metaphysical story I devised for you to illustrate this point. You are not an experienced rider, so you ask the horse trainer for a gentle horse. He suggests the perfect one for you, a horse that is even-tempered and experienced. He also suggests an appropriate path for you.

Before you set off on your trail, you were told by the trainer that you will need to jump a stone fence five miles down the road but that the horse is capable of doing the jump. You start out on the path the trainer suggested. Distracted by the gorgeous scenery, you forget about the fence until it looms suddenly in front of you.

You probably would have never taken this path if you knew how big it was. You cannot imagine going over that and surviving it!

Yet, it symbolizes something you want to do but are terrified to do, so you feel conflicted fear vs. Before you can pull on the reins, you find yourself flying through the air on his back and much to your horror and yet giddy amazement, you are flying over the fence.

Much to your astonishment, you land perfectly. The horse is fine and so are you — but you feel shaky and count all your fingers to be sure you are all in one piece! It all happened so quickly! Timetables are moved up at eclipse time. You had no time to think! Now, however, you feel quite accomplished — proud of what you did, and rightly so! We just moved in together this month.

How might this eclipse effect us? You might need to find where you meet and what it takes to make each one happy. If there are big differences this will be where the challenge lies. Try to meet in the middle. Hello, In I was dying from a very rare, painful crippling illness that was misdiagnosed by the top medical centers in the country for over 5 years.

So he helped get a famous Oncologist in NYC to get me two rounds of nonFDA approved chemotherapy which after the second round worked to save my life and get a blood level antibody remission.

The SPS damaged my muscles badly, so for the past 7 years I have been doing an intensive regimen of treatments to recover and heal. There is no meduvsl foundation to support SPS and I have no family to help so have been alone u safely fighting for my life to survive and make this recovery.

So I am praying that this eclipse with help bring full healing, money to help my basic life and health, good people, and friends around me for social support. Over the years I was robbed, abandoned by many people, have been trying to get support to make it through this and stay safe.

Trying to stay positive for good things coming. Hi Kelly, I am sorry to hear things have been tough for you. I often think eclipses are an opportunity to turn your situation around. Hi Sally, brilliant post as always. Nearly 20yrs I left home to start uni for 3yrs. The eclipses are in Leo so not especially strong for your Cancer Ascendant.

Enjoy Jupiter transit over your Sun Libra early September. Hi Sally, thank you so much for this article, I was born 12 February South Africa, somewhere after midnight. Both August eclipses are powerful for you.

As you have Leo on the Midheaven you have every chance of finding a new job. Could family help you in some way? Take note of what opportunities come in after the solar eclipse on August Hi Sally, I was wondering how this solar eclipse could bring. Venus and Saturn conjunct in 8th house natal. I have been unemployed for 11 years,single for 11 also.

A relationship started but has been put on hold due to a third party leo refusing to let go. Have an exam coming up. Would be interested on any ideas you have.

Eclipses are notorious for triangle situations, who or what will be eclipsed? Let it go or take a stand. Your exam will go well thanks to a great Jupiter transit. I love your articles and look forward to reading your work. I was diagnosed with cancer last March and whilst on Chemotherapy I got pneumonia 8 weeks later….

Hi Marty, I am sorry to hear things have been tough for you. It depends what degree your Moon is in Leo. The Moon represents your home, your inner needs so put yourself and what comforts you first before anything or anyone else.

Hi Sally, great article, as usual. Now living in Spain Alicante retired. Last eclipse , big promotion at work meaning more money. Keep up your great work.

Love is also a possibility with Venus involved. What will be revealed? Thanks so much for this. I have Leo in my 5th house at I have a Scorpio and Taurus ascending. Any insight on what to expect would be incredible — thank you! Congratulations on your engagement. This might be about an unexpected opportunity for you.

Hi thank you your article is very informative. My 51st Birthday is August 21st how will this eclipse effect me? Hi Sandra, eclipses are game-changers.

How to deal with Eclipses by Susan Miller | Agent Karma

I have been interested in how this eclipse will impact my year. I was born on August 21, at 4: Over the past year, I have been working on learning mindfulness, meditation and general self help. I am hoping that these practices continue to bring me success this year.

My best advice is find where you can shine in life. Be bold, take centre stage, celebrate being you. Sending positive birthday wishes, Sally. My birthday is on this upcoming solar eclipse and my rising sign is in Aquarius. I have been recovering from a series of events that had happened and I feel a big change coming.

So while I was at work I work as a security guard at an outdoor arena I asked if a particular event was going to happen, that I would see a female wearing a green scarf.

It was close to degrees so I knew if I saw this it would be a sign. I felt like this was a big sign considering all of the factors like how hot it was, for example. Also, yesterday I got my tarot cards read and they seem to coincide with what the aura reader had told me. I was wondering if you think this change will come with the solar eclipse since it is so powerful.

Hi Erika, thank you for sharing your story.

Solar Eclipse July 2018 Astrology

Yes, your ruling planet is the planet that rules the sign on your Ascendant. You can only find it if you know your time of birth. As you have Aquarius on the Ascendant, your ruling planet is Saturn.

Uranus is the co-ruler of Aquarius so you can look at this planet too. The solar eclipse is about relationships for you, someone new coming into your life. It might not happen straightaway but latest October. Let me know if this is what happens. Hi Sally , I was born Bogota Colombia.

Extremely challenging year , mother passed suddenly back in February , health issue with positives results for me. NOw going thru many economic uncertainties. Many many things going on for me now. Obviously born August 21 , I read eclipse may be good or really bad.

Hi Claudia, I am sorry to hear you have had a tough year. My experience working with eclipses is that they often change the situation and the solar eclipse is a symbol of new beginnings, although often dramatic.

So hopefully it can unlock some new options for you. It might however take until the end of the year to feel as if you are starting over. I was impressed and amazed by your article.

I was looking for information about this eclipse on August 21, and i find it! Thank you for all information. I follow astrology and I was asking me precisely how this eclipse will affect and influence my destiny?

I am at a decisive moment in my life, for my creative job. At the same time in I remember i had another decisive moment of my career. A great disappointment make me my abandon my job on theatre for which I had devoted 9 years when I started in After a period of depression however I opened a new opportunity that brought me great luck: Now from february with lunar eclipse , the same thing happened: I was born in Parma Italy 3 august at 2.

Then what do you think? How will eclipse impact on me and my destiny? The solar eclipse on August 21st falls close to your IC, the point at the base of your chart representing your home and family, your past, where you come from. It would also be a good time to return home, to reconnect with your past in some way.

Hi Sally — thank you for this very informative post! A lot of upheaval emotionally happening in my life right now — internal vs external at this moment.

I always find August a really hard month for myself most years anyways. Im really concerned about what the upcoming weeks have to reveal for me. Unfortunately he doesnt know his birth time so we dont know his rising sign, but hes also a capricorn sun born in If you have any insights on how this pattern and this set of eclipses may show up for me it is greatly appreciated!!!!

So this coincides with the summer months for you, although more specifically July. However, you are obviously linked in to the nodal pattern, which accompanies the eclipses, so focus on your relationship now and your love life.

Capricorn is happiest when you feel secure and have work that fulfils you. Or am I missing any other areas of significance? We write dates differently in the UK and US. The Ascendant is the sign that was rising when you were born, how you come across to other people.

Scorpio Ascendant is the classic dark glasses scenario, creating an air of mystery! Hi sally I was born 1st nov female in August 97 I lost a baby then in August I was 10 weeks pregnant.

2019 Eclipse Charts

My partner born 21st Aug and decided to try for a baby. Hoping it brings exciting new beginnings for you both. Thank you so much for this. I know the solar eclipse is at 28 degrees, so only one degree off of my rising sign plus I have a Leo north node. Thank you so much! It may be about communication for you, how you express yourself, getting your name known.

Solar Eclipses are powerful New Moons and can be great for new beginnings. Always wait a couple of days after the exact date of the eclipse before making any big decisions. Great article, I am also a Sun scorpio, 1st decon, and a Leo rising. I have my north node at Can I expect similar changes this time around?

I know this time around we also have Jupiter transiting Scorpio in , which I have Jupiter in Scorpio natal as well. Yes, I see similar themes playing out now to the last eclipse cycle. Looking forward to Jupiter in Scorpio too!

First of all, thank you very much for all the information you provide and the horoscopes, one of the very few which keep it real. I am a Pisces sun anacoretic degree , Leo rising and Virgo moon anacoretic degree too. During the previous cycle, in August , I moved abroad for the first time and decided to pursue the career, in different companies, from which I was fired last March in Well, the simple answer is that these are peak changeover times for you in your life.

I guess you have other important transits taking place now too, so take good care of yourself. As you say, big changes often lead us down a path that ends up being bright and fulfilling. Thank you very much Sally! Thank you so much for the lovely article!

I was born on August 8th at I am writing 2 important exams in August What do these eclipses mean for my education? My exam results are most likely to come during the 7th and 21st August eclipses.

Eclipses scare me and I know they change a lot of things in your life. Will I be able to pass my exams or is it a bad time for education? I was in a past-life love relationship back in It is a relationship that I will never forget.

I have been going through a major spiritual awakening over the last 4 years. It has helped me to connect more deeply with myself and I am making major changes in my life this year and next.

I am leaving a long-term job and relationship and moving cross country. I am excited about the changes. It has been so hard for me emotionally but I am learning to let go and let the universe. I am finding that I need to make new friends who are more in line with who I really am. I have been a part-time Reiki practitioner and spirit medium to my clients for the past 16 years and this is where I will be focusing my energies once I leave my full-time job.

I have been so used to taking care of other people but I am finally learning to put myself first. Thanks for a great article. The solar eclipse in Leo is most powerful for you and you have Jupiter conjunct your natal Libra Moon at the same time. I have just discovered your site and I am really impressed and loving it!

I have a question for you, I have had a natal chart done and it says my North Node is at 29 degrees Leo, and that is about where the eclipse is, what would that mean for me? I was told on 17th March the day before my 37th Birthday that the cancer was quite advanced -stage 3 and I am now nearly half way through chemo.

Dear Jude, I was very touched by your comment and wanted to reply to you. I think this is part of your healing and by October of this year, you enter a new stage. The Nodes are karmic points and they are about your destiny so this does feel powerful for you. I would say however that you focus fully on healing especially in August of this year, the eclipse month, and perhaps even through to October Be at home, with your family, prioritise your emotional security, find your place of retreat and comfort, rest well.

What Does The Leo/Aquarius Eclipse Mean For You?

I had an eclipse on my natal moon at 25 degrees Aquarius in August last year now I have an eclipse right on my pluto in the 12th house at 28 degrees Leo also the Royal star Regulus which I have recently worked with on a ddeper Esoteric level in the last 18 months. It is a bit of a worry with Pluto their but wonder if you could maybe give me a little more insight into what may be around the corner over the next couple of years.

It feels important especially as you are a Sun Cancer and the Moon disposits the Sun, i. Cancer is its sign of rulership. The Moon Aquarius is very different to Sun Cancer — more distant, aloof which is taken to extremes by the opposition to Pluto. The Moon rules your inner needs, your sense of belonging.

I am frightened that this will mean some terrific incident within my home life- either effecting a family member or create an awful struggle in my housing situation as I am already having issues with my Landlord and my lease expires on August 31st. I am trying to embrace the fact that everything happens for a reason and resetting my life will ultimately be the best thing for me but I am trying to brace myself with some foreknowledge of where I should be vigilant at this time.

Can you offer some insight? Eclipses are important and yes, they can be the catalyst that start a chain event in your life. You already know that these eclipses are about home, family, past for you and your lease expires on August 31st.

So check in with your landlord early to find out what their plans are, look into any other options. Same with regard to your family, be in touch. Communicate with them, how are they doing? Use the knowledge of these eclipses as a chance to be pro-active in your own life in the key areas mentioned above.

Leo is a confident sign, so find your inner strength and take charge of your life. Considering Diana died with similar degrees and in a solar eclipse year….. For starters, you are not Princess Diana! For you, explore more about your Sun Leo in the 12th house — do you want to shine in a new way, do you want to forge a spiritual path, for example?

When do the cycle Feb to Aug starts in and are there other cycle dates in ? Dear Sally Very educating. Also finding love through an educational establishment.

Ciao Sally, io sono un Leone ascendente Sagittario. Dovrei puntare su tutto me stessa? Hi, I have translated your question below.

January 2019 Astrology! Solar/Lunar Eclipses, Blood Moon, Horoscope Houses, Zodiac Angels Forecast

If money is most important to you, focus on creating a healthy financial situation. Currently I often find myself thinking that you want a child but I have certain economic problems to want to solve before making this big step; my job is a very creative job and I love, but I often find myself thinking that maybe I should join him at an economically safer work.

Should I focus on everything myself? Sspero di riuscire nel mio intento. Hi Sally, thanks a lot for your article about this exciting eclipse and for offering your advice. As a Sun Leo, the major planets of the Christmas breakthrough astrology trigger my chart and Nodes in harmonic transits — my Nodes falling into the actual eclipse.

My life is in total change since longer time from relationships to finding purpose in career with also Pluto conjunct my MC. Your Jupiter in Libra themes for Leo are spot on to my career goals in Feeling unappreciated, as Sam above, was a major theme and I wonder how things will develop soon with education and travel goals.

Positive signs are already developing that things might finally turn around. Once have read Leo North Nodes are here to find appreciation in themselves and so are denied from others? Would be curious about your short assessment for natal Pluto square natal MC?

I appreciate very much!! Yes, north node Leo lessons are learning about how to shine bright and to get better at dealing with how other people act towards you. The stronger and more confident you feel inside, the less you care about what other people say or do!

Starting over completely is a theme — not easy but Pluto themes are often about being a survivor, tenacious, the phoenix rising from the ashes.

Yes, education and travel are good areas for you to focus on now and over the next few months in particular. Line up some new goals. Love relationships too are a theme of the eclipses for you over the next two years — could be exciting!

Definitely feel the eclipse since Saturday and I wonder how things will continue as you said developments need not appear immediately.

Indeed a sense of freedom evolving.. Namaste Sally, I love reading your posts. I am new to Astrology. My name is Sweety, I am 28 from India.

I am a Piscean born on 17th March I have been dealing with a lot of things lately and have started feeling major effects of Moon personally. Still trying to understand how it works for me.

I am currently going through a separation from August I just read this post and as I could relate it back to the past, I met my partner first in and got married to him in March. I have been dealing with a lot of problems ever since as my parents dint approve our marriage and decided to split in August Things have not been easy since then.

He loves me and wants to move back together, but I am not sure about it. I am talking to him now and I do love him, but really confused about how to take things ahead.

We were planning for a weekend getaway for this Full Moon and things were looking positive, but it got cancelled last moment. Now I am failing to understand how to relate this eclipse to the eclipses in the Past. My partner is an Aries born on 22nd March Hoping you can put some light on this. Wow, a childhood sweetheart, Sweety, and you were born five days apart.

You share a lot of similar astrology between you. Follow your heart with this one, Sweety. I think the eclipses for you have got to be about giving your ex a clear No or Yes. The astrology is currently most powerful for him and the next eclipse in Pisces — February 26 — is the big one for both of you. The Venus cycle too is part of this for you and if you want your love to be reawakened, the time is now.

Check out the Venus article I wrote earlier this week for the key dates here. Hi Sally, Thank you sooo much for your reply. I was eagerly waiting for it. I had a great weekend with my partner and we decided to give love one more chance.

I will go through the Venus article one more time. Again, I love reading your blogs, hoping to connect with you to get a better understanding of my stars. Can you guide me on how to get a detailed reading about me and my partner? This is all new to me but I did have a major life event in Aug. I just ended my first relationship since then and now know that I want to find someone that is ready to settle down and finish out our lives together.

This is the year of my 60th birthday. What should I expect with this eclipse? Hi Sally How do you know your ascendant? Also interesting in the two periods of eclipse mentioned above were periods of big change for me so this will also prove interesting as to what may happen.

You need to know your time of birth to find out your Ascendant. Hello sally, I am a Virgo. Have the moon and Jupiter in 4th house Leo. Both eclipses season were extreme significant for me. In I met my ex husband, we started to date and married in Eclipses are often about endings and new beginnings, the highs and lows of life.

Often what you begin on one cycle, you complete on another. Go back into the past if you feel that would help you in any way, use this time to write your cosmic wish list.

Allow yourself to dream. Bills to be paid! I can relate some big changes to the other cycles you mention. In summer I moved to London, and struggled to really find my feet until mid During those 2 years my boss bullied me, and it had some far reaching effects. I finally left at the end of August was the first time I started talking seriously about writing fiction for a living, and specifically writing novels.

Full Moons are often linked to celebration and I like that this eclipse has positive aspects to other planets. I hope you have the best time. I feel sad it happened for you but pleased that you dealt with it in a constructive way and got help.

When you tap into what your heart desires, you create magic — Leo rules the heart. Hi my birthday falls on august 12th. This year seems to be a roller coaster for me hopefully the eclipse will me good for me.

Desperately looking to speed things up. August 12th is twixt eclipses so not necessarily a time of change unless other planets trigger the eclipse degrees. Being a Leo however, ensure you shine!

Lets see what brings now but indeed iam in the prospect of changing things…the funniest part is that i have been feeling the energy of change coming! Lets hope is for the best! Met my soulmate and fell in love first time and broke up in that time frame in to early I do think eclipses are game-changers but trust your intuition and make your decision early September.

A few weeks ago I ended a long-term relationship, I feel positive about this as it had become toxic and co-dependent. Thanks in advance for any advice.. Family estrangements are difficult to handle and you have to put your own self-care first. The more you learn to let go and surrender to the situation as it is, the easier you make life for yourself.

One of the advantages of the internet Aquarius , is that the world comes to us. Find your way to shine online, a website, a forum? Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

The Royal Factor Another factor to note is that eclipses have often been linked to key events with royals and leaders. What does the Eclipse mean for you?

Read your Sun sign first, your Ascendant second: Comments I am an Aquarius. Dear Sally, Great post, thank you. And to add dob 15 08 81, The Moon is traditional ruler for home and babies! Sally, I was born on 24 Oct 71 at Thank you very much Sally, your comment is just what I was hoping to hear and hope you are right, like so many times in your Grand Slam tennis predictions it helps me a lot not to have too high expectations from Novak Djokovic, when his stars are not in the best positions.

DOB for Julie is: Very informative post Sally! Dear Sally Thank you for your comments and time, yes something significant happened after the lunar eclipse earlier this month between us both, it did feel like an ending. It seems the mom thing is really related then!

So the solar eclipse is at 28 Leo 53? I appreciate the solid input! Hello, Thank you for this article! Hello, I just read your article, very interesting!!! Hi Sally, I found your article incredible.

Hi Sally, Thank you for responding. Thanks for your words, somehow it feels a relief to share this in here! Many Thanks for your replies! My MC 13 deg Aquarius. Lunar eclipse was 15 deg. This new team is where I want to stay.

Please advise the impact Thanks in advance Donna. A few days ago I had my first car tow. Money needed for moving on my own. Hi Sally, Thank you for your comments. Hi Sally Great post: Hello My Dear, I share a story similar to yours. Much appreciated your response. Hi Sally, Thank you so much for this insightful article! Thanks for all the great information on your site!

I really appreciate your insights! Hi Sally, Thank you for your post! Hi Sally, Thanks so much for this. All the best, Julia. Dear Sally, Thank You for the fantastic article. Dear Sally, I was impressed and amazed by your article. Thank you for taking the time to personally answer these questions. Dear Sally, Thank you so much for the lovely article!

Dear Sally I have just discovered your site and I am really impressed and loving it! I was born at about 9.

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Lots of love Jude. Any advice appreicated, Danielle. Is it possible to get a lover with this eclipse? As single people, the couple can be nothing special, and even quite bland.

However, put them together and their single aspects join to become dynamite! The same can happen the other way, two very troublesome folk can become totally trined out as a couple, so that they stay at home together, become totally neutered and cause no harm to anyone.

This is the beauty of the alchemy of relationships. With the solar eclipse July , there is a chalk and cheese type energy going on. Are the next 6 months going to be the collective flipping from one extreme to another?

Will the Bonnie and Clyde side of the opposition take power? Are people going to take the law into their own hands? Will they even be able to with certain countries Ie the UK!

I also wonder whether this eclipse will bring about succession attempts in various areas. Maybe this is where the stark contrasts of Castor and Cancer decan 3 will be playing out. I also think the July new moon solar eclipse heralds a 6 month period where dynamic duos become prominent.

You might find these themes playing out in your life if your angles or personal planets are in cardinal signs decan 3. But that lush earth trine is working in the background as a great leveler and healer. This eclipse is exactly conjunct my Natal South Node in the 7th house 20 Cancer.

Also as you may guess Pluto is on my North Node. Does this mean old relationship karma is gonna erupt? Thanks for your wonderful posts, Marina. I loved the main photo at the heading. It reminded me of The Cars debut album cover. This is how satire dies…. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Search for: Share on Facebook Share.

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