Jan spiller february horoscope

Mercury enters Capricorn
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  4. Astrology Book Review: Astrology for the Soul

These powerful planets are working together to help you let go of limiting beliefs and attract favorable opportunities into your life.

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If single, it will be a good time to get noticed by someone who appreciates your unique qualities. The Sun will be in your sign through the 17th, moving into Pisces on the 18th.

Astrology Book Review: Astrology for the Soul

What would you like to learn? What type of people will you choose to spend your time with? From the 18th to the end of the month, the Sun will be in Pisces, highlighting your 2nd house of finance and self-worth.

Get realistic about your finances. Be creative with the resources you have before spending money on new items. It will be a good time to sell anything you no longer use. Both Mercury and Venus will move into the sign of Pisces mid-month.

Mercury, planet of communication, will ingress into Pisces on the 17th. A loved one is likely to express their feelings in a creative and meaningful way. Get Horoscopes, relationship reports, monthly personal reports, and more! Click here to learn more about memberships.

What's in the cards for you this month? Click here to read your tarotscope. Click here to learn more about tarot reader Lady J. Your mind may be full of new ideas, but give yourself time to research your options. Best to use this month to get organized and then move forward with plans towards the end of next month.

March begins with a Virgo Full Moon on the 1st. This is a powerful time to see intimate partnerships clearly and make practical financial decisions. Review shared resources and determine if you can make a more efficient strategy for saving or investing. Others could show they care through helpful gestures.

Consider writing down important memories from your life to share with family members. It is also a great time to reconnect with siblings, neighbors, or other people who are close to you. Your mind could be eager for information.

Stock up on some new books! This Mercury retrograde cycle is the first in a series of retrogrades occurring over the next six months, including Mars and Venus retrograde. The effort you make during to put a wrap on anything unresolved will clear the ground for new beginnings in The New Moon on the 17th will be in Pisces and your 2nd house of finance and self-worth.

This is a powerful New Moon for letting go of material possessions that no longer serve you. This is a great time to mingle with new people. Consider it an adventure! Get specialized horoscopes, yearly forecasts, relationship reports, monthly personal reports, and more!

You might find yourself reconnecting with former work colleagues or benefiting from your work experience in some way this month. You could gain recognition for previous accomplishments, or be offered the chance to mentor others.

The New Moon on the 15th will be in Aries, making it an extra powerful time to set intentions for the coming year! Jupiter and Neptune are working together in a favorable trine that begins this month and will be in effect for the next six months.

You may feel called to engage in philanthropic work by contributing your time and talents. Meanwhile, both Saturn and Pluto will station retrograde this month in your 12th house of spirituality and the subconscious Saturn on the 17th and Pluto on the 22nd. You might be hiding a truth from yourself, or avoiding some important work you need to do for your personal growth.

If your interactions with others feel challenging, look for ways you can change your attitude and approach to cultivate more positivity. The Scorpio Full Moon on the 29th will highlight your 10th house of public image.

You could be recognized for your problem-solving skills or ability to help others. People will likely be drawn to your ability to stay calm during difficult circumstances and look to you for leadership.

Be ready for a social month, Aquarius! Mercury will clear its retrograde shadow on the 3rd, facilitating clear communications, networking, and making new connections. Make plans to participate in your favorite activities with loved ones. A favorable trine between Jupiter and Neptune continues this month, and will be exact during the last half of May.

It will be a great time to attract the resources and financial situation to offer you peace of mind. The available energies encourage you to release financial burdens and unnecessary drains on your time and energy. It is an excellent time to downsize or pool your resources with others. This is an excellent New Moon to support intentions related to creating a sense of stability and being more comfortable in your living situation.

The 15th is also the day Uranus will ingress into Taurus after spending approximately seven years in Aries. Over the past seven years, you might have been attracting new people into your life as well as embarking on new learning experiences. Now Uranus will move into your 4th house of home and family.

Be prepared for changes in this area of life that could be initiated any time in the next seven years.

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The best way to work with this transit is to keep an open mind and go with the flow. Use the available energy to make positive upgrades that will make your life easier. The Sun will ingress into Gemini on the 20th, illuminating your 5th house of romance, creativity, and children.

Enjoy social activities towards the end of the month and reach out to make new friends. It will be a great time to network for business or pleasure.

Monthly Horoscope Wheel

Spending time with children or grandchildren will feel especially rewarding. The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 29th will support celebrations with friends and the culmination of a group project. It will be a great time for travel and activities that offer you the chance to learn and experience something new.

Consider taking a tour or enrolling in a class. Avoid making major decisions between the 16th and the 20th, as Neptune will station retrograde on the 18th. Take some quiet time to yourself to prepare your subconscious mind to release old thought patterns and heal from the past.

With Neptune transiting your 2nd house of finance and self-worth, you could be feeling unsure about a money-related matter. Sitting quietly in meditation can help you to access your inner wisdom. On the 21st, the Sun will ingress into Cancer, signifying the Summer Solstice. The Sun will highlight your 6th house of daily routines and health from this date until the end of the month.

Take the opportunity to schedule more time for the activities that make you feel good. Make moving your body a priority and consider signing up for classes or regularly scheduled activities that have a social aspect.

Mars goes retrograde on the 26th in your Sun sign, initiating a cycle that lasts until August 27th. You might be re-evaluating your role in a group and the responsibilities that are most important to you. While you have natural leadership skills, it might not be the right time for you to take on a big commitment. Think about ways to contribute to a group or cause you care about in a way that allows you the personal freedom you require.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 28th will put the focus on your dreams and subconscious mind. Giving yourself time to rest will allow you the space you need to come up with your next big idea.

This month, Mars will be retrograde in your Sun sign, putting the focus on your personal goals. It will be a tricky time to get the ball rolling on brand new ideas. Instead, use the available energy to complete your personal unfinished business. All Aquarians will benefit from this Lunar Eclipse, but the energy can feel extra emotional.

This Eclipse will help you to set healthy boundaries in your relationships and support others from a place of personal strength.

Make adjustments to your schedule that allow you more time to yourself. Make self-care a priority and get back to any wellness regimens you may have let slip. Use this super powerful New Moon to set intentions related to getting better sleep, eating healthy, exercise, and making time for activities that fill you with creative inspiration.

Focus on making gradual changes, and practice living in the moment. When setting goals at this New Moon, realize that it could take until the next Eclipse pair in January, , to see the results of efforts you begin now. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Leo, and your 7th house of partnership.

During the last 10 days of the month, romance will be in the air around you! If attached, get out for some fun date activities. If single, accept invitations that allow you to mingle with new people. Mercury goes retrograde in Leo on the 26th, transiting your 7th house of partnership.

An old flame could re-enter your life in order to resolve the past. You may or may not be meant to reunite long-term. Appreciate the present time with this person, and focus on what you might be ready to let go of from your past together.

Both Mars and Mercury will go direct this month, easing the flow of communication with current or potential partners. Mercury will station direct on the 19th. This planet of communication been retrograde in your 7th house of partnership since July 26th, which may have created some static in your interactions with loved ones.

After the 19th, it will be easier to make yourself understood and have productive conversations. Because Mars has spent part of its retrograde cycle in your Sun sign, you could have experienced more personal roadblocks this summer than some of your peers.

Take it slow and be prepared to retrace your steps, especially when it comes to your money and personal goals. This high-powered New Moon will activate changes related to related to partnership.

This could involve a platonic friend, lover, or business partner. Any intentions you write at this time are likely to unfold between now and the next Eclipses in January, You can make progress, but the pace will need to be slow and you might have to circle back to finish something you thought was complete.

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  5. I never thought that a single book on Astrology could open my eyes so much to the meaning of life, but WOW, this one sure did. I am absolutely blown away at the accuracy and detail of Jan's insights into my Moon Nodes, and for the first time ever I finally understand: A Why I've always felt this internal conflict between two different extremes of being in the world B Which of the options I need to choose I have read and re-read and will keep re-reading the sections that apply to me, because they're SO helpful, and every time I read them, I understand more about how to be the best possible version of me, and what I need to step up and do to truly achieve what my soul wanted from this lifetime.

    Although written almost 30 years ago, this book contains valuable information about the Nodes of the Moon by sign and house! Using New Moon Power Days.

    New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller, although dedicated mostly to the power of the New Moon in self-development efforts, contains insightful information about the Nodes of the Moon.

    Astrology Book Review: Astrology for the Soul

    The first portion of the book is devoted to providing practical instructions for creating and verbalizing wishes in relation to the days of the New Moon in each sign of the zodiac.

    The New Moon periods are considered to be power periods in the astrological cycle, with the signs defining the areas of life and our personalities that we can focus our wishes for self-development on.

    Specific wishes and affirmations are included for these positions. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.

    The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use found here. Or, determine it with this North Node sign lookup tool: