8 february horoscope for aries

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  1. Today's Aries Horoscope - Thursday, December 27, 2018
  2. Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Aries
  3. Aries Health & Wellness Horoscope
  4. February 8th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
  5. Aries Monthly Horoscope

The most relevant form of idealism that applies to February 8 people involves their passion and sense of urgency regarding some sort of hot idea. They are able to do a lot of things to pursue an idea, but by the time they are ready to truly make a big leap, they lose heart. They know how to get people excited about a common cause.

They know how to rally people around a shared idea. They pursue a goal up until the point where the goal is ready to pay off big time. However, they never get around to unlocking the full potential of their hopes and dreams because they start developing other hopes and dreams.

This ends up slowing down their emotional maturity as far as commitments are concerned. Air, unlike solids or liquids move very fast. Your mind moves at a thousand miles per hour. While you should give yourself some leeway for versatility and contingencies, there is a big difference between being deft and nimble and dropping everything.

The first part of their life will usually point them in a direction that allows them to help those that were bruised, or send them on a chase for goals of their parents. This is an unconscious need to move on in a certain direction, in a pace given to them by other people. As they grow older, they will start to discover their true talents.

They will excel in sports, active workplaces, and environments that allow them to interact with people openly and freely.

In time, they become successful managers, leaders, and public figures that have something to share with the world. Guided by a powerful Martian energy that needs to relate to their hearts, individuals born on the 8th of February need something for kundalini awakening and the best stone to support them is Stichtite.

It is a crystal with a profoundly loving vibration that is used to heal emotional matters that are unresolved and find forgiveness. As a very protective stone, it will create a shield around them that will protect them from negativity and leave enough room for them to deal with matters of the past they need to heal.

A birthday present for a person born on February 8th is always tricky to find, simply because they wish to be more serious or less sensitive than they really are. More often than not, their passion will burn a bit too brightly, but they need time to learn that it is a gentle approach that will keep it functional and calm.

When you choose their gift, respect the need of the moment and their current interests.

Today's Aries Horoscope - Thursday, December 27, 2018

To stay on a safe side, it is wise to hold on to their hobbies and interests you share with them, giving them information they seek in the form of a book or a course. Forceful and brave, they never lose a battle if their heart is invested in it.

These individuals are strong, endurable, and passionate, always ready to jump into new adventures that will make them feel alive. Rushing into things their heart is not ready for, they can hurt themselves and people around them.

Research is also highly favored. It's also easier for you to approach sensitive, intimate, and personal matters with rationality and logic.

As such, this is a great time to open up conversations about topics that normally might cause waves, such as those revolving around the sharing of power, intimacy, and finances. From December 12th forward: Mercury transits your solar ninth house.

Not content to focus on mundane, practical affairs just now, your mind turns to bigger visions, thoughts, and ideals. You are open to expanding your knowledge base during this cycle, and communications from or with someone far away may be part of the picture.

You are putting everything into perspective now, rather than compartmentalizing. Instead of simply shooting the breeze, you are more inclined to discuss broader philosophies now.

Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Aries

Your inclination during this cycle is to think about the "big picture" rather than the mundane circumstances and details of your life. Missing appointments and other forms of forgetfulness could be part of the picture now. Mars continues to energize your solar twelfth house now. While Mars occupies the twelfth house, asserting yourself in a direct and straightforward manner can be difficult.

This is largely due to a feeling of not being in touch with what it is you want or desire just for the time being as you reassess your goals and needs. This lack of direction and self-knowledge should prompt you to look within to learn about your desires.

It is likely that you will be much clearer when Mars reaches your first house. For the time being, take some time for rest and give your ego a break.

From December 31st forward: You are able to stand your ground and assert yourself more than usual during this transit of Mars through your solar first house. You have energy at your disposal to move your plans forward, and you are more enterprising.

You want to leave your mark on the world in some way--however big or small--and you are more able to make an impression than usual. If circumstances are such, you are able to easily fight back. In fact, you may be somewhat combative under this influence, and you may have a short temper.

Take charge of your life, but don't bulldoze over others in the process! This is an excellent transit for assertiveness and physical vitality.

Aries Health & Wellness Horoscope

Love affairs may also be stepped up during this period. On the rare occasion when an accident occurs, it is more likely to involve the head or face. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead.

Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more. Know More About Yourself and Others. Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth birth chart reports , relationship reports , future forecasts , and more.

Love outlook for the year ahead.

February 8th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth romantic compatibility reports , including the Synastry and Love Ties reports. See also general trends for Aries in The Sun this Month: This month, with the Sun spotlighting your solar ninth house, your focus turns outward, away from the more personal concerns that have occupied your thoughts in the last months.

More than any other time during the year, you are feeling most adventurous and willing to take a leap of faith. Anything that broadens your experiences attracts now. A lack of superficiality finds you straight to the point, interested in the truth of things.

It would be wise for you to consider scheduling a vacation, adventure of sorts, or a course that expands your mind.

These don't have to happen now, but taking the time to recognize your needs for escaping the daily grind, taking a few risks, and feeding your spirit for self-expression through some form of adventure or higher learning, will help you to feel good about yourself.

The only caution with this cycle is that you could lose touch with managing everyday affairs and important details. Venus continues her trek through your partnership sector. Meaningful and harmonious relationships--both social and romantic--define you during this cycle, affecting your mind, body, and soul. Financial or social success may come to or through your marriage partner at this time.

Special attention to and from a partner is in focus, and flattery works to your advantage! Give to a partner exactly what you would like to receive just now. It's not about you right now--it's about someone else close. Smoothing out your close personal relationships is what makes you happy during this cycle.

You have a greater need than usual for contact and exchange with an intimate partner. If single, you are more willing than normal to enter into a committed relationship.

Aries Monthly Horoscope

In general, you are adaptable when it comes to your affections. From December 17th forward: While Mercury is retrograde, it's better to review, revise, and refine rather than push things forward, particularly related to communications, contracts, and transportation.

Mercury continues to transit your solar eighth house.

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The ability to analyze and rationalize some of the deeper elements inside yourself and in your intimate life now can benefit you.

This is also a good time for sorting out finances, particularly money shared or coming from other sources other than your own personal income. You might particularly enjoy discussing topics that you typically don't verbalize with someone special during this cycle. Anything taboo, mysterious, or puzzling can be especially fascinating for you just now.

You have little interest in small talk. You are more aware of subtleties and nuances during this cycle, and you can use this increased insightfulness to improve your life. With Mars moving through your solar twelfth house, this is the time to research and reflect upon your goals.

It can be a time when past actions catch up with you--and this is not necessarily a bad thing! It could also be a time when much of your energy is channeled into private matters, or when you prefer that others not observe what you are doing. This is natural--you may just as well do your best work alone for now.