Sextile astrology january 13 2019

Articles & Inspiration.
  1. Mercury enters Capricorn
  2. Solar Eclipse January 2019 Astrology
  3. 2019 Planetary Overview
  4. Astrological Aspects

Rather than directly asserting our desires, we tend towards introspection. We can be hesitant about taking action, second-guessing our instincts or our natural impulses rather than acting upon them.

2019 Calendar

Jupiter is retrograde in from April 10 to August 11, , in the sign of Sagittarius. Saturn is retrograde in from April 29th to September 18th, , in the sign of Capricorn.

Uranus completes its retrograde that began on August 7, , in on January 6th, , and will retrograde again in August Uranus is retrograde from August 11th, , until January 10th, , in the sign of Taurus. Neptune is retrograde in from June 21st to November 27th, , in the sign of Pisces.

Pluto is retrograde in from April 24th to October 2nd, , in the sign of Capricorn.

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn - Happy New Year! January 5th / 6th 2019

See more years of transiting chart patterns. See the Eclipses page for more information about current and upcoming eclipses.

Mercury enters Capricorn

The following is a January 1st, chart with 0 Aries houses. Note that the year begins at different times around the world and the chart will be a little different in different areas.

Outer planet transits in the year , excerpted from the Day Watch Report Package. In the Day Watch report package, the following transits are mixed with personal transits.

This is a broad time for taking that second look at what life seemed to offer, or that it claimed to promise. The answers, in general, will be for the moment that optimism fails — hopes lead to disappointment and a lot of other confusions that result from both unclear desires and fuzzy thinking.

This is a roughly yearlong stretch when life for society at large can seem steadier—when what is believed true can appear reliable and the powers that be for the moment either tolerate or co-opt the spiritual world.

Thus, it is sometimes a period of seeming spiritual progress.

Solar Eclipse January 2019 Astrology

Although this is a universal experience and has little application on any one specific level on a day-to-day basis, it does raise the universal opportunity to make short-term gains out of what others may believe are long-term trends. There begins an inexorable seven-year build-up of recently-learned harsh truths that actually makes structure out of revolution, but at a price that will only be appreciated afterward.

Because of previous breakdowns, much is tolerated that would not otherwise be put up with, all in the name of a new deal, which may be learned from but have to be at least partially undone afterward. The answers, in general, will be for the moment that optimism fails—hopes lead to disappointment and a lot of other confusions that result from both unclear desires and fuzzy thinking.

A planet is considered out of bounds when its declination is beyond the outer bounds or limits of that of the Sun, i. The energies of these planets tend to be a little out of control during these periods. See more dates for Out of Bounds planets here.

For Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

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For example, the Moon enters Capricorn on January 4th at 1: For UT, add 5 hours. For example, the Moon enters Capricorn on January 4th at 6: Jupiter is retrograde from April 10th to August 11th. Jupiter is direct the remainder of the year. Jupiter is in Sagittarius until December 2nd, , and in Capricorn from December 2nd forward.

Saturn is in Capricorn all of Read about Saturn in Capricorn.

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  • Planetary Overview.
  • January – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits | Tarot - Astrology;

Retrograde until January 6th, , and then from August 11th, , to January 10th, Uranus semi-square Neptune on May 1st, , at 3 Taurus 03 final [first occurred in August , again in October , again in June , and then again in December ].

Neptune semi-square Uranus on May 1st, , at 18 Pisces 03 final [first occurred in August , again in October , again in June , and then again in December ].

An aspect coming into orb at the end of the year is an alignment of Saturn and Pluto, exact on January 12, , and standalone. Solar Fire, Sirius, and Day Watch. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.

The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use found here.

The Sun and the Moon are never retrograde. Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28, , in the sign of Pisces.

Mercury enters Retrograde Zone on February 19, , at 8: Venus Retrograde in What is Venus Retrograde? Venus does NOT turn retrograde in Jupiter Retrograde Cycle in Saturn Retrograde Cycle in Starts April 29, Uranus Retrograde Cycle Neptune Retrograde Cycle Starts June 20, Pluto Retrograde Cycle in New Year Chart. Vega is said to pave the way to riches and fame.

In connection with the Moon…a tendency for occult and mysticism may be given. I have written a whole post on Vega so here are my keywords: Blood is thicker than water, family honor, loyalty, musical, theatrical, arty and crafty, waxes lyrical, charming the birds from the trees, pied piper, paying the piper, songbirds, lullaby, lair, aspiring, social climbers, class-conscious, divas, wannabes, fans, stalkers, admirers, high status, flash cars, impressive, political clout, gangsters, grasping, publicity hungry, media whores, ancestral talents, dynasties, forging, faking, plastic surgery, perfection, idealism, the pinnacle of success, snobbery, rags to riches, riches to rags, thieving, criminal activity, torture, punishment, law unto themselves.

When I studied Vega and Lyra in depth I found they were definitely associated with wealth and a tad of pretentiousness. It fits very well with the aspirational mountain-climbing goat. And because it carries a shaft poised on a drawn bow, it imparts strength to limb and keenness to the intellect, swiftness of movement, and an indefatigable spirit.

A solar eclipse is a turbocharged New Moon. Generally, New Moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. We are essentially working on the blank canvas of the dark moon where our ideas can gestate in the new moon soil.

But with an Eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. Therefore the lunar interrupts the flow of energy and causes disruption. It breaks our habitual behaviour and gives us a kind of cosmic reboot.

This makes the unconscious, conscious, like when you become aware that you are dreaming. During an eclipse, like the lucid dream, we get that same sudden feeling of hyperawareness. We could do anything!! At best, the effect of a solar eclipse can amplify insights gained from a very balanced left and right brain.

The Solar eclipse is very good at showing up any imbalances you have. Eg, You are on one leg in tree pose and the Solar eclipse pokes you in the side. The amount of wobble shows how much centering you need to do. A Solar Eclipse can bring an awakening or a shocking revelation that rocks you to the core.

It aims to balance out left and right brain hemispheres and therefore consciousness so that you are not lopsided.

2019 Planetary Overview

The tarot card associated with this decan is the Three Of Pentacles. This card depicts the architect and specialised tradesmen. It is about learning practical skills and putting long-term commitment into building something that will last.

Churches are both something useful, lasting and sacred. Others are prepared to back you now and offer support where in the past you struggled alone with your ideas and plans for the future.

These folk can be elitists, but the material gain that comes with this decan is usually well earned and deserved. The evolved native does not become complacent, nor expect rewards to be handed to them on a plate. Everything is worked hard for and material gains are valued and reinvested for future generations.

In an eclipse, the energy of the Sun must also be considered as well as the Moon so we will look at the Sun also: Sun sextile Neptune can be a wonderfully glamorous, charismatic, musical, poetic and highly imaginative combination… that comes with a price! It brings a touch of the childlike trickster to already nebulous Neptune.

It gives this solar eclipse January an enchanting duplicity, a kind of Peter-Pan quality. Their imagination is kooky and poetic with a surreal edge. The developing, blossoming feeling of the sextile can bring out the more deceptive qualities of Neptune however because the energies are unformed and unstable.

It could give those touched by this solar eclipse a charming wit which lends itself to creative tale-telling! At this time we feel like excitable romantics with a tendency to worship our lovers. The solar eclipse energy will work best when we put this great devotion into an all-consuming passion, Ie; An artistic project, spiritual practice or best of all, working to transform the lives of the sick and needy.

Astrological Aspects

Moon sextile Neptune takes the fantasy element of Neptune and tries to build a utopia. The nurturing side of the moon can take on a transpersonal role in mothering the world.

All these traits can be hyped up by this Solar Eclipse, but it will also sooth the broken-hearted. This stone brings calmness and equilibrium. It especially is good for healing trauma from an abusive partner or parent.