Aquarius aquarius cusp and aquarius aquarius cusp compatibility

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  1. Imagination / Contradiction / Mystery
  2. Relationship Compatibility of Capricorn-Aquarius Cusps With Other Signs
  3. Relationship Compatibility of Capricorn-Aquarius Cusps With Other Signs
  4. Read Now! Compatibility of Aquarius-Pisces Cusps with Other Signs

Both, the renowned poet of his time, Lord Byron , and the co-founder of Microsoft, Paul Allen , belong to the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp sign. One was a poet, popularly known as the leading figure of Romanticism, while the other is a philanthropist and a substantial name in the field of software entrepreneurship.

We cite these examples to highlight the multitalented aspect of these cusps, who can excel in both scientific and creative endeavors. That was about their career prospects, but what is the scenario when it comes to the potential relationship prospects? Irrespective of how good Capricorn-Aquarius cusps are in their jobs, they are not that great when it comes to managing their personal relationships.

No, this does not imply that they are incompatible or inconsiderate. Ironically, they make great friends and love to socialize. They know how to be the life of a party and are born with the gift of entertainment.

Imagination / Contradiction / Mystery

Then what exactly is the reason that they don't score that well in love compatibility? If you go through the traits of Capricorn-Aquarius cusps , you would know that they are highly determined and eccentrically creative individuals, who are born with the objective to make this world a better place. Their highly vivid imagination and vision becomes a source of their creativity, with which they wish to create marvels in this world.

At times, they fail to sort of strike a balance between reality and dreams, and are put off by people who fail to share their degree of passion, determination, and discipline. This is what makes choosing the best partners for them a tricky task.

CAPRICORN/AQUARIUS CUSP LOVE "If I Walk Away I Won't Return" December 2018

One thing about these individuals is that they tend to be overcritical or judgmental about those who lack discipline and determination in life. They also fail to understand the reason for others not being able to view their visionary ambitions and dreams.

This lack of acceptance, or to say, disturbance in tuning, makes these cuspians quite detached and aloof from the "non-understanding" lot, and they continue to wander in the pool of their own vividity and mysticism.

The characteristics that we need in the ideal suitors for the men and women belonging to this cusp, are understanding, supportiveness, creativeness, and a somewhat-disciplined sense of eccentricity. The following signs, according to us, fulfill these criteria perfectly Libra is the peacemaker of the zodiac chart, and those belonging to this sign are very much capable of weighing the pros and cons of two extreme situations, and balancing two conflicting elements at the same level.

Why we consider Librans to be a good prospect for our mysterious cusps is because they will somehow adapt to these cuspians and attain a balance, as they are very caring and careful lovers.

Librans also master the art of diplomacy and are avid strategists, conveying some of the most problematic messages in a subtle manner.

Relationship Compatibility of Capricorn-Aquarius Cusps With Other Signs

This trait of theirs will help handle the lack of ability in Capricorn-Aquarian cusps to not receive criticism and disapproval sportingly, or not to be able to see a reason behind criticism. Librans are governed by the air element, which means that like our half-air Capriquarius, they too are driven by intellectual talks and undertakings.

With certain aspects kept in check, like the tendency of Librans to get a bit manipulative and critical at times, we see a great relationship compatibility between these two signs. This is because when it comes to the ones they love, Librans will quickly change the composition to bring a harmonic balance in the union.

Being the last sign of the zodiac chart, Pisces tends to absorb and understand all the traits of the signs that come before it. Aquarius and Capricorn precede Pisces immediately; therefore, those belonging to this sign will establish a sense of understanding with these cuspians, sooner or later.

Yes, there will be problems that will arise when our cuspians will be in their overcritical and harsh mode, mainly because Pisces is the most sensitive signs of all.

However, it is also one of the most compassionate, understanding, and selfless signs. With some adjustments, Pisceans can give Capricorn-Aquarius the support and inspiration that they need. They add to their creative instinct because they are quite creative and vivid themselves, and also love to be a part of a fantasy-oriented world.

In other words, a Piscean can provide colors to the imagination of a Capricorn-Aquarius. This would be the best pick, especially when the seeker of a relationship is a Capricorn-Aquarius woman. Cancer men are perhaps the best men to handle women who are headstrong.

Relationship Compatibility of Capricorn-Aquarius Cusps With Other Signs

Cancerians are quite peace-loving in nature. They are also very hardworking and determined to accumulate the best of luxuries and necessities to make a cozy shell for themselves and their loved ones.

So, they will invariably understand the point of view of their cusp mate, especially when it comes to their orientation towards goals, hard work, and discipline.

Crabs are also very understanding and supportive.

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Therefore, whenever our water-bearing sea goats would dive completely into their vision and goals, their partner although will feel a little avoided will understand and wait for their love to come back into their arms and comfort them off their tiredness.

Being a water sign and ruled by the Moon, Cancerians can become a little moody, but as long as their partner, which in this case is the Capriquarius, is loyal which this cusp is they will find a way to overcome whatever comes their way.

Being half Pisces, the Aquafish would gel well with the mermaid, and together, they would explore the depths of love, not only physically, but spiritually as well.

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Linda Goodman calls a Piscean an old soul, someone who believes in karmic forces and has lived many lives before being reincarnated as a Pisces. Finding a Pisces lover would be like finding a soulmate who shares the same soul path.

Both believe in romance like the one found in Nicholas Spark's novels, and yes, they can very well find that kind of love in each other's arms, in reality. What is love where there are no issues to be resolved? For these issues are the ones that strengthen love's bond all the more.

The only problem we see in this union is when both of them take a dive into their moodiness. If the timings don't coordinate appropriately, they may end up hurting each other due to their mood swings, and the rare but possible Piscean tendency to be blunt with words.

When this happens, both will prefer swimming in different directions to settle the ripples within, and in a short while, swim back to each other's arms. This is because each of the two understands what it's like when moodiness takes over, so there will rarely be a time when a conflict shall remain unresolved.

Capricornians are widely famous for their focus, determination, and hardworking nature. Yes, the goat may seem like a tough nut, but inside it's quite sensitive. Both appreciate commitment and honor the sanctity of a relationship. These idealistic values bring the two closer to each other. While the earthy Capricorn teaches our cuspian to be more stable, the Aquafish fills the goat's life with romance, color, and creative ideas.

The Capricorn/Aquarius Cusp: Inspiring Story Tellers

Both of them are not alike in any manner, but yet, they complement each other like none other. The Aquafish tends to get a little wobbly at times because of being swayed from materialism to spiritualism, illusion to disillusion!

This cusp is also not very good at handling the practical details of life. Therefore, being with a Capricorn helps this cusp become a bit closer to practicality and stand firm in reality.

Not that the goat would forbid the water-bearing mermaid to dive into the waves of spiritualism and imagination, but it will always be standing on the shore to see if the Aquafish is okay.

Cancerians are ruled by the moon, making them highly sensitive and emotional in nature. What makes this union so made for each other is the fact that it is the Moon that controls the tides in the ocean, tides that form with both water and air. Cancer is a cardinal sign, which means it is the initiator of the course that needs to be taken.

This can be advantageous to the Aquarius-Pisces, as they tend to feel quite lost and become quite indecisive at times.

Read Now! Compatibility of Aquarius-Pisces Cusps with Other Signs

Another brownie point for our cusp would be the sensitive, caring, and protective nature of the crab. On the flip side, the crab can get very possessive when the Aquafish feels like taking a swim alone, not because it doesn't like the company of the crab, but because it wants to experience the tides with its own self.

When both fail to see a point from the same angle, words may be fired at each other. While the crab absorbs everything calmly, there might come a point when it will sting back with its claws and say some of the most hurtful things ever heard. Libra is symbolized by the scales, scales that can be pulled from one extreme to another, but always work towards attaining a balance.

Yes, because this cusp tends to dwindle between two extremely opposite worlds of the real and the unreal, where on one hand there is practicality, and on the other hand, there are innate desires, a Libran would help this cusp achieve a balance. Librans are blessed with the ability to analyze the pros and cons of two extreme situations.

They are the diplomats of the zodiac for sure! Being an air sign, they are also highly intellectual and can very much involve anyone in some great in-depth conversation. Scorpio not only shares the watery tendencies of this cusp, but it also possesses many traits that can make the life of our cuspian quite firm and positive. The Aquafish is known as the psychic of all the cusp combinations that exist.

Also, both are loyal, romantic, sensual, and highly sensitive towards the harshness that surrounds them. While our cusp may get intimidated during turbulent times, the presence of the Scorpio's confident and assertive support will negate the questioning tendencies of this cusp.

Well, a Scorpio can be quite jealous and possessive at times. The need of this cusp to accumulate more and more experiences, even be a little flirtatious, can irate the Scorpion quite a bit, resulting it to bite the Aquafish with a venomous sting.