Sidereal astrology pisces

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  3. Pisces (astrology)

You get melodramatically nostalgic and start looking at all those wonderful photographs missing your lost love and then there is all the sudden guilt and self recrimination.

Probably you get drunk and have a really good cry. You start hearing about the exploits and great time your ex-beloved is having with their new partner. This drives you crazy.

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And now you will go into overdrive to get your ex-beloved back. And so it goes. You have already started to think of someone else…. You can be devoutly religious and prayerful.

Being a psychological sadomasochist you have a strong sense of sin punishment and forgiveness. If you are too brainy to swallow religion whole then you join the new church of psychologism and can develop the most amazing and intricate narratives to explain your extraordinary existence.

If you are too intelligent to fall for psychologism you become a real mystic and can even end up a saint. The self of the human individual has grown progressively more receptive, psychic and logical, as a process of personal evolution. The modern human being admires the expansive, generous, positive and intelligent personality. As language has become more abstract, people find that the formal meaning of what someone is saying is only half of what they mean.

Pisces is a dual sign. The other half of language is a form of inner listening, which involves a psychic faculty of hearing. This condition is so universal and everywhere the case that most people do not realize that the self listens with a psychic faculty to all of the subtle nuances of voice, mood and vibration coming from the other person.

A highly developed capacity to listen to others and be receptive to information is the hallmark of a successful personality in the current epoch of Pisces.

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Languages have become progressively more international and we also find ourselves in an age when strong personalities become known world wide. Pisces, being Psychism, is also in a certain respect religious and we have seen the proliferation of famous religious figures, many of whom have become personal heroes to millions world wide.

Jupiter also involves the projection of images and when we also consider the fact that Neptune is the co-ruler of Pisces, we can see how religious deception can be perpetrated by powerful personalities and their institutions. Jupiter is involved with higher education and the age of Pisces has seen a steady increase in institutions of higher education and the proliferation of individuals who require a university degree as a major aspect of personal confidence.

The progressive receptivity to personalities of all races and cultures is due to the progress of the constellation Pisces into the 1st house of the chart. When Jupiter is well placed in the chart, the native is able to develop the self to a very high degree. The modern cycles of personal development fashions have everything to do with the transits of Jupiter through the Zodiac.

The sense of hearing as this age of Pisces also has ramifications for the increase of listening devices and sound in the current age. Think of everything from radio, TV telephone, Email Voice mail, stereo equipment, public broadcast, Internet, famous musicians, singers, propaganda, stars, etc.

We should also note the fact that millions of people congregate to listen to politicians, dictators, church leaders, demagogues and the role of Neptune enters here again, where millions of people are deceived by these people by only listening to what they want to hear. This need for change extends to the vast numbers of people who travel for personal pleasure, education or out of personal curiosity about foreign countries.

The North American and European continents have highly transient populations. In fact, on a world scale, we see millions of people move to another country every year. Age of Pisces 1st House Meanings: Cosmopolitan and multi-cultural attitudes: Fame — personal confidence: Interpersonal sincerity — or deception: Heroes and hero worship: I have read the article Sun in Pisces and liked it very much.

Pisces (astrology) - Wikipedia

I am not too certain though about what it says that we are in the Age of Pisces until C. I have always been under the impression that we were in the Age of Aquarius since the s. I would like to discuss this with someone and get more information.

I also have been doing my own Sidereal Horoscopes for my family and friends since the s. I am currently searching for new updated material to continue to advance my own work in this area of the Sidereal Astrology.

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  3. Are you REALLY a Pisces??
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  5. astrology is all bullshit.
  6. Sun In Sidereal Pisces:.
  7. Sun in Pisces.
  8. Can anyone on this site help me? Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Sun in Sidereal Pisces: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. For this reason, Pisces can be hard to pin down, prompting some to call them the chameleons of the zodiac. Pisces are compassionate, charitable and will quickly put the needs of others ahead of their own.

    Pisces (astrology)

    The flip side to their giving natures is that the oft-timid Fish are likely to be taken advantage of by less well-meaning souls.

    Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter the original ruler of Pisces was the king of the gods, while Neptune was the ruler of the seas.

    When Neptune was discovered in recent times, it was attached to this sign. The pairing of these two heavenly bodies results in some unique energies being directed toward Pisces here on Earth.

    Those born under this sign are spiritually oriented and charitable.

    At times, however, Pisceans can have difficulty distinguishing fact from fantasy; they tend to get caught up in their dreams and views of how things should be.

    At times like this, Pisces would be wise to take time for themselves, the better to find their center once again. Many Pisces also immerse themselves in the arts and other creative pursuits as a centering mechanism, and they are quite talented in these areas.

    The Element associated with Pisces is Water. Those born under this sign easily relate to the emotional and unpredictable nature of this liquid gold. Pisces feel a great deal, and they also feel misunderstood much of the time. Yes, they could cry you a river if the circumstances were right.

    Even so, they revel in their compassionate and imaginative natures and love to cater to others. They can also be quite romantic, dreaming up delicious treats for their lover.

    Pisces are generally gentle, easy-going folk, who are on the shy and reticent side. They are modest to the point of impracticality, often stepping up only to show their talents in painting or music.

    Easiest for the Fish and still great fun is living in their lush dream world. More relaxation for the Fish comes in the way of sports, specifically water sports. Once their mind is at ease, the Fish should focus on their feet, a frequent source of discomfort.

    Soothing comfort comes in a world coloured in purple and soft white.