5 february horoscope in urdu

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Your Guide to the Future. All contents and artwork copyright , world rights reserved. This is a typical protective mechanism and it is hard for them to realize that there is something wrong with their newfound approach, especially if they built their walls years ago, while they were still children.

Luckily, there is just enough feminine energy and forgiveness in this row to return them on the right track, and while they might be distant from their own feelings sometimes, they will dig them up and understand them much better when they spend some time alone.

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On the other hand, if someone understands hardship and real emotional pain, it is a Pisces representative born at this time, and in case they decide to invest in these abilities and creatively use them, they will feel much better about their existence.

The Sabian symbol for Pisces representatives born on February 24th of a leap year and a year preceding it:.

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The Sabian symbol for Pisces representatives born on February 24th of two years following a leap year:. In general, this date seems to be all about posing for the outer world as a simple presentation of Self. That church bazaar serves the masses in a certain way, just as a parade of army officers speaks of something they have to show.

All in all, these symbols don't even scratch the surface of the real personality of those born on the 24th of February, and we will often see them as confident, strong, certain about their choices, while they are in fact feeling weak and lost, having real difficulty to show themselves in any light that isn't socially acceptable in a common way.

While Saturn speaks of higher realms and our ultimate belief in God, this isn't the real center point of a person born on February 24th.

This is the lifetime that needs to teach them to connect with the Earth and find grounding, and if they start following a healthy routine, they will find themselves feeling much better about any residual anger they shoved under a rug.

Mercury enters Capricorn

Everyone born on this date needs to embrace conflict as a positive tool for protection, and their boundaries need to be just as permeable as needed in order for their heart to shine, no more, no less. Emotional world of those born on the 24th of February is often something hidden and heavily guarded.

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There is an intense energy to this date that makes them highly sensitive for the outer world, and they will find their barriers to protect them much better than any kind of selective reactivity.

Relationships they form will last longer than those in lives of other Pisces representatives, for once they open their world for a person standing in front of them, they are already quite certain that this is the right thing to do. They need intimacy with another human being, and won't be satisfied with transitional relationships and encounters that don't nurture their sense of security and peace.

However, they carry an inner opposition that needs to be resolved through relationships, and they will mostly be serious, some of them hurt or too shy, and dependent on what they feel they deserve.

This is a person who must work on their heart chakra and constantly peel off layers of protection from their emotional core, to stay open for the outer world and form loving bonds that last them a lifetime.

The best profession for an individual born on February 24th falls under the realm of therapy.

Horoscope In Urdu News Urdu (اردو)

No matter if they stick to medicine, or if they choose psychology, alternative healing, or acupuncture, working with people who have deep problems brings out their best side. Coldness of Saturn could make a them a bit stiff and they feel best working alone, for this gives them clarity on their set of responsibilities, and gives them a sense of actual security.

They excel at problem solving on a deep, emotional level, and will do so with their clients, friends, and family just the same, so they might as well give their efforts willingly to the world.

To heal their heart's bruises and possible feelings of abandonment and unease in their emotional world, those born on February 24th may choose elestial quartz.