Cancer daily horoscope february 16

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  1. The Globe and Mail
  2. Feb. 16: Your daily horoscope
  3. Cancer Daily Horoscope

The moon in Pisces provides a dreamy state to the day, and you may be feeling lazy Friday vibes as soon as the day starts. Your intuition is at a peak, so pay attention to gut checks.

A square between Mars and Neptune can make it tricky to assess priorities, and you may feel like people are pulling you in all directions. Here, what to expect for all star signs for Friday, February Want to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your horoscope! Trust their will be other activities, events, and invites, and this reset is exactly what your body and brain needs.

Trust that you can handle it. Diving in and embracing change will help seal your success; uncertainty can backfire.

The Globe and Mail

Today or in the next few weeks, an opportunity may come into play. You also may be waiting for the other shoe to drop, scarred from a previous experience. Trust that things are all working as they should.

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Life truly can be as good as this. Change is afoot, and dealing with the change head on will help both of you feel more comfortable.

  1. Feb. Your daily horoscope - The Globe and Mail.
  2. Daily Horoscope for Friday, February 16!
  3. end of february horoscope.
  4. Horoscopes?
  5. Cancer Daily Horoscope!

Your momentum is turbocharged, and the moves you make today and through the weekend will have powerful implications for the months ahead.

The more someone tries to convince you that they can be trusted the more determined you must be to have nothing to do with them. Scorpios can be many things but gullible isn't one of them and you know a scam when you see one.

Feb. 16: Your daily horoscope

By all means express yourself loudly and forcefully today. Yes, of course, some people will say you don't have to shout to be heard but recent events suggest that they have not been listening, so by all means get up close and yell. You may be reluctant to come down hard on a friend or colleague who has misled you in some way but if you don't it may encourage them to give you inaccurate information again in the future.

Get tough today so tomorrow won't hurt you. As so often happens you are completely out of step with those around you at the moment — but so what? There is no law that says you have got to think and act as other people do.

On the contrary, it's your cosmic destiny to be different. Don't take it to heart if a work colleague or someone in a position of power criticizes you today.

They are not being negative for the sake of it, so listen to what they have to tell you.

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    Cancer Daily Horoscope

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