January 5 horoscope sign pisces or pisces

Love and Compatibility for March 5 Zodiac
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  3. Zodiac Signs Compatibility in Love & Life
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His heart is true and he loves others with a selfless purity. Shy and taciturn, the Fish often does not approach a lover directly, preferring instead to swim in circles, scoping out the situation before taking the bait and diving in. A Piscean will never fall in love at first sight. Slowly, carefully, he will engage in love.

He expects fireworks and magic, an ideal of Love as it is expressed in the greatest ballads, poems, and songs.

Astrological sign

Love is pandemonium and heaven to the Fish and he will expect the oceans to part when he finally falls for someone special. He will think up delicious surprises and treats for a partner, and a simple word of kindness or thanks is enough for a Piscean to feel appreciated.

Relaxed and placid, the Pisces man makes for an easygoing partner. He will be faithful and loyal to his mate.

Mars enters Aries

The quiet and unassuming Pisces man is a flash flood of passion in the bedroom. He loves fantasy and role-playing. Games in between the sheets are his specialty and he is a creative, generous lover.

He is sensual, surprising, and seductive. In this case, still waters run to a whirlpool of desire with the Piscean who has had the floodgates unlocked. His intuition and eagerness to please mean that the Fish has a Casanova-like skill to give liquid, intense sexual satisfaction.

He is generally considered most compatible with Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, and Capricorn. See also Sun sign compatibility.

Zodiac Signs Compatibility in Love & Life

However, there is a lot more to compatibility than only the comparison of the Sun signs. For example, how do your Venus signs compare?

  • Relationships in Astrology.
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  • Compatibility of Sun Signs?

Find out Venus signs here. Discover Venus sign compatibility here. The Pisces man is a daydreamer who can quickly escape the harsh realities of life by slipping into a world where he can be whatever he desires, wherever he wants.

Some people think the Pisces man runs from his problems while many believe that he simply finds a creative way to handle them. The easygoing and selfless Pisces man has friends from all walks of life, all personalities, religions, and ethnic origins. This Pisces man can be emotional and compassionate, but never mistake these for signs of weakness.

As perceptive as he can be, the Pisces man can also be impractical and find himself making financial decisions based on emotion rather than common sense. Easily influenced, the Pisces man must be wary of those who are trying to sell him financial advice, insurance, properties, or get-rich-quick schemes. The Pisces man can get caught up in the moment and let rational thinking escape him.

Money may not mean all that much to the Pisces man, but he does know how to stretch a dollar when he has to. Represented by fish, the Pisces man will favor turquoise — the color of the sea.

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Shades of this color might be found in his wardrobe, jewelry, interior decorating, and home accessories. Leaning toward the impractical side, this man tends to acquire more than he really needs and will often buy on impulse.

A Pisces man is loyal to friends and family, putting their well-being before his own.

The Pisces Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style

Love and the Pisces man is like a summer storm — going from the warmth of a welcome rain, through clashes of thunder and lightning, then to the calm tranquility of its aftermath. He gives everything when it comes to romance and holds nothing back. The Pisces man wants to be madly in love. The days around the moment the Sun moves from one Zodiac sign to another are called the cusp, and people born at the cusp of two Star Signs generally have attributes from both signs.

This is where most Magazines and News Papers get Horoscopes wrong. If you are born near the cusp, to get your exact Star sign you need to plug in the time and location of your birth into an Ephemeris.


This is because time zones, your location and many other factors will determine what sign the Sun was actually in. But remember, like I mentioned before and this belief is not just my opinion, it's shared by many published astrologers dating back hundreds of years , if you are born on the day the Sun moves from one sign to another, you should consider yourself of two Star signs.

My Star Sign calculator below will let you know if you are at a cusp, or if you have one whole sign. On the rest of this page I'll show some of the discrepancies in various Horoscope Date tables, and provide evidence to support my hypothesis that the only way to really know what star sign you are is to calculate it. If you just want to know what Star Sign you are, you might want to just use the calculator above The following image is my favorite example that shows the sky split into 30 degree arcs, radiating from earth.

It's from a book by Comte C. A Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes. It shows an ancient tool, with the planets in each Zodiac sign radiating from Earth in 30 degree arcs. Each 30 degree arc is split into 3 Decans or Decanates. These are same degrees used in my Calculator although I have rotated mine by degrees. It's too complicated to get into here, but if you would like to learn more this Wikipedia page is a good place to start.

Of course, we now know that the planets do not orbit Earth, but this is reason why the different Zodiac signs are Geocentric based on Earth's position.

Now that we know how one's sign is calculated, the impossibility of a perfectly accurate table of dates becomes clear.

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