Astrological love calculator

Name Compatibility
  1. Compatibility when Times are Unknown
  2. The Love Horoscope Calculator
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  4. Love Numerology - Compatibility calculator
  5. Find out your compatibility

Astrologers know that sun sign astrology is only a very small part of the whole astrological picture. For example, your individuality is designated by the sun sign while personality is designated by the ascending sign in your chart at the time of birth. Astrologers also hold that the positions of the stars and planets in your chart at the moment of birth reveal the general direction of life and the potential for creativity.

In addition, the relationship between the planets and the houses they are in, all have a bearing upon your life and fortunes.

Compatibility when Times are Unknown

The art of astrology shows us our strengths and weaknesses, and, most importantly, our potential but only a complete chart can reveal these secrets. The Love Horoscope Calculator Have you met the man or woman of your dreams?

Astrology Compatibility Tips, Karmic Relationships & Best Love Indications with Olga and Astrolada

Check Your Horoscope Match Now: Who is to blame for relationship problems according to vedic astrology? This will be an article about the relationship issues from the astrological point of view.

In this article you will learn about the true causes of conflicts in relationships. The first thing to understand - all relationships are karmic. All our partners in this life are the reflection of our consciousness. Our karma is recorded in our consciousness.

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Karma, in a very simplistic words, is a law of cause and effect. The karma is recorded in human consciousness in the form of fine vibrations. These vibrations are called Sanskarah. We live in Kal. Behind each of them stands the planet. We have described it in other articles on this site. This time let's talk about what animals represent each of the numbers.

Number 1 - Sun Number one is a king. It is represented by Sun. There would be nothing without the Sun. Number 2 - Moon Moon is planet of water.

Interestingly, that tide occurs under the influence of the moon. Moon represents all amphibious creatures, waterbirds, tortoises etc. The second largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter represents heavy weight animals including..

The best day to make love according to numerology Love is an important part of our lives. It is so important that we would not even exist without love. Question - who determines and rules the affairs of love in numerology? The answer is very simple. In vedic numerology for love affairs responsible is number 6 Venus, Shukra.

Venus is the planet that rules the private life of a person, as well as his sexual life. The better the relationship in your horoscope is with a Venus 6 , the better is your private life. In order to determine the prospects of a love life, one has to look at the relationships between numbers.

If your number of karma or jiva is 6 or 7 then it's very likely that you will have a great personal experience in love issues.

The Love Horoscope Calculator

The best day to.. Day and night In numerology, it's important to understand when a new day begins. We live in a time counting system where one day starts at In the vedic time system, the day divides into the bright side and the dark side. The day never begins in the middle of the night.

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According to the vedic system, the day begins with the sunrise of each day. The day ends with sunrise of the next day. The year is divided into four parts: The day is shorter than night, the night is longer.

The day is getting longer The day is longer than night,.. Many of our readers want to know which are the best days to deal with real estate, they ask - when can I sell my house?

Love Numerology - Compatibility calculator

Venus rules special part of real estate - the apartments, condos. Therefore, we should take into account this and choose a day that matches the nature of the deal. Mercury is a planet that can help deal also with real estate sale. There are few people who have never heard of the term numerology.

Find out your compatibility

The name itself includes word - number. In this article, we will review vedic numerology which is considered as the oldest known numerology. You have to admit that relationships and family are female areas. Masculine areas are dominant everywhere else: When we talk about compatibility between an man and a woman, it should be understood that the man approaches the woman and obtains her attention and consent to enter a relationship, and not the other way around.

By the way, women also take the lead in initiating divorce. We improved the mobile version and fixed many errors in text and calculators. Hope you will enjoy it! Soon we will show all the secrets of Zodiac compatibility. But there are not as many of them as you might think.

Started work on the Pythagorean square calculator. This is one of the best calculations in numerology. It will help you find your talents. Thanks to our American friends, we translated the original site and rolled out the English version.