Leo january 3 astrology

Planetary Row
  1. Leo Decan 3 eBook
  2. Leo Monthly Horoscope
  3. Leo October Monthly Horoscope - Darkstar Astrology

Stalking…that is another trait of this sector. The tarot card associated with this decan is the seven of wands. This is a card of giving it your all and of competitiveness.

The keywords certainly fit well with Mars ruled Leo decan 3. It suggests that you are going after what you want and are prepared to fight your way to the top. Your personality is strong and forthright and you are very confident in your approach.

Leo Decan 3 eBook

Your convictions are strong too and you believe passionately in what you are doing. Make sure to pace yourself. You do not want to burn out before you reach the finish line. To feel angry at injustices, or be subject to mistreatment by authority figures. An occasion of apparent ruthlessness. One who receives honours and awards, but who needs to be wary of vengefulness.

A time of noble, or military endeavours. Power and authority, says it all really!

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Regulus officially entered Virgo in Of course, then these felines were born to rule, and they take to the stage like a duck to water. Physical prowess is part of their makeup and they tend to be famous as much for their animal magnetism as whatever their talents might be. Sex addiction is a danger for this placement if the native has no other outlet for their fertile creative expression.

Some still persist despite a demanding job, see Clinton or Madonna. The Sun is at its most theatrical in Leo and desperately needs to create or procreate. Sun Leo 3 works especially well under pressure and their heroic side rises superbly to the occasion if they are suddenly thrown into a crisis.

You Deserve All The Things, Leo, January 2019

Here are the white knights and courageous queens who are always on amber alert. Sun Leo 3 needs to learn that it is not responsible for all the cubs or artistic project all of the time and needs to learn to delegate. Good luck with that , born on the 22 of august , i dont handle betrayal very well , in fact i tend to cut of the person like they never existed in my life, but thats just me , and thats not a good thing to be honest.

  • Leo Decan 3 ~ Aug 13 to 22 (20º-30º);
  • sagittarius love horoscope january 25 2019.
  • Leo Monthly Horoscope 2019 ~ Eclipse Special.

If you really want him back , give your all in convincing him. They are very warm and sweetheart in my point of view. Is this a sign of balance??? I find it very difficult to reveal my true personality and talents maybe because of Cancer Moon and Cancer ASC, so i hate Cancer and other feminine signs such as: It is their best choice to give in to the will of the Universe and feel support coming their way.

There is little room for emotional awareness in such a strong inner chase for one's Self.

Very often, individuals born on the 3rd of January spend a lot of time alone, unwilling to start a relationship for all the rational reasons. In general, this is an individual focused on a personal chase for knowledge, direction, and self-respect, and these aspirations make them excellent partners if they meet someone similar, distant enough, someone to share their goals with.

Even though it might sound somewhat calculated and rigid, the best romantic relationships for those born on this date nurture their life's philosophy and love of nature, with shared goals to light the way.

A lot of energy will be wasted on difficult bonds with a lot of expressed emotion and tenderness, let alone with needy partners who search for symbiosis of any kind.

Leo October Monthly Horoscope - Darkstar Astrology

Those born on the 3rd of January can seem cold, distant, and even narcissistic to some point, willing to share their widths only with someone who has their own width to share. If there was ever a Capricorn built to last, it is a January 3rd Capricorn. Those born on this date have the ability to stick to one vision, one goal, and passionately pursue it even when everyone else gives up.

This makes them excel in work that takes time, long hours, and perseverance others sometimes envy. They will be good at studies that take a long time such as medicine and law.

Status is an important part of their nature, and we will see that a lot of well-educated individuals are born on this date, people who always learn, widen their perspectives, and never stand in one place for too long even though they seemingly search for a static position of peace.

Chalcopirite is an excellent stone for people born on January 3rd, mostly because of its significant connection to the sixth and seventh chakra. If you want to surprise your January 3rd born in the best way, return a small piece of their faith in possibilities to them.

Buy something they cannot buy themselves, listen to their limitations and help them overcome them. They always need rest and meditation, so anything to relax them is the right way to go.

Visionaries with the strength to bring their visions to life, these people tend to stay focused for a long time, ready to overcome any obstacle at hand. They are persistent, extremely realistic and grounded when they feel guided by a certain mission.

Stubborn, lost, set in their ways and sometimes too stiff in their convictions. They can fight for opinions that do no one any good, damaging their own wellbeing only to prove a point.