Cancer weekly horoscope 8 february 2019 michele knight

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Make the most of your psychic reading with these tips and faqs. Give your love life a makeover with these tips for finding and cherishing your soul mate. Transform your reality and create your future. Develop your psychic powers with Michele Knight.

Embrace the Power of YOU! The Hanged Man Chill out — things will get moving again The Hanged Man says that to get to your next step you have to deal with limbo!

Limbo has been […] read more. Simple to use interactive web chat and video readings web chat video chat. Like your own personal horoscope page, and enjoy easy online payments! Join members area now! Your weekly Wiccascopes with our psychic Violet 17th December read more. Loads of psychic tarot readings available FREE online.

Your weekly Tarotscope with our psychic Sally 17th December read more. Did you love this page? Have you not been giving a relationship the time it deserves?

Or taking the time to do some love housekeeping or address issues?

Or if you are single and are no longer happy with that situation, is it time to commit to undertaking a serious search for a soulmate in whatever way feels best for you? You begin the year with a loaded 7th house which asks you to look at or for the love you need.

The Sun meets Saturn in here on the 2nd and Saturn rules time, karma and soul contracts.

December 17, 2018

You also have an important eclipse of the new Moon in here on the 6th — I have more to say about the new series of eclipses that are occurring this year later in the forecast. Remember — eclipses initially conceal and then reveal.

This one may mark something in the beginning stages which you may not be able to see just yet. Singles could meet someone now but be unaware of the significance. Venus enters your 7th and her ruling house on February 3, continuing the love theme and placing you in a position where you can attract what you need to transform your relationships — be they personal ones or even professional ones.

Look at what you are attracting all the way from the start of the year right up until the beginning of March when Venus moves out of here having met with Saturn and Pluto. What have you attracted? Remember, we think it is about others but it always comes down to us and what we believe we can attract. Jupiter the planet of expansion and abundance spends the majority of in your 6th.

Look forward to improvements to your work, the way you work and how your body works are all hallmarks of Jupiter in here. If you are seeking a better paid job, or are unemployed or seeking to re-enter the workforce, then Jupiter in here should bring you at least one opportunity your way during the next 11 months.

Travel associated with your work will feature for some of you. If you have wanted to upskill or even return to studying, this is the perfect time to enrol in higher education. Questions around your education level could surface now.

Are you happy with the education you received? Did you finish school and go straight to work but really wanted to study further?

Cancer December 2018 Tarotscope LIVING THE DREAM

Or did you go on to university but now feel another path calls? Jupiter rules higher education and will have you looking at how this applies to the path you are on. If you are not happy with it, do you need more qualifications to change course? If so, Jupiter invites you to explore the options available to you now. If your energy has been at a low-ebb lately, then look forward to a return of vitality and joie de vive.

Sports, fitness and the great outdoors could beckon. Your 6th is the house of pets so if getting more exercise is a goal some of you may even consider getting a dog. Whatever you decide — and do remember any pet is for life, it is time to stop being a spectator and participate instead.

However, Team Jupiter membership is optional.

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It is always up to us whether we want to join in — or not. If you are a dedicated Couch Pringle unwilling to give up those boxsets, then nothing much will change. Just be aware that Jupiter always expands and this is your house of the physical body. So ensure it is not your reflection in the mirror that does the expanding!

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Last year saw the planet Uranus enter its ruling 11th house in your chart. You had a few months experiencing what the planet of rollercoaster rides may have in store for you before it headed backwards into your 10th for one last visit.

From March 6 it re-enters your 11th where it will remain for the next seven years. What can you expect? The unexpected is the answer! You have not had a visit from the planet Uranus in this house in your chart in your lifetime.

Let go of what you think you know and above all, remain flexible. You could find yourself embracing the sharing economy and discovering new ways to do business, trade and exchange as well as deal with your money. This house and Uranus itself rules not just your friends and professional network but your connection to the collective.

This is also the house of the visionary, the entrepreneur and the individual with that one idea which changes the world. So, you have the ability to re-shape not just your world but impact on the wider one too.

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If you have been sitting on an idea for anything from a sharing app to a blog or an ecommerce idea — do something with it. What is more, this is your house of goals — you could find backing if you need it. The Zen proverb tells us: Where you least expect it — there will be a fish. Tune in to resonance and intuition across the whole of Aside from the Leos next door, you are the sign most affected by eclipses.

This is of course because eclipses involve the Sun and the Moon and no matter whether it is a solar or a lunar eclipse, both are affected. Leos are of course, ruled by the sun.

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Now, eclipses always do conceal something. And as the shadow of one eclipse cycle passes, we begin to see what this is. Where you have the advantage over other signs when it comes to intuiting where the mystery may be concealed, is that while the Moon always plays a major role — i. Being an intuitive Moon-rule sign you may know on a deep, psychic level what this is.

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This year brings us one on the. So your 1st and 7th houses are the focus of the eclipses. Again, this does not necessarily mean a romantic partner but it can. But also close working relationships or friendships.

Look at your money and also any shared resources between you and another — including benefits, pay-outs, maintenance payments, your salary and the ultimate shared resource — sex. Is there something you are not addressing? Ideas are like a ray of light — illuminating the future We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams Hooray!

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