January 2 horoscope for leo

December 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Leo
  1. Planetary Row
  2. Leo Monthly Horoscope
  3. Leo Monthly Horoscope 2019 ~ Eclipse Special
  4. January 2nd Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

Maintain your focus and diverge all your energy onto it. Just do not say anything which can land you in an emotional mess. Those who are in business may be able to expand it or renovate the already established outlets.

You have painstakingly built up your dietary regime. Do not let a momentary diversion wreck all your good work.

A number of temptations will be presented to you today. If you give in, it will be a waste of valuable energy. Your relationship has been slowly suffocating under the weight of unspoken issues and unaddressed problems. You have been avoiding them for fear that facing them will lead to the breakdown of your relationship.

Sabian Symbol

Emotional world of these Capricorns is extremely deep, but a bit hard to recognize and wear on the surface. This is an individual who is to repeat the mistakes of their parents until a shift of perspective is reached, and until they connect respect and love into one whole on their own.

  • Leo Health & Wellness Horoscope!
  • Today's Leo Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018.
  • Leo Daily Horoscope.

Those born on January 2nd will always find themselves in relationship analysis of sorts. They will make great marriage counselors or divorce attorneys, but the latter could make them question their morals and faith in togetherness. They need a direction to move in and with their strong focus, they could make excellent sportsmen, engineers or pilots.

Planetary Row

It is easy for them to grasp large concepts, make a synthesis of many different details, and find the purpose of even the oddest of things. Rainforest Jasper is the perfect stone to fit the personality of January 2nd born.

It is a crystal that mostly benefits their heart chakra, while at the same time providing them with a strong connection with nature and planet Earth. Faith is restored with its use and it should be carried close to one's heart to feel its most beneficent effects.

Leo January 2019 - OPPORTUNITIES. Don't look back too long.

To really make this person cherish your gift, it needs to come from the heart. Sentimental value is of greater importance than one might think based on their attitude. They want something personal yet powerful, fun and creative while at the same time loving and practical.

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Aware, educated individuals with their aim set high, those born on this date live for learning and serve a strong purpose through their existence on planet Earth. Are you happy with your day job and your working hours? Have you had trouble saying no to clients and as a consequence been on the treadmill for what seems like forever.

Dis-ease is exactly what the word says. It arises because your body is unhappy with what you are throwing at it. This means there is the possibility at this eclipse you could suddenly feel burnt out and exhausted, or you could get plagued by one cold or flu after the other for the next 6 months. An lunar eclipse in your own sign forces you to look at your own needs.

At this time the weighing scales of justice are measuring every little give-and-take. For the next 3 months then, you will not be able to avoid the stark difference between the two sides of the scales. Mercury travels through your 6th house from January 5 to If you are an employee, you might get asked to do all the skanky jobs that no one wants to do.

Clearing out the smelly stationary cupboard, or some really nasty menial task that makes you feel like a servant. Stick your headphones on to get through it.

Leo Monthly Horoscope 2019 ~ Eclipse Special

Timetables and rotas are adjusted and tasks assigned. Now is the time for work evaluation, where the company machine is put through its paces to make sure it is running efficiently.

You will need to snap back out of the pleasure zone and make sure you are sharp and well-oiled for the test run.

Venus enters your 5th house on January 7.

January 2nd Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

This is probably the most pleasurable time of the year for dating. If you are already attached it would be hugely beneficial to get in touch with your creative side and spent time immersed in the arts. Outings to museums, theatres and concerts for singles could connect you to someone else with whom you can share the finer things in life.

Most of all, you are appealing to others because you are happy and confident with just being yourself.