Pisces king inclusive astrology

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
  1. Where You Should Travel Solo, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
  2. Pisces (astrology)
  3. Intergalactic Astrology Blog
  4. Pisces (astrology) - Wikipedia

Living a life of certain indulgences but not without constant generosity, Tauruses are compassionate people who love the finer things in life but love to share their fortunes even more.

Soak up the sun and indulge in high-class luxury in St. Bart's , one of the most stylish spots in the Caribbean. The relaxation you will receive here is unmatched, fully maximizing a blissful getaway for anyone who craves it. Known for their dual personality, Geminis are one of the most impulsive and restless signs of the zodiac.

Because they bore easily, this sign craves spontaneity, and has the true spirit of an adrenaline junkie. To feel the rush of life pulsing through their veins, a Gemini wants a destination that in turn pulses with excitement and adventure.

Explore the bustling city of Toronto , Ontario's buzzing capital, where the daily bustle is surpassed only by its nightlife. Deeply nurturing and emotional, Cancers crave support and compassion from the people around them.

They have a knack for being intuitive and are incredibly loyal, but can sometimes exhaust themselves by caring too much about the people around them.

Boracay , Philippines is an island destination that astounds nearly every guest who visits its sliver of paradise. A Cancer will leave feeling reinvigorated and refreshed. Often the life of the party, this high-energy sign often exudes confidence.

With a striking landscape of mountains, waterfalls, and brightly-colored buildings, its beauty is sure to take the breath right from your lungs. Filled to the brim with delectable restaurants, art galleries, and a late-night scene that will keep you up until the early hours of the morning, this vacation will be unforgettable.

Always the steadfast researchers, Virgos prefer logic and analysis over following any sort of intuition. Tranquil in nature and filled with whimsy and charm, Libras enjoy balance in their life, never teetering too close to any specific edge. Because they have a laissez-faire approach to most things, Libras may sometimes struggle with making a concrete decision.

Where You Should Travel Solo, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The juxtaposition of terracotta villas with the crystal blue ocean will inspire anyone who is fortunate enough to visit. For the grandest views, be sure to hop in a cable car that takes you to the top of Mount Srd.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Resourceful and self-reliant, Scorpios love to take control of whatever situation is at hand. And, while they love a challenge, having the time to de-stress is imperative for their well-being.

Find both yin and yang in Kyoto , Japan. Bungee jump, hike, or kayak your way through South Island, New Zealand , where action is seemingly everywhere you turn.

I can not give you the answer to what will happen to the world on December 21 Nobody can tell you how the world will experience this time slot of reality. Can we connect the dots of love throughout humanity?

I believe we can and it takes more than the workers but everyone to join in. For more information or a reading with David please visit http: It has taken me multiple times to write this article. It has morphed from one subject to the next.

Each new insight being the building blocks of the message I want to deliver today.

Pisces (astrology)

My intention is to only speak truth, to express the viewpoints I have made through research and taping into the energy our universe is communicating. We begin with our bubble.

Humanity, Earth and our Solar System are entering the finale to one of the greatest shows our Universe will provide us.

As the world that surrounds you advances and becomes more connected to light, we are also going through the same equation inside of our souls. These last six months provide us with the closure, enlightenment and true connection to the core of who we are individuality and all of us collectively.

There are numerous news articles that were released in the second week of June describing Voyager 1 and its evolutionary leap for humanity. Until this moment in consciousness and technology, we have always been stuck in the bubble.

Our human consciousness has been to the edge of Pluto. We have telescopes and technology to view outside of our bubble. I view the advances in technology as the external view of what is going on within the collective consciousness. It is this rapid rate of light that has multiplied in rates that are hard to fathom.

If we take a look at our world today, light is surrounding us more than ever. As you sit here and read this article, there is light transmitting through the screen, your cell phone is a bigger screen of light than the last one you had and everywhere you go light is surrounding you more than ever.

Inside of your soul your conscious awareness is increasing. Light is a higher vibration of knowledge. All this business is probably confusing the hell out of you! Is it the end of the world?

Intergalactic Astrology Blog

Is it the end of time? Is it just another day? The answer is yes to every question. With all endings come new beginnings. The cycle never ends. The importance of the time we are entering is the evolution of humanity into the next realm.

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This is the dawning of living in the light, the dawning of leaving the dark bubble we have been stuck in for so long. As we are entering light and expanding rapidly, we are at the strongest point of darkness.

Since we are at the cusp of such great change, comes the surrender to the old and the acceptance of the new. Astrology is a tool, not a religion or a belief.

Even though our souls are at the highest vibration ever and technology and science are breaking the code in amazing and high levels, we are forced to deal with truth.

The truth is, we are living in a world that is not vibrating with the natural process of our vast universal cycle. This is where the darkness meets the light and in order to do so, we must surrender and live in our true spiritual calling, our true connection to collective consciousness.

This darkness is the weeding out of what does not work in our world and restricts us of our core. It is this part of the cycle where we overcome the blocks and obstacles that get in our way. The history of our world is now compressed into this final last six months.

Every period and age is compressing into the explosion that starts December 21 When we reach this point, all of history and time will compress into one.

We bring all periods of time and close this chapter combining time coming together as one part of history. This will be known as the pre-awakening.

The true divine calling is to understand who we are, to understand the choice we made of who we are and why we are here.

This will be the beginning of our new identity, the beginning of our newest evolution. A new period of time and collection of events that are different from the period we are ending now. The knowledge coming in is not ready to fully comprehend at this time.

We are still buried in the dark but yet so close to the light. These next six months are lining you up to be on your fate train. This is the train that takes you into your true self, the core you have not fully met yet.

The channel we view our reality has been set to one channel. The channel is set to limit us from our true nature in order to fill the need of the darkness that has been the cycle we have been living in.

I know it is hard to understand the complexity of free will. Whether you understand it or not, we came down here by making the free will choice to be here. Once we are down here, it is the lesson of understanding the free will choice you made to be here.

To be more clear, all the little choices you make everyday are nothing compared to the choice of you coming here into this life. There was a plan you had when you made this choice. It is all about the choice to follow that plan or be caught up in the external world which does not apply to what is the truth within.

It is in understanding why you are here and why you made this choice. The clues and signs are right in front of you. The free will choice you do have, is whether or not you will ride the wave of your destiny and connect with the conscious outlook of who you are.

Then there is the choice to resist this energy wave of the choice you already have made. By you ignoring the truth and denying the fated energy of the choice you have already made, you are stuck in the channel that is not the truth and have the free will to live in the dark as you so please.

When you made the choice to enter this world, it was the choice to enter a world of darkness ignorance and come into your light truth and knowledge. It is the understanding of this that will change your perception and realize that there is more than one channel to watch in this life.

The external world as you know is set to one channel, yet on the inside of your soul there are multiple dials on the remote to tune into. The only way to come into your true core and live in your light is to turn the channel internally to the stations our universe is broadcasting.

The turning point of is the ability to connect to the outer worlds channels that we have not been able to tune into. The long period of darkness is ending and you have the option to tune into the other channels internally and watch as the channel you have been watching will change.

It is the belief that we have control of everything around us externally that provides the jail of your soul. You must first break free of this external reality and go within to uncover the truth to the choice you have already made. In no way am I putting anybody down or putting society down but the truth of the matter is, we have prevented ourselves from living out the destiny that is set before us.

Until this shift in perception is embraced you are living in a reality of insanity. Tapping into the source of who you really are will unveil the red carpet down the path you have already chosen. As Voyager 1 leaves are heliosphere and enters into the outer reaches of space, human consciousness is now open to expand beyond the limits we have been in for centuries.

A new channel will be added to your dial and we are going to experience what is on the other channels. The option is up to you. Are you willing to explore outside the realm you are in now?

Will you choose to forget the choice you already made coming into this world? The free will to comply with insanity or to comply with your spiritual adventure of truth.

Will you stay in the dark or come into the light? Hold tight, the next 6 months are full of changes. The old structure of our world is crumbling in order to create a new one.

You must understand that the fall of this structure is actually the birth of doing something new that will get us out of the problems we have to deal with today.

It is this constant fixing of a broken system that is insane. It is like giving a dying person so many surgeries that they are not even conscious anymore but just staying alive to function. You pull the cord when it is time to move on. It is time to pull the cord on the prison your soul is stuck in. Not following your heart and restricting your free will to live in your true core is insane.

Voting for people in our government that do the same thing over and over again is insane. Why vote for anyone? We should all not vote and get real people back in the system. Hunger and poverty around the world is insane. You must see the patterns, you must change your perception and awaken to the truth.

If you want to find your core you must go within. If you want to stay in this core you must not conform to anything that denies you your freedom to be the unique soul you are. Worrying about what others think of you or seeking approval from any place of a broken society is insane. This only locks you up in a prison that does not allow you to live the fate you are here to understand.

I could care less of what anybody thinks negatively about this article. What matters is that I express my core and I live in my truth.

If I worry about what my family, friends or circles think, I will lock away my true core and throw away the key. This would then lead me into living in a society of doing the same thing over and over again. It is time to take the red pill and wake up to your truth. Will you live these six months the same way that you have for your whole life?

Daily Inspirational Astrology Horoscope: September 18 2013 Full Moon In Pisces Preparation

Will you branch out and expand your consciousness to outside of the bubble and connect to the truth? It is time to leave your prison and break free into the true meaning of freedom. Are you willing to be in a state of being free?

Maybe it is better if you conform like everyone else and do the same thing over and over again. This is the final frontier of darkness. The choice to expand your awareness and realize that everything is one.

This new world can not be met with anger, jealousy or hate. Just do not conform to the old paradigm. It is time to conform to your truth, conform to your freedom. This is about you finding yourself.

Once you have found your true self then the universe takes you on a journey where everything is in alignment. In order to hop onto your fate you must be ready to let go of the life you live now. If you are comfortable and need security, you must break free and realize all that matters is your true self.

What matters the most is your truth. What matters most is aligning with one. See you on the other side. For more information of Astrologer David Palmer, please visit his website http: Here we are, April ! Earth, Humanity and the Universe as we know it, is about to click into gear. First gear has been stuck since January, the universe is replacing the clutch Mars Retrograde in Virgo , the tires, brakes and shocks Grand Trine in Earth and we are going to drive our way into the new age!

I almost forgot, the universe also installed the best state of the art GPS Neptune in Pisces and a wild new flashy paint job is being drawn out. Even the controls are different! There are new buttons and switches that are simple, yet get the job done right Pluto in Capricorn.

We are all being upgraded to move into the new age. Mercury and Mars move forward in motion this April. Up until this point, has been about aligning the dawn of the new age. We prepare to push forward with drive, ambition and a new clarity. Every individual on the planet is going to experience a radical transformation. March brought about some great changes internally and built a new foundation in all of us.

Our souls now have a stronger core and a foundation to build on. We actually start to build on the new foundation this April. Over the weekend March we all had quite a wake up call.

I am sure new ideas, new perspectives and new clarity has filled up your soul, mind and ego. Going into April, the trails are set, our awareness is illuminating and we anxiously await the exciting changes we all enter this Spring and Summer.

In my view, the great film of the year is the world we live in. The movie is just about to start and it will be the greatest film of all time! Earlier, I described the great radical transformation everybody is about to embark. Pluto and Uranus square and bring back the vibe from the s, sort of. The vibe on Earth and the vibe inside of you, is going to bring unexpected change, tension, strain and bring the rebel out of you.

This square lasts through Responsibility, structure and planning are just some of the things on the list we will face.

We are all facing the classic story of running away from control and wanting to be free. All of this while pushing our own unique story and watching the structure of control collapse and rebirth itself. An electric vibe that literally penetrates all of us and will never leave.

The radical change they experienced has never left them. The great change we embark, will literally never leave us and will always be a part of who we are. This is all going down while the biggest mysteries of the universe will be fog that fills all the gaps in between.

This square will affect everyone in their own unique and different way. It depends on your chart and the placements of planets in your chart. In my observation, humanity is about to shed the out dated forms of structure, rules and control we live by, while implementing new bright and radical ideas, all based on a new identity as a whole.

Get ready for the start of a new world, a new age and most importantly, a new you. There is a deep purpose we all have and it is more than working and watching the super bowl. These are ways of life you may enjoy but not the true purpose of why you are here. New ideas, unexpected news and big changes are lining up.

Even when war, hate, jealousy and control run ramped, you will be called upon, to find your core and focus on the love and beauty that truly surrounds you. People will really think it is the end of the world, when that is just a false expectation appearing real. If you find yourself stuck in the grip of fear, remember this blog and the square that is happening.

The world will not end, try to remember this if the time comes. It is time to answer the calling of the universe. The horns are blaring and it is time you listened to your gut. April is the start to what we have all been waiting for. Sit back and enjoy the ride. For more information on how the universe, stars and planets are aligning for you.

Book a reading with David Palmer. Mid-June we start to hear the truth Jupiter moves into Gemini but the mystery will still remain… Jupiter and Neptune square My next blog is all about cracking open the expansion of truth that is coming to life near you.

I also have lots to talk about with Saturn in Libra and what we should expect this summer! I now sell monthly mp3 forecasts and inspirational and motivational horoscopes. To purchase visit http: I also do a free daily horoscope, visit http: The world was at the bottom of a steep mountain with nowhere else to look but up.

We start our journey on a road with loose footing, and the daunting task of finding the trail. It is always a battle starting from the bottom and finding our way to the top. Pluto is where the power truly is.

Transformation, is the main goal of wherever Pluto is. From — , Pluto spent his time in Sagittarius. During this period, Pluto transformed our beliefs, brought big ideas to the surface and changed how high we aim. Sagittarius is where we aim, or at least where we come up with the big idea of where to aim.

Pisces (astrology) - Wikipedia

Capricorn is quite different. I have to say, Pluto has not been considered a friend to many. Even though Pluto is the God of the Underworld, his darkness is what actually brings light. It is hard for us to deal with his unforgiving ways of exposing what needs to die. Death is not a fun place, the dark is scary in a world full of so much light.

In order to go to heaven as many believe, or to move on to the next life, or transcend to another dimension, we must die to move on to our next journey. It is in this world of polar opposites that we must chuckle at the irony of such things.

If you take a look around your own life, the world that surrounds you and the drama that surrounds our everyday life, it seems everything is about reaching the top. Capricorn rules goals, ambitions, career, plans, structure and all the traits of how you reach the top.

Whatever goal it is we have in our lives, we can not reach it without a responsible plan, structure and the ambition to look high and reach the top. With Pluto here, the world truly is coming up with its big plans and starting the long road upward. Our own goals are being planned and executed, but at the pace of Capricorn and Pluto.

The Planet Pluto and the sign Capricorn do quite well together. They create some true magic, or better said, they move mountains.

Pluto takes the longest to go around the Sun, his work does take the longest. Pluto eats away at us slowly and is usually hard to notice in the short-term.

So, what should we expect to happen during this time period? I want to start out with the concept: The Power to Control. Most astrologers use the alignment of During this time period, the American revolution begun.

Pluto in Capricorn changes the structure of our world. Most astrologers agree that Pluto rules government, some believe it is Capricorn. History shows us great change in the power of control. The structure of our governments are changed, old plans and structures are deemed old and tired and then killed. Order is usually changed as well. To obtain order, we need disorder to rearrange the plans.

History and the present, show us how order is changing. Now we deal with debt and a loss of control with our tax money. I see big changes happening with how we structure our government, the power of control will reach its peak and a new plan for our nation will come together.

Like I said earlier, Pluto exposes the truth. Every Scorpio you know holds trust as one of their most sacred traits. Scorpio people know a lie before you say it. Pluto does the same thing. Watch the world, as more lies are exposed and the truth will be told. Pluto makes small moves but long strides. The most important part of the next 12 years is to stay on your goals.

The higher the ambition, the taller the mountain you will climb. The universe has aligned all of us to reach as high as we can, especially in this time period. We all will change through our aspirations.

In many ways, it is our careers that hold the goals in our lives. In your life, this means the greater the goal, the greater the recognition, the greater the change.

We will come out of this cycle with a new outlook at what it means to reach the top of the mountain. With this power you can reach anything you truly want.

Capricorn is a serious sign, there are no fun and games in this space. We all are not responsible in some part of our life, this period is killing off what does not work anymore. We have reached that mountain top. A new world order is coming, how it will turn out is completely in the hands of us as a whole. This aspect is the center of the universe, where Sagittarius and Capricorn meet.

This is where aiming high meets going high. Where the archer points and where the goat reaches the top. The universe is a vast energy field of light and dark, positive and negative, yes and no. Since that time, the light has never stopped and we will never out run that light. It will keep going on and on and we will never catch up.

With all the doom and gloom about , consciously observe that for a moment. Nothing ends, life keeps going. Our world is about to change the foundation on what it was built, to finally set the goal of what we are here to do, how high will we reach. The age of Aquarius is the age of humanity. There are many other factors at play including planets in transit and the conscious awareness that is spreading.

The greatest events always can be described by the simplest of things. With all the other transits, factors and theories, the astrology is truly that simple. When you sit and observe everything and become one with the source, it all makes sense. It is time to look at one another and realize we are in this together.

It is time for you, me and us to each high, make a plan and be responsible. As an astrologer I am here to express and interpret what the planets and universe is telling us. Wipe that frown off your chin, take that negative thought and flush it down the toilet.

We are here to journey to the top of the greatest journey ever told. Get those boots on and keep on marching. The journey starts today. If you need me for some direction of what the universe has in store for your journey, reach out to me on my website for a reading http: The Saturn and Neptune trine is at the strongest point very shortly.

It is time to take your highest dreams and bring them down here to Earth. I feel the beginning of change starts with this alignment. No longer can dreams be dreams, they must be structured and come down to Earth. More important it is time to decide what those dreams are. I feel this way because the signs of Libra and Aquarius bring balance, harmony and the connection of people and society together.

Facebook, the internet and all the great connection of Humanity came during this long 14 year transit Before the age of Aquarius comes reality, we must learn to connect to Pisces for the final time.

One of last ways of finishing the Age Of Pisces is to completely go back into the realm. The last time we were in the Neptune in Pisces transit we had a gold rush, The first gold was actually discovered at the same position Neptune is now in final degrees of Aquarius postage stamps were issued for the first time How ironic they are now going away and the postal service is dying the Mexican-American war formally ends Same time as right now, a couple of weeks before Neptune enters Pisces, Iraq wars ends same time over years later..

Who knows maybe a new or independent party will beat Obama? The current President Polk at the time would not run again due to health and making all of his goals happen in his 1st term Polk was the first President to have his picture taken!

Very Pisces The U. Congress passes the Gold Coinage Act allowing the minting of gold coins, Zachary Taylor refuses to be sworn in office on a Sabbath Sunday. Edgar Allen Poe is born during this time as well as outlaw Jesse James.