January 21 2019 leo astrology

Leo Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  2. Leo Horoscope - Leo by Darkstar Astrology
  3. Leo Horoscope 2019
  4. Leo 2019 Horoscope

The Leo-Aquarius polarity deals with the balance between the personal Leo and the impersonal Aquarius. The energy of Leo is creative self-expression and the boost to the individual ego that we receive through pleasure and romance, while Aquarius rules the group, more impersonal friendships, and objectivity.

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This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between romance and friendship, and between expressing ourselves in personal and impersonal ways. The next time eclipses fall along this axis will be Read more about the eclipses here.


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Mars enters Aries

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Leo Horoscope - Leo by Darkstar Astrology

Any other distracting or draining dark cupid style relationships must be put aside since doing both will give you extra stress and could make you ill. Remember this is also your health zone too, so Saturn will test your immune system and strength of constitution. As you go through this period, you might find you come down with more colds and flu than usual.

  1. 2019 Eclipse Charts;
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  4. Leo Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !.
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If this happens, do not try to work over it and make sure you get the rest that Doctor Saturn prescribes. This is because you have Jupiter blossoming beautifully in the house of pleasure and creativity from the beginning of This can be one of the most joyful years you can have since the creative-self is pushed into manifestation.

With Jupiter in your 5th, you will be unable to hold yourself back from expressing your feelings and unique ideas. Another reason for the outpouring of beautiful images or evocative poetry could be the fact that you have fallen head-over-heels in love.

Leo Horoscope 2019

In your Leo horoscope , if a lover does happen to waltz into your life then make sure they are worthy of your time. This is because you will not have a great deal of time to spare in with Saturn placing constrictions on your timetable.

The Timelord will be very serious about the structure of your working week. This could be because they are short staffed at work and you find that you are being asked to take the slack.

Your willingness to be a team player hopefully should not go unnoticed and with Uranus freshly in your 10th house, there is always the possibility of the unexpected promotion.

Leo 2019 Horoscope

You had a bonanza of eclipses last year, but you still have one more in your sign at the beginning of this year on Jan This makes a really nice aperitif to the romantic aspects that follow.

Make sure you get yourself all fit and healthy if you are single. A lunar eclipse in your 1st house of the physical body is the ideal time for re-vamping your appearance and working on your fitness levels. There is nothing like wanting to attract a mate to get you motivated into making yourself look gorgeous.