Tauruss love compatibility

  1. Taurus and Pisces - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life
  2. Horoscopes
  4. What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Taurus?

Pisces can show Taurus that mutability is sometimes better than a fixed determination to do things one way, and one way only. Their different emotional natures complement and harmonize with one another very well.

The overall empathy and commitment these two Signs value in a relationship is what will keep the ties strong and long-lasting between the Bull and Fish. Consult a spiritual advisor now. Faced with a tough decision? I am a 7th generation born psychic, clairvoyant, medium. Games Pisces and Taurus Love Compatibility.

Year While Taurus bristles at hollow praise, a well-meaning "I'm proud of you" goes a long way and reminds her that you're in her corner. A Taurus woman cannot stand games, which, to her, read as dishonest. If you like her, let her know. She hates text back-and-forths and prefers getting to the point.

If you're long distance, connect on the phone rather than by email or text, where meaning and messages can get lost.

Taurus and Pisces - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

Taurus women value honesty above all else, so don't say something just to be polite. A Taurus woman hates drama and will go out of her way to avoid it.

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But if a serious issue comes up, you may have to take the initiative to talk it through. Learning that drama isn't the same as a disagreement is an important distinction and lesson for Bulls.


A Taurus man may seem standoffish, but deep down, he truly wants to connect on an emotional level. The way to a Taurus man's heart is through practical, daily gestures; asking about his day or his favorite TV show means a lot.

A Taurus man thrives on routine; surprising him with a weekend trip is disorienting, and he would much rather be part of the planning.

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  • Taurus men don't withhold their emotions, contrary to what people may think, but they can take a while to open up. It's key that you don't have a timetable or pressure him. Just let conversations unfold.

    Before you share a story, share the point first because, while Taurus men love to listen, drama drives them off.


    So be wary about sharing details from an office feud unless you're asking for advice or want his opinion. A Taurus man hates lying and will hold a grudge if he learns that you've done so.

    Don't fake sick a Taurus man is likely to show up at your door with chicken soup. Just admit your mistake, schedule an alternative date, and move on. While they may be low-key, a Taurean is never boring. The trust you share will run so deep that you'll be able to access the parts of your identity you've been hiding even from yourself.

    Weekends with a Taurus are epic—even if you're just hanging out at home, the between-the-sheets sessions are out of this world, and the inside jokes that you share while watching your favorite TV shows will make you laugh forever. A Taurus is your anchor, your rock, and an amazing plus one for life.

    Low-key Taurus may not whisk you to Paris, but these everyday moves show you're a major part in their life.

    What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Taurus?

    Loyal Taurus doesn't like playing games, so if they stop returning your texts or don't answer the phone, it means there's a major problem.

    Taurus is notorious for keeping a schedule, so if they suddenly have last-minute meetings or events or they're cagey about plans, it could mean that they're not happy with the status quo and may be looking elsewhere.

    Virgo and Taurus Compatibility

    Pick up, move on, and get over it. Taureans don't wear their heart on their sleeve and may be back to dating just days after a breakup—even if it was a bad one. But that doesn't mean they don't care. Rather, the way Taurus deals with issues is through action, so getting back out there—even if they don't want to—feels like the best way for the Bull to move on.

    Maybe this isn't the smartest strategy, but that's a different story. Both partners enjoy luxury and nice things, and they share resources well. Their mutual interests make theirs a highly compatible relationship.

    Who's in your future? Ask a psychic now. I am a 7th generation born psychic, clairvoyant, medium. Games Taurus and Capricorn Love Compatibility. Year Get a Live Tarot Reading.