Eclipse february 26 astrology

  1. Solar Eclipse 26 February 2017 ~ Sacred Geometry
  2. All About Eclipses: A Guide for Coping with Them
  3. Mars enters Aries
  4. Mars enters Aries
  5. Solar Eclipse February ~ Sacred by Darkstar Astrology

In we had six, and there was one additional eclipse just ten days prior to the start of that year, so in effect, we had seven eclipses within a very short period of time. Years like that are hard, because they demand so many adjustments in a very tiny time period.

As you scroll down you will see specific points that you can keep in mind when dealing with eclipses. I have developed this list by watching them closely each year and keeping notes of what happened to people I know.

I love social media, especially Twitter, because we can all share our experiences, and my research can widen. Social media is public, so we can all learn from one another.

If you would like to share your experiences, you are welcome to come by and add your comments. I am on Twitter almost every day. If you feel you know the basics, skip down to the next section. Here I will speak about families of eclipses. Eclipses always arrive in pairs, coinciding with new moon and full moons, as solar and lunar eclipses, respectively.

They appear in a family of signs that are joined on the same axis. Said another way, eclipse families come in pairs of signs that are found exactly opposite each other six months apart on the horoscope wheel. For example, back in we had eclipses in the Pisces-Virgo family of signs. They included a solar new moon eclipse on March 20, in Pisces at 29 degrees, and later, a solar eclipse September 12 in Virgo at 20 degrees arrived.

Two eclipses in the Aries-Libra family dotted the year too, with a lunar eclipse in Libra on April 4, at 14 degrees, and lunar eclipse full moon September 27 Aries 5 degrees. As you see we have two families of eclipses going on during the same year, and sometimes that happens. In the same thing happened. Three eclipses in the Pisces-Virgo family of signs, including solar eclipses on March 8 in Pisces at 19 degrees, a solar new moon eclipse on September 1 at Virgo 9 degrees, and a lunar eclipse September 16 in Pisces.

Earlier in the year we have lunar full moon eclipse in Libra, on March 23, at 3 degrees and that one will finally concludes two years of Libra-Aries family of eclipses. By March 23, , the total number of eclipses that occurred in the Libra-Aries family will be six.

Solar Eclipse 26 February 2017 ~ Sacred Geometry

The Pisces-Virgo family will finish in February 26, with a total number of six eclipses as well, and in either case, that is enough to cause a transformation.

If you have planets that correspond to the mathematical degree of the eclipse in you natal chart, you will note the news of the eclipse in a dramatic way. You will see an eclipse works retrograde, starting with a high mathematical degree and working backward to early degrees. Most people do not feel every eclipse in a family of signs, only the ones touching planets, the Sun, moon, or ascendant in the natal chart.

Eclipses are powerful so you would not need to feel all of them. The randomness of the degrees ensures a wide number of people will feel them in their natal chart at some point. A family of signs will keep occurring in pairs, coinciding with new moons and full moons, every five and a half months for 18 to 24 months, until they are done.

At that point, your transformation will be complete. Once a family of signs is finished, it will not be back for about seven or eight years.

The years that hold eclipses in your sign or rising sign will be vital for you and trigger fascinating turning points, so if you are a Pisces, Virgo, Aries, or Libra, and will be landmark years for you. Back in , we saw a striking example of how two families of eclipses can overlap, with a solar eclipse in Gemini June 1, a lunar eclipse arriving two weeks later in Sagittarius on June 15, and a third — a solar eclipse — arriving in Cancer on July 1.

Three eclipses in a row are somewhat rare, each two weeks apart. The July 1, , eclipse marked the end of a two-year series in Cancer-Capricorn. That was a tough time, as we were all called to make many adjustments quickly. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon stands between the Sun and earth, cutting off the light of the Sun. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth stands between the moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the moon.

The moon has no light of her own, as she simply reflects the light of the Sun. Here the moon basically disappears.

A lunar eclipse is always a full moon and usually marks endings or culmination points. Any eclipse is a significant event in the heavens.

In truth, a solar eclipse is really a new moon on steroids and a lunar eclipse is a full moon on steroids — they have the strength of three new moons or full moons.

I have a lot of tips, so be sure to read all the points I have listed below. I start with the most interesting points to consider, but keep reading — I would like you to know them all. An eclipse can bring the sale or purchase of a house, a move to a new home across the country, the acquisition or loss of a family pet, surgery, or an important health development.

It might bring a college graduation, or the eclipse may mark the start of your course of study.

All About Eclipses: A Guide for Coping with Them

Eclipses sometimes bring on a divorce, a newly published book — you get the idea. Monumental events, meetings and partings, or changes within your career may also take place at an eclipse — they are dates we usually long remember. No matter what occurs, it will become evident that the universe is intent on moving you forward.

Eclipses often mark a major turning point. If nothing happens to you, it may be happening to friends and family around you, depending on the precise degrees of the planets in your chart. More about that much later. During an eclipse period, it is as though you will walk over a rickety old bridge. As you walk across this bridge, over a very deep, rugged, treacherous ravine, you may be a little nervous.

Once you make it to the other side, the bridge will collapse and you will see the pieces fall far into the deep, perhaps making you jittery. Once we go through an eclipse, we can never go back to the former situation again, for the universe wants us to make progress, not go back to good old days.

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That option is taken away, forever. The only way with an eclipse is forward. The changes could happen instantly, but they also can occur over a period of months with each successive eclipse.

Still, the news of those changes often comes as a shock. Solar eclipses tend to create new beginnings and bright new opportunities. Usually, they are exciting, are often very positive, and bring news out of the blue.

We always need to see the kind of conversations a moon or the Sun s having with the other planets to judge if the eclipse is completely friendly or not. Your own natal chart will matter too — I cannot see your natal chart from where I sit, so after you pass the eclipse, write a note on your calendar about what happened.

Lunar eclipses are more emotional, for they bring on final endings.

Mars enters Aries

They often make us aware of the passage of time, and make us sentimental. A full moon lunar eclipse is almost always an emotional time. Memories and dreams come up to the surface, and sometimes we feel sentimental.

Each eclipse in one family of signs will advance the discussion that the eclipse first brings up to a higher, more sophisticated level, and keep doing so, as each eclipse of that family arises until the matter is resolved. By then, you have evolved too. As said, however, only eclipses that are mathematically significant to your natal chart will affect you — not the ones that are too far away from touching planets in your chart.

Those may have only a very mild effect, or none at all. This is why you need to have your horoscope chart. I will always tell you the degrees and precise birthdays of the signs that will be affected by the eclipses.

There are other ways you might be affected, and I will cover those instances later in this chapter. I might be able to explain this idea more easily if I give you an example.

You have been good to your client, working hard for him for years. When you took him on, no one else would even meet with him, but you saw talent in this person, and although he was completely unknown at the time, you built him into a superstar.

His talent plus your hard work put him on top of the industry charts. Another agent has now come in to poach your artist and has offered him an attractive contract, one you could never match.

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  3. Table of Eclipse Dates from to - Susan Miller Astrology Zone.
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  6. Your competitor feels that by getting this artist, he will be able to get more name artists. This artist is your main source of income, and you have always been loyal to one another.

    You felt you both were happy. On the day of the eclipse, you receive an email in error. It is an email that you were not supposed to be copied on, but on that day, you received it. It reveals the secret talks your artist has been having with the other agent. Until the eclipse, you had no idea these talks have been going on behind your back.

    Honestly, because this is an eclipse, your efforts might be futile, as once an eclipse comes by, the results tend to be final. Of course, you should make an attempt — but make sure you make a dramatic move.

    Mercury enters Capricorn

    In this instance, you will have to fight fire with fire! As you see, outside events or actions of others that you did not know anything about and that were outside of your control can create forces of change on a massive scale in your own life.

    As a result, you may reassess your assumptions, your business strategy, and the way you conduct business. Maybe you will feel that you had too many eggs in one basket by allowing this one artist to account for such a large part of your income.

    Maybe you will feel you were too trusting or did not remain competitive enough. You probably will have to draw up a quick plan to attract other talent to your stable — eclipses often form a time of complete evaluation, for they have the power to change everything related to the area of your life that eclipse is emphasizing.

    It can be a big or small event that changes everything.

    Mars enters Aries

    Indeed, often at eclipse time an important piece of information is given to you accidentally. Still, no matter how the information comes to you, it can set off a chain of events that will force you to see things in a new light.

    Eclipses bring events that you assumed were months or years away right up to your front door now. Suddenly your marriage plans will change in an instant — and you and your fiance may quickly marry in your own country so that you can move to England to begin your new life together.

    Timetables change in a blink of an eye. There is always a feeling of life moving very rapidly — it is life on fast-forward, or great acceleration. Sometimes an event will make us sentimental at eclipse time, as we are very cognizant of the passage of time. Eclipses are brilliant illuminators, revealing a truth about a condition that you never in a million years knew existed.

    Once you are given the information, the news can act as a catalyst to a major decision or action you will take. Most often we are shocked or surprised by the information that comes to us, for the eclipse is one of the most dramatic tools the universe uses to get you to sit up, pay attention, and take action.

    Eclipses are always your friends, for they are there to help to protect you. A partial Solar Eclipse occurs on January 5, , at 15 degrees and 25 minutes of Capricorn , affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 10 to 20 degrees of the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn most significantly.

    February 26 2017, New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces – A Spiritual Perspective

    A Lunar Eclipse occurs on January 21, , at 0 degrees and 52 minutes of Leo , opposing the Sun at 0 degrees and 52 minutes of Aquarius, and affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 26 to 30 degrees of the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn and 0 to 6 degrees of the Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius most significantly.

    A Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2, , at 10 degrees and 38 minutes of Cancer , affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 6 to 16 degrees of the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn most significantly.

    A Solar Eclipse occurs on December 26, , at 4 degrees and 7 minutes of Capricorn , affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 0 to 8 degrees of the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn most significantly.

    Solar Eclipse February ~ Sacred by Darkstar Astrology

    The Astrology of — Overview. Jupiter in Sagittarius Faith, optimism, and a yearning to explore all kinds of new horizons: Travel, education, and other ways to stretch your horizons open new doors of opportunity.

    Religious, philosophical, and cultural matters are likely to have special appeal for you now; transmitting ideas on a broader scale brings gain. Creating a structure to empower and maintain your ideals and principles becomes a high priority, an article of faith. By taking on greater responsibilities of this kind, you become an inspiration to others.

    Ambition unlimited always ends in defeat. Saturn in Capricorn Responsibility, hard work, ambition, and achievement: Any judgement is application of the past, to the exclusion of future potential. If I pause and inhale new potential, the outcome changes for the better.

    We ought to be angry at the world we have created. It will stir us toward positive change. I have very emotional and at the end of my tether today, with a relationship that despite love is not working I feel lonely and unloved today I had to end it and am in emotional turmoil.

    Diane, know that you are doing what is right for your soul. The new beginning spurred by letting go of what no longer serves you will prove to be well worth the suffering you endure today. A much brighter future awaits! Diane, heart goes out to you today. Keep an open heart, an open spirit, and most importantly guard your soul.

    1. All About Eclipses: A Guide for Coping with Them - Susan Miller Astrology Zone.
    2. Solar Eclipse February 2017 ~ Aspects.
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    5. numerology birthday number 3?
    6. And remember peace love and light is always around if you allow it in. This energy is over the top for me.. What was it about Friday? A shocking course correction here too that seems too much to handle. How does one determine what house the eclipse deals with within their birth chart? I have some ideas of what this might mean for me but am interested in learning how to interpret what house the eclipse falls in, as Simone butler describes in her contribution to this article.

      I thank goodness for the new coming of age in me that the new moon will bring. May I ask you to clarify this paragraph please. Do you mean that we can no longer pretend that differencea between who we are and who another is do not exist? My birthday was the 26th. Are the powers of the moon even stronger if it falls on ones birthday?

      So on point, shocked to find my feelings described here so accurately and the reason for the surge of anxiety … been dealing with a bug decision — what my heart wants but my head was holding me back.