February 2019 taurus love horoscope

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  1. Taurus 2019 Horoscope
  2. Horoscope for February 2019 for Taurus
  3. Taurus February Monthly Horoscope Predictions | jakubzidek.cz
  4. Star articles

This is why, it is possible for the natives, at least in the second part of the year, to feel tired, sometimes stressed or to suffer episodes of low self-esteem. All these moods are not long lasting and it is important to avoid them, by not neglecting your rest time and, at the same time, by finding relaxation methods that you could follow more often.

The digestive system, the bone system and especially the ankles are more sensitized this year.

Taurus 2019 Horoscope

It is possible to even change your diet, and any healthy choice you make during this year will not be without results. Up until May 21, there is a continuous risk of accidents in the head area, which may occur as a result of an accumulation of stagnant nervous energy.

The danger persists in more diminished form until July The advantage is that you can benefit from a strong energy coming from Mars, which will help you make effort without getting tired.

However, it is advisable to avoid the consumption of foods or substances that might lead to high blood pressure.

Horoscope for February 2019 for Taurus

Sharp, but fleeting headaches might occur mid-July. Although the digestive system is sensible, during this week you are not going to experiment anything unpleasant at this level.

January 21, Full Moon in Leo: February 18, Sun enters the Pisces zodiac sign: March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: March , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: April 10 — August 11, Jupiter retrograde: When Jupiter is retrograde, you will revise their vision about life, ideals and faith.

April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: April 24 — October 3, Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn: Mai 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: June 21 Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: July 23 Total Sun Eclipse: July Partial Moon Eclipse: August 12 Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus: July 8 in Leo zodiac sign — August 1 in Cancer zodiac sign Mercury retrograde in September 23, Sun enters Libra: In the following 3 months, you will achieve success at the workplace, those who were against their ideas are now admitting they have underestimated them.

Taurus February Monthly Horoscope Predictions | jakubzidek.cz

Health during this period is well sustained; should problems occur, they are consequences of too much stress and assuming too many obligations. April 30 — September 19 Saturn retrograde in Capricorn: April 24 — October 3 Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn: November 27 Neptune returns to its direct trajectory in Pisces: Those who wish to relocate have the possibility to fulfill their dream during the fall.

According to the monthly horoscopes for Taurus , your family may face some problems at the beginning of the month but as the month progresses everything will go back to normal since you will find a way to calm people down and bring back joy and peace in the home.

Taurus children will exhibit a high sense of discipline and assistance around the home. As per the Taurus February health horoscope , your health this month will be good overall.

Taurus January, February and March 2019 Astrology Horoscope

You are a bull hence you exhibit strength and vitality. Minor illnesses do not threaten you, but you have to be careful and put the same at bay since they can cause some serious problems if they attack you.

The February horoscope for taurus foretells that you will achieve professional development with the help of people around you, that is, family and friends.

You will accept any challenges that come with the work you do since you are not a quitter. Free Food Astrology Reading Name: January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Based on the sun sign dates , Taurus financial prospects will be great this month.

You are wise when it comes to saving and with the help of your family you are destined to achieve massive financial success. But, it's after the 3rd than Venus will turn up its charm and your seductive powers while offering you wonderful moments with your partner or the chance to meet great, romantic people if you are single.

On the 19th, the full moon will be all about regaining your rigor, making wise, intuitive decisions, and inspired work. Mars arriving in your sign from the 14th on will, above all, boost your vital powers, resistance, and health.

Star articles

You will be capable of throwing yourself into new construction projects that are in agreement with your aspirations and abilities. Your exceptional lucidity will help you make decisive choices for your future. Your love-life will take a more sensual turn Venus will join up with Saturn, and then with Pluto, in Capricorn on the 2nd.

This the sign that strengthens any and all relations that have been around the block a bit and serious commitments, whether in love, friendship, or business.