- The Meaning of 11:11 Deepens
- Numerology: For those born on the 11th, 20th, 29th of any month - Michele Knight
- 1111 Meaning – What Does Angel Number 11:11 Mean?
If you are born on the 29 th of any month you have come in on an incredible soul-learning curve and coping with the unexpected is all part of that.
Do not allow yourself to dwell on the past or on fears and insecurities even though people, especially partners of both a romantic and business nature, may disappoint you.
You will find your later years are more rewarding than the other ones in personal relationships and if you have learned from your past, true and lasting love and happiness with then be yours.
If you can open your mind to the concept, consider that everything that happens to you in this life is a result of actions in a past one and things may start to make a lot more sense at that point.
You will be helped if you read as much as you can about reincarnation and karma. You are usually gifted and have talent but success may elude you again until later life due to you underestimating your abilities and allowing others to undermine your ideas.
Once you learn to defend your ideas and stick to them, success will be yours. Yours is also a number which may have to face a natural disaster such as flood, fire, earthquake, storms or even a man-made one such as war. If you are faced with circumstances such as these you must understand you must fight for your survival and not succumb as this is about developing your inner strength.
If you face challenges in your early years please do not think this is the way your life is always going to be. Remember, the storm clouds eventually blow away to reveal the Sun again just as the first part of your life will give way to a better future. Very interesting article, but with respect, a little frightening too as no matter how hard one has to fight to succeed, we do live in a society where justice just does not prevail.
Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th day of any month your numerology life path is a 2. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http: Did you love this page? Share it with your friends!
Terms and conditions apply Credit card readings: Loads of psychic tarot readings available FREE online. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. The secret destiny behind your birthday if you are born on the 12th, 21st or 30th read more. Newsletter keep up to date with the latest offers and information from Michele New!
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He was born on My husband is now seeing I began seeing this now for years, at least 3 or more. I continue to see it, whether it is on the clock or other places.
All over the place. I am Cherokee indian and white mix. The bear is my spiritual guide, I would like to know what this means for me. I will pay more attention to where I am and what I am doing, ect. Keep a record of all of this and see if this gives me more insite on why I continue seeing it.
Thanks for the info. Since my mum died allways I will look at the time in kitchen on my heating thermasta or on sky menu for time or my phone also my daughter who lives with her own family will call and say guess what time it is on all ovations it has been Ect as busy at time I knew I had to read later further into this but could not find it.
It has played on my mind so I went to google it tonight I swear guess wat time it was when I enterd Google …… I am in pure shock….. My brother passed away almost 3 years ago from brain cancer at age I started a job a year ago, and I started to notice that the calculator under my computer monitor would have numbers on it when I come to work in the morning.
I have been logging the numbers since January 24th. I would like to know what these numbers mean. I also have experienced my tv shutting off randomly and one time my garage door opened by itself!
I miss him terribly! Not only have I seen If you add up my birthday it comes out to 8. I would really like to know what it means. I also see 4: Any answers would be appreciated. I was here looking up the meaning of Ok, where do I start?
I swear in my peripheral vision I am seeing a white but see through shape of an angel. I have been so curious of the meaning of these numbers I started studying numerology.
I understand overall how it works, but have not come to any conclusions. I feel like its a warning but I dont know to what. I want to figure this out so bad..
I do feel a connection to the numbers , its very spooky and never really understood what it means and why. As I look back in reflection and doing some research on the numbers I can finally begin to come to grips with the reasoning behind the Since then I started seeing , never thinking twice about it but it kept continuing and so I went online and researched it and what I found out is very eery.
I discovered the young lady was born 11 month, I feel her around me even though I never knew her but I have this oncanny connection to her, as I drive by the accident seen I say a prayer for her and touch my angle medalion I have on my visor. Each time I see the numbers I immediately think of her.
I believe she is guiding me and watching over me and telling me she is alright and believe she is telling me to go on with my life, which has been extremely hard as I have had a terrible time dealing with her death, even though I was not at fault I still felt guilt.
She was so beautiful and on her way to a great life before this tragic accident took her life. I am finding peace with it now and now knowing what these numbers mean, its making more sense to me. I think and pray for her each and everyday. Melanie, My Birthday is and I was born at What does this mean.
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- Numerology: Secrets of your Birthday - 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th: Number 2 Life Path - Michele Knight.
I have been told many things. I love numbers,,,,they are everywhere. I see love ones in nubers,,such as birthdays, 12 as in December 31 as in the day of birth, 7 as in July, 58 as in year July I see numbers ALOT!! My father passed away on June 11th at This number also appears to me on clocks many times. It is always showing up in my life.
I always see I was just wondering is this a good sign or no? Jonathan was born on Veterans Day. Recently they were shot to death on May 3rd with another fellow Christian.
I thanked God that night for my family and for my Grandchildren, and In laws a few hours before the shooting, that He would hold them close, protect them, keep them safe, and my family would grow and mature and continue to love and serve Him. Now looking back I should of been praying on the 11th hour in a different way. God is in complete control and allows man to a free will, even though a man or a woman is selfish, sick with mental disease, or what religion you or whatever you do not believe, we need to be right with God our LORD who is the Christ our Savior!
The Holy Bible is full of number sequences and what God said will happen, happens and is still is to come. He gives Eternal life to those who believe.
When God sent a part of himself to earth I am sure that he grieved. It is a little bit freaky at times, other times it feels comforting … like the warming feeling you get when in the presence of a loved one or under the protection of an angel or a higher energy.
Other times when I am idling,procrastinating and consumed with self-doubt, it feels intrusive as if someone is watching me wasting my time away.
There are times that I wish it would go away or else …or just let me know clearly what its intentions are. Regardless of how I feel about its apparitions, the fact is: I have thought about what it means for me at different times.
Wake up, relax, have fun! Never really knew why, I just do. Somebody once told me that it represents living life to the fullest. Thank you for this article. Comment In each and every second I have the experience of syncronisity.. My birth day is 11, and the 11 it show it self for years lately Now I am more aware of it but still could not figure out what is it trying to tell me.
Things are kind of tough on me right now due to some relationship problems and it affected my business as well.
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- 11:11 Meaning~ The Synchronistic Meaning Behind This Master Number Sequence.
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However, there are a number of very good opportunities lately which I did not practically tried to seek which I know will increase my business. This stops me from dwelling into negative thoughts. Can you give me some insights, please. My has been going on for years. At first is was seeing it on the clock several times a week, then I would see it where ever I go,Chicago,Kansas Atlanta, Houston,and now los Angeles.
Several times my roommate woke me and I would ask him the time, I could go on and.
The Meaning of 11:11 Deepens
Everytime Im in difficult situations, i always see First time in my life I saw So it must be telling me to calm down. I saw 11 11 for the first time tonight.
When i googled it, i found this website. When i looked at the todays date it just happens to be november 11th or 11 I frequently see this number If your waking up at night what are you dreaming about?
I can only tell you from my own personal experience that it will be something positive! I kept seeing the number Listen to the message that comes shortly afterwards mines was to find my birth sister!!!
Lately I have been seeing, 6 everywhere. I order KFC and it totals 6. I am surround by 6s in my dreams last night i dreamed my son had 6s tatooed behind his ear. Its really freking me out what does all this mean. When you had connected or an angel follow you,you will see visions by angel want show to you in many ways.
My Father recently crossed over 23 August Prior to his death and since then I am surronded by 11, 22, I see mainly double digits or mirrored like I am experiencing this since last ten years, but I saw almost all the numbers Therefore I am ignoring to see watch with digital no. I searched therough the net, but today I found the similar thing.
I am happy that I am not alone. Like you I also study Numerlogy. So cool to know that Angels are starting to talk to me.
I am facing I wondered what kind of omen is this.. Sometimes it frightened me.. I dont know what to do.. Sometimes,I am just sitting,doing nothing,unlock my phone without any purpose,and see this I am still confused what it signifies. Most of the time it on buildings and billboards now im starting to it when i sleep.
However, it IS odd that It began about 17 years ago. The number 11 is now a constant. As of late I see My husband and I both will yell out when we catch the number Now my daughter who is 31 is catching it as well. I see no correlation with these numbers at all. But my mind has been open for a very long time. I have seen it for 3 years now, including other number sequences after that.
Most of the Web sites say the same thing, so I am just kind of going with that… that they are angel numbers and meditating on it.
I also keep seeing the numbers 11 On our microwave whitch time isnt even right on my phone and on my watch and the weirdest of all when I wake up in the nigcht and see Thank You so much i love You for share this secret with us!!!!
I prayed last night to God and Archangles Gabriel and Raziel to have a clear communication with God and when I opened my facebook now, I read your message and I am not aware about number. When I saw I am a widowed for one 1 year and I have friend from India thru sykpe and I have always question in my mind if he is true and sincere to me.
He told me that my picture was pop up only on his laptop that is why he contacted me. We have friend for 7 months already. His birthday is Do you think it is related to my life?
From I went thru It started off mild enough. I would see Then it picked up. As the number picked up so did the feeling of being synched to information.
Math, Science, The Universe and the lists goes on. It was like I was more hungry for knowledge…. I have been seeing in everything since about This number shows up in any and everything. It will be out of order or have a 0. Lately on 3 very specific times it has been showing up as When it is revealed as , something very specific to my love life has been going on.
I see 9 as an ending and 1 as a beginning. So it makes total since, to me that you would see this when specific events happen in your relationship. I know… I was there for quite a while. I take it light heartedly and see it as a sign from above.
I would suggest meditating on it. It was not easy sometime sometime it is beautiful to now lot of things happening. Hi, I am seeing everyday for over a year any number before 11 every time I look at the clock, stove, cell phone and microwave.
Can you please, please tell me what this means? Ok what does this number 11 mean? Well all my angles please keep me protect and bless me with health strength wealth love and motivation. Keep all gossip negative evil jealous energy away. Thank you for the great read. Today I started shifting to another place and my pedometer in my car read the number 2 5 times in a row.
I really enjoyed this post. For the past few days, I have been seeing I have never once came across this before until this weekend.
I think the angels want me to be more aware as you mentioned in the article. I also think the angels have a sense of humor to have this appear on a coffee pot, since it sounds like the message is for me to wake up!
Coffee is what I go to first thing in the morning to wake up! Thanks for this, I always tend to see The last time I saw my father alive was on: I find comfort in knowing a higher being is responsible for this.
It has only been happening to me this year. Please help me tap into whatever it is. Recently my division at work shut down. I was holding down two jobs. Both in the music industry.
The same day the division closed down, my boss sent me a message at I never took any notice of it. But I have been asking the Angels for guidance as I want to do the same business on my own. Now I read this and it seems to be confirmation to my thoughts abt my new venture. Sends shivers down my back. I started noticing often times when I looked at a clock I was seeing This have been ongoing over the past couple of months.
He passed away in October. I always heard that people receive some sort of contact from the other side in different ways for example finding nickels or butterflies etc. I on the other hand am still trying to seek my connection and question life after death and if it exists.
I believe in god but am not religious. I am questioning my fate and views on life everlasting. I had a serious car accident April 25, which resulted in traumatic brain injury.
I had been a musician for over fifty years as a teacher, composer, accomplished pianist and singer. After the accident all of my music sense went away. I struggled for months and months trying to reconnect what had been broken and taken away from me. I used to be able to completely orchestrate in my minds ear, all of the orchestration for any song.
But then, I could hear it no more. Starting in , I begin to see numbers such as I passed it off as just a coincidence until recently when my music begin to come back.
I begin to hear with my musical ear again and feel the music slowly moving back in to my being. The common occurance of the I have 2 children born in different years, and months both born on the 11th, which is also my Mums birthday too, I always wondered if there was a connection.
My father died at What is the significance of that? He was a very special man.
Numerology: For those born on the 11th, 20th, 29th of any month - Michele Knight
Yes the numbers do have great significance to those who wish to maintain an open mind when it comes to a higher realm in our spiritual growth. I have for many years seen The 1st tends to appear for me anyway after I have had some deeper thoughts on an issue which later the number always comes up.
I take it as a positive answer from my Angels. The other time I see the number again the same This could be a vision that can come in many ways: Hi Melanie, I have been seeing I have been doin alot of asking My Angels for answers concerning if my soul mate will reunite with me, could this be the reason I keep seeing these numbers?
Thank u for them. I very much hope I get a response from u. I have often in the past seen numbers in palindrome patters on dates and cheques or else where. I have experienced a dog appearing and vanishing from nowhere when I felt very lonely and an old man with a hat and walking stick and a dog recently in the same manner.
Often I see numbers which repeat. Can you suggest me what it means? Hi I have been seeing since my brother took his life 13 years ago. My Father took sick and passed away almost 3 months ago. My Father time of death was in the morning. Do you know what that means? I lost a son in , he was shot to death.
Even tho there was several meanings.
1111 Meaning – What Does Angel Number 11:11 Mean?
One really set me off. It said that an angel is trying to contact me. I started to cry, and my ex, was freaking out, cuz a minute before this…I was laughing, and having a great time. Now…even tho he is my ex…we are still friends. One of my 3 daughters sees it now too… Maybe, u can help me to understand this.
What actually brought me to your page, I saw 11 11 twice before noon today. I had a talk with my grandmother before she dies and told her to give me a sign she was ok. He commited suicide 30 years ago. Not sure where rhe and come into play. I do feel my angel guides are with me as well as my loved ones who have passed on.
I was born on Lastly we when performing group tasks, I most often pick the number 11,. Hi, I have seen in many forms since It was great when I learned other people see it too. But knowing why is still a mystery. Eu sou brasileiro e tenho 45 anos. Thanks for the explanations. That happens to me a long time I see it every day.
I wish I could read your web in Spanish …. On clock, to me apair maybe for ten time per day the numbers: Please, what does it mean? Often when I am watching tv at night I look at the clock at Sometimes if I am watching a recording, I will check the time remaining and the I am trying to understand what it means.
I see very often. I used to think it meant my Dad was near. He has been gone 40 years. Now I believe it is also my husband, Walter, who died from cancer 18 months ago. I even talk to them at those times. So true I do Angel healings all time see that number all time I help so many people out there prayers are coming true always helping them I am even reading a book about about my website and what happened to me and what kind of gift.
I have i wish more people will understand thanks for sharing Fabio. I always see ll in time ll: It is amazing A lot of time this is apearing and I start having excelent affirmation experiences Thanks for all information.
MMy son was born at We were talking just the other day how often we both keep seeing For the person seeing numbers all the time etc, I also had this.
For me my life was falling apart and I was surrounded by abuses and deceptions that I was trying to shove under the rug and ignore.
I left an abusive partner who was trying to blackmail me for money, denying me access to my child, had found out my mother had committed fraud on my fathers inheritance and was dating someone who I found out was cheating and lying to me. During this time and I was in denial and refused to say anything and just tried to suppress all my feelings.
I ended up in and out of hospital due to the stress I was under. This whole time, I was waking in the night at , , etc. I was also seeing a lot too which, kind of got me to really pay attention. I began to leave those relationships behind and focus on spirituality more, which all the drama had been keeping me hyper-focused on trying to cope with it all.
This is not to scare people and not necessarily negative, but it is a wake up call that calls the person receiving the call into spiritual service. This idea comes from the bible and prophecy much like the idea of rapture and ascension.
The 11th hour is the time where Earth is at a crux and a choice needs to be made. It is the last hour to make a decision. The fact it is If you see Even in Matthew it states it is not a time of idleness, there is work to be done.
So probably why people start seeing The problem is people attach it to worldly pursuits, materialism, greed etc and this turns the 11 vibration upside down and they start seeing it as validation for the service to the self instead of to the One or the whole.
This is why spiritual people might see The 1 energy is the magician. Upright, the magician uses his magic for good and births good creations. In the negative the magician is self-serving, manipulative and the con artist or used car salesman mentality. Which this energy we are being called to overcome within the world.
The 4 vibration all the numbers adding to 4 is about grounding or lack of it. Which all the 1 energy, if used for too many projects can be scattering or cause burn out. So, again note whether in the greater world or in your environment power is being used constructively or being abused.
But, if you want to see If you are motivated to answer the call, however, you can be part of the 11th hour workers at a time they are most needed on Earth. Normally I focus on what I am intending to manifest. I will continue to do that and now I will be sure to pause and meditate for any messages for me.
My grandmother and I were very very close. She was everything good in my childhood and my happiest memories were with her. She always told me this. When she passed I had spent 8 days by her side caring for her I lived 2 states away. After she passed I was devastated and I would look at the clock at This happened about everyday or twice a day for a long time.
I called my little sister who was raised by my grandma they were extremely close , she lives in a different time zone. She said she was seeing After about a year I started to put the connection together that she wanted me to make sure my sister was safe and cared for and for my sister to always let me know how special I was to my Gram I was just 1 of 46 grandchildren.
Also, when I am just thinking of my Gram or missing her, she appears at To me and my sister, We never saw it until she passed. My mother suddenly passed away at the young age of She loved ladybugs and since her death 20 years ago, we see ladybugs at just the right time I saw one in a blizzard one time. The other night was a very hard night and I was wondering what to do about a situation.
I was walking down the stairs and saw a ladybug…I had my answer! I have a very strong faith in God and know that he is above all. He is who I get all my strength from and I feel blessed that I know my loved ones are safe and happy.
I started seeing this number and I would always tell my family to make a wish! I went on Internet and searched for consecutive numbers and lo and behold, I was graced to be guided to this Angel site and very, very excited to keep learning from you. I also had an intuitive urgency out of nowhere yesterday when I was giving my husband a haircut.
I felt the need to check on my 3 yr old so I did. He was fine but when I checked for my 10 yr old, he and cousin were lighting grass on fire! I was amazed I had divine intervention and that I was able to grasp it! It was an amazing feeling! I look forward to discovering more about my Angel Guides!
Glad to have answers to many questions! It gives me such warm, knowing feeling. I know there is a message for me and I need to figure it out. I have my own little flat I work as a massage therapist and Gina practically lives in my place which I love.
She often comes to me at night to keep an eye on me. I am extremely attached to her. My surname also adds up to About the Author Melanie Beckler Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of www. Crissy mohr says October 21, As i was reading this.. Wendy says October 17, I see And the other died on , go figure Reply.
Wayne macpherson says October 3, I wake up and see it on my clock. Please send me more numbers of meaning that I am very excited to learn Reply. Erika says August 23, Ayanna, I believe the universe is clearing out the path for you. Anne says August 12, I have known about those numbers for some time now, and seen them a lot , but the way you convey the explanation is so intense and touching!
Thanks so much for enlighten me to be more aware and to pay close attention. Annette says July 30, Sorry Guys but the letter always appears for me I feel an attachment to that number Reply. Nicole says July 23, Thank you for sharing your enlightening knowledge. Melanie Beckler says July 25, Awesome! Powerful family of lightworkers you have there!
Frank says December 20, You are beautiful. Judy says July 15, For years Did this post help bring clarity about the meaning for you? Lila says July 15, I was talking about my step father who passed 9 years ago the other day to my bf. Christopher Dickson says June 2, Melanie Beckler says July 25, So awesome… And yes!
Being awake and on track is the most wonderful feeling! Amy says May 22, For the past years, I have noticed either , or or just 1: Herbert Nunziato says May 20, Happy day to you and your friends. Ivan Mon Panes says May 2, Way back 4 years ago, I was highly attached to online games specifically league of legends to the point that I almost sacrificed huge part of myself as a devotion to the game.
Al says April 13, Ive been seeing for years and only no other codes or anything else over the last 6 months its become more iften but over the last month its everyday and somtimes more than once a day this is now driving me mad i see it everywhere clocks phones radio books tv car reg plates absolutely anywhere i dont know what to do about this it started about 6 years ago Reply.
Susan says February 23, Thank you so much. John Proctor says February 12, I started out noticing Nicola Levesconte says February 6, For at lest 9months more i constantly see Catherine O'Sullivan says October 19, I have been seeing these numbers for years.
Tom Raphael says October 9, I seen the signs before alot and know of them and now they are back when reading this article it seemed as an angel was tuning in. Ivana says September 30, I saw many times repeated numbers.
Elizabeth Davis says September 17, I have been seeing Joe F says August 28, Thank you so much! Helena says August 26, Hello Thank you for your amazing information I often see Cindy McGhie says August 5, I see Tammy Wolfe says July 21, I had a friend send me here.
Eric Richards says July 12, I have been seeing 4: Saleh rayan says May 7, I saw this after a very hard exam I hope it means good grades. Jo says May 4, Hi, Melanie.. Thank you for your information and for sharing your insights and resources with us. Viliam says March 27, Thank you. Mahmoud Rashad says March 12, I see this number more in clock and chat and on my phone Reply.
Lebogang says February 26, Hi,the only way to raise your vibration is a simple way actually, like this post say,clear your heart open it,clear your mind open it,let your light shine as bright like the sun,and let that light expand more and more,but first,when your clear your heart and mind breath in first heavily and to slow breathing,then start to clear and open up,from there ull start feeling your vibrations, expand the light and set yourself inline with your guides,ascended masters,your angels, as you do this exercise remember to thank them for the signs,for guidance, for being there,for the protection ,ask them to reveal what you need to do,remember patience is of outmost virtue,men with no patience stumbles in blocks made of frustration… Good luck from lebogang seatlholo Reply.
Tyrone Edwards says May 23, Take it one day at a time, stay in the present. Christopher says February 17, Im always seeing them all;whenever i look at the clock,i see mirror image number Drashti says February 13, Hi, i have seen Monica says February 11, Thank you so much for the video!
Melanie Beckler says February 11, You were perfectly understood, Monica thanks for commenting! Issa says March 29, Oh my God! John Bosco Zielley says February 3, Thank you so much for your guidance. Melanie Beckler says February 4, So glad to hear this was helpful for you! Carmela says February 2, Thank you for your guidance. With the deepest love and gratitude.
Melanie Beckler says February 4, Yes! An open mind and soul is definitely key…. Thanks for commenting my friend! Zaynah says February 1, Amen Thank you Melanie. God bless xx Reply. Brianns says February 1, Hi, thank you Ms. So glad to hear this Melanie Beckler says February 4, Thank you Sharon!
Lesley says February 1, Thank you for the wonderful message about Melanie. Melanie Beckler says February 1, Thank you Lesley!
This is very interesting… Reply. Melanie Beckler says February 4, So many signs and synchronicity! Pamela says January 6, I see Jon says January 5, I see all the time.
Peace and love to all Reply. Justina Comp says January 3, My boyfriend passed away in October. Arlene Calderon says January 2, Amen Reply. Zoe says December 10, Wow I saw and the message next to the numbers was missyou. Armaan says December 9, Thoughts manifest into reality. Bea says November 15, Oh I forgot to add my grandson arrived a little early he was due until December Reply.
Bea says November 15, My mother passed away this past September. Terri Coats says November 11, I always see curious what that might mean. Anup George says October 30, I have be seen almost all the special combination of numbers for quite some years now.
Grace Angeles says September 28, is my birthday. Melanie Beckler says November 10, Why does it concern you? Cpete says September 12, Ive only seen But are the numbers I see all the time Reply.
Robin says August 13, I have been seing both Patty says August 27, The same has been happening to me every day for the past couple of weeks! Karen says June 16, I was just looking up what the meaning of seeing Anna says May 22, Hi I keep seeing the number 11 11 non stop especially on a clock what does this mean I have been seeing this number since my dad passed away in I wish new what this means Reply.
Julie says August 25, For many years the number would be on the clock as I looked but my caller I. Gloria Crowl says May 21, Several months ago I started noticing Denice Williams says April 29, I began seeing this now for years, at least 3 or more.